300-11 Discrimination, Harassment, and other Prohibited Conduct Flashcards
The Houston Police Department shall maintain a model workplace free from discrimination based on the protected categories listed in this General Order and free from…
sexual harassment, retaliation, and other prohibited conduct
To achieve this model work environment the Houston Police Department prohibits unlawful discrimination specifically including, but not limited to,…
The department also prohibits _____ among its employees and other workplace misconduct as described in this General Order.
Such aforementioned behavior and/or employee behavior that otherwise impairs the maintenance of a _____ is expressly prohibited and shall not be tolerated.
1) disparate treatment and workplace harassment including gender based harassment.
2) sexual harassment and retaliation
3) professional and dignified work environment
Some requirements and prohibitions listed in this General Order exceed what is required by law.
The department’s policy is to prevent precursory conduct from occurring before it…
becomes severe or pervasive as to harm employees, interfere with effective management, or violate the law.
This General Order governs employee conduct during…
This General Order also governs employee conduct in all City workplaces and vehicles, during business travel, and in any other location where City business is conducted, regardless of whether the property is owned or leased by the City.
Off-duty conduct may violate this General Order if…
The department and its employees shall…
1) working hours or during an off-duty, work-related social or recreational activity.
2) the subject matter or purpose of the conduct is not work-related and adversely impacts working relationships or the work environment.
3) take immediate and appropriate action to address violations of this order.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Unit.
The departmental unit overseeing the Employee Relations Section (ERS) section.
The Central Intake Office of the Internal Affairs Division.
Class I Violations.
Actions that are more than mere offensive utterances or displays of discriminatory or sexually suggestive materials.
Class II violations involving aggravating factors (e.g., supervisory status of the respondent over the complainant or a previous sustained disparate treatment, workplace harassment, sexual harassment, or retaliation complaint) shall be sent as Class I violations to Internal Affairs Division for formal investigation.
Class II Violations.
Actions that are only offensive utterances or displays of discriminatory or sexually provocative material and are eligible for informal resolution.
The person making a complaint of prohibited conduct as defined by this General Order.
The complainant may also be a third party who witnesses such conduct.
ADR refers to the complainant as the initiating party.
Employee Relations Section (ERS).
The section of the ADR Unit that has the primary responsibility for immediately determining, initiating, and creating a shielding plan for employees reporting prohibited conduct.
Family or Family Member.
Individuals who are related by blood or marriage, former spouses, or biological parents of the same child without regard to marriage. Family also includes foster children and foster parents regardless of residency. Family members may also include spouses, parents, grandparents, children, siblings, aunts, uncles, nephews, nieces, adopted children, cousins, and current in-laws.
Gender Based Harassment.
Discrimination or workplace harassment that is not necessarily sexual in nature, but is based on the gender or the gender identity of the employee.
Gender Identity.
An individual’s innate identification as either male or female, although it may
not correspond to the individual’s body or gender as assigned at birth.
Genetic Information.
Information about an individual’s genetic tests or the genetic tests of an individual’s family members, or information about any disease, disorder, or condition of an individual’s family members (e.g., an individual’s family medical history).
Prohibited Conduct.
Disparate treatment, workplace harassment, sexual harassment, retaliation, and other prohibited workplace conduct as defined or described in this General Order.
Protected Categories.
Specific categories listed in section 1 of this General Order.
These categories are based on Title VII Civil Rights Act (1964), Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) (1967), Title I Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (1990), the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), including applicable amendments to such acts, and department policy.
The person or persons reported as the offender in a prohibited conduct complaint.
Severe or Pervasive Conduct.
In assessing whether conduct is sufficiently severe or pervasive, the department shall take into consideration the totality of circumstances including, but not limited to:
a. The frequency of the conduct.
b. The severity of the conduct.
c. Whether the conduct is physically threatening, humiliating, or merely an offensive utterance.
d. Whether the conduct interferes with an employee’s work performance.
Under the totality of circumstances, a single incident, if sufficiently severe, could be in violation of this General Order, as could a continuous or frequent pattern of much less severe incidents.
An employee who reports, directly or indirectly, to a supervisor.
For conduct to be considered discrimination (e.g., disparate treatment, workplace harassment), it must involve misconduct based on at least one of the following protected categories:
a. Race
b. Color
C. Gender and/or gender identity
d. National origin
e. Religion
f. Pregnancy
g. Age
h. Disability
i. Sexual orientation
j. Genetic information
Discrimination includes, but is not limited to, decisions regarding employment based on a protected category listed in section 1 and that adversely affects an employee’s…
Discrimination can manifest as disparate treatment and/or workplace harassment as described below based on a protected category.
pay, status, position, or assignment, including opportunities for overtime pay and advancement, and includes decisions regarding recruitment, appointment, compensation, promotion, discipline, demotion, transfers, layoff, recall, termination, and training opportunities.
Disparate Treatment
Disparate treatment is when an employee of a protected category is treated less favorably than others and such actions are motivated by a discriminatory intent or purpose for taking a job-related action. Disparate treatment takes place when all of the following occur:
The employee is a member of a _____ listed in section 1.
The employee is qualified for a _____. For example, the employee applied for an open position for which he was qualified, or the employee held a position that he was performing adequately.
The employee is denied the _____.
The benefit remains available or…
The employment action was motivated by a _____.
The employee is a member of a protected category listed in section 1.
The employee is qualified for a position or other job benefit. For example, the employee applied for an open position for which he was qualified, or the employee held a position that he was performing adequately.
The employee is denied the position or other job benefit.
The benefit remains available or was given to someone who is not in the employee’s protected category.
The employment action was motivated by a discriminatory intent or purpose.
Workplace Harassment
Workplace harassment is any demeaning, hostile, or offensive conduct. For conduct to be workplace harassment, all of the following must be true:
a. The conduct is based on _____
b. The conduct is _____.
c. The conduct is severe or pervasive enough to…
Workplace harassment may be in the form of words, images, deeds, or actions.
In cases alleging workplace harassment, all reasonable efforts shall be made to shield complainants, up to and including a voluntary transfer of assignments away from the respondent, if deemed necessary by _____
1) The conduct is based on a protected category.
2) The conduct is unwelcome.
3) The conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.
4) Alternative Dispute Resolution’s Employee Relations Section (ERS).
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to,…
unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome requests for sexual favors, or other unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, or unwelcome displays or distribution of sexually-oriented material.
For conduct to be sexually harassing, at least one of the following must be true:
Submission to such conduct is either an…
Submission to or rejection of the conduct by an employee is used as the…
The conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an…
The conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a…
In cases alleging sexual harassment, all reasonable efforts shall be made to shield complainants, up to and including…
1) explicit or implicit condition of employment.
2) basis for an employment decision affecting the employee.
3) employee’s work performance.
4) reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive.
5) a voluntary transfer of assignments away from the respondent.
The Houston Police Department forbids retaliation against anyone for…
reporting prohibited conduct, assisting in making a prohibited conduct complaint, cooperating in a prohibited conduct proceeding (e.g., investigation or lawsuit), or otherwise opposing conduct prohibited by this General Order.
Other prohibited workplace conduct is conduct that does not rise to the level of discrimination (e.g., disparate treatment, workplace harassment), sexual harassment, or retaliation as defined above but may…
The other prohibited workplace conduct outlined in this section does not require…
1) impair the maintenance of a professional and dignified work environment.
2) any employee to find the conduct unwelcome
Workplace Misconduct
The following examples, if deemed not to rise to the level of discrimination, sexual harassment, or retaliation as defined above, may constitute prohibited workplace conduct:
a. Sexually based…
b. Physical contact, including…
c. Sexually oriented communications regarding…
1) flirtations, advances, leering, whistling, or propositions.
2) touching, grabbing, pinching, or massaging
3) sexual history, sexual experience, or sexual desires.
Workplace Misconduct
The following examples, if deemed not to rise to the level of discrimination, sexual harassment, or retaliation as defined above, may constitute prohibited workplace conduct:
Threatening, either directly or indirectly, to…
Withholding employment opportunities from an employee because a supervisor has chosen to…
Conduct of a sexual nature that is inappropriate in a professional work environment. This includes either of the following:
- Conduct of a sexual nature that is _____ but does not meet the legal definition of sexual harassment.
- Conduct of a sexual nature that is consensual between two or more parties but…
1) retaliate against an employee who refuses to comply with or submit to a request of a sexual nature.
2) provide those opportunities to another employee with whom the supervisor is sexually involved
3) objectively offensive
4) is nonetheless inappropriate in a professional work environment
Workplace Misconduct
The following examples, if deemed not to rise to the level of discrimination, sexual harassment, or retaliation as defined above, may constitute prohibited workplace conduct:
Verbal conduct such as…
Nonverbal conduct of a sexual nature, including…
Graphic verbal comments about an…
Verbal conduct such as insults, jokes, names, epithets, statements, or stories that are lewd, demeaning, derogatory, or objectively offensive.
Nonverbal conduct of a sexual nature, including exposing oneself, touching oneself, or making sexual gestures.
Graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body, bodily function, sexual prowess, sexual deficiencies, or sexual orientation.
Workplace Misconduct
The following examples, if deemed not to rise to the level of discrimination, sexual harassment, or retaliation as defined above, may constitute prohibited workplace conduct:
Inappropriate conduct or comments consistently or frequently aimed at…
Displays in the workplace of written or graphic materials…
Examples include, but are not limited to, computer generated or transmitted documents such as email depicting any message or image derogatory or demeaning toward a protected category. This includes jokes, pictures, screen savers, or other similar publications.
Use of electronic equipment including, but not limited to, computer networks, cellular telephones, or copy machines to transmit or display…
Inappropriate conduct or comments consistently or frequently aimed at a person or group based on a protected category.
Displays in the workplace of written or graphic materials showing hostility or aversion towards or defamation of a protected category. Examples include, but are not limited to, computer generated or transmitted documents such as email depicting any message or image derogatory or demeaning toward a protected category. This includes jokes, pictures, screen savers, or other similar publications.
Use of electronic equipment including, but not limited to, computer networks, cellular telephones, or copy machines to transmit or display objectively offensive material of a sexual nature.
Workplace Misconduct
The following examples, if deemed not to rise to the level of discrimination, sexual harassment, or retaliation as defined above, may constitute prohibited workplace conduct:
Deliberately sabotaging _____ and/or deliberately withholding _____for an individual to perform his or her job.
Failure of an employee who _____ to report the conduct.
The above is not an ____ listing of all types of other prohibited workplace conduct that may be in violation of this General Order.
Deliberately sabotaging work areas or projects and/or deliberately withholding information or equipment necessary for an individual to perform his or her job.
Failure of an employee who witnesses disparate treatment, workplace harassment, sexual harassment, retaliation, or other prohibited workplace conduct to report the conduct.
1) exhaustive
All employees shall keep their relationships with one another on a professional level and shall not date or have intimate relationships with individuals to whom he or she reports, directly or indirectly, or to whom report, directly or indirectly, to him or her. For example:
An employee and supervisor who are assigned to the same division, office, or unit are prohibited from…
Assistant chiefs, executive assistant chiefs, and directors are prohibited from dating or having an intimate relationship with…
1) dating or having an intimate relationship
2) any employee who works in their command.
Employees should not ride together on patrol or work as partners within a divisional investigational unit with persons…
In addition to the above prohibitions, the department may take remedial or disciplinary action any time a prior consensual relationship between employees, even if not prohibited by this subsection, becomes…
1) with whom they are dating or have an intimate relationship.
2) unwelcome, adversely affects an employee’s work environment, or otherwise violates any other provision of this General Order.
Working with Family Members
Employees who hold the same rank and have a marital-type or other familial relationship with each other or share a residence are allowed to work at the same division or worksite. However, such employees are prohibited from…
riding together on patrol or working together as partners in a divisional investigative unit.
Working with Family Members
Employees who hold different ranks and have a marital-type or other familial relationship with each other or share a residence are prohibited from working in the same division or in the same chain of command unless there is no direct supervision and one of the following conditions exists:
Separation by at least ____.
Separation by_____
Separation by _____.
Only the _____ may approve an exception to this subsection, in writing.
1) three ranks
2) shift (i.e., days, evenings, or nights).
3) worksite (i.e., different HPD facilities)
4) Chief of Police
All cases of prohibited conduct shall be handled immediately and with sensitivity to…
protect the interests of all parties involved.
Employees, regardless of rank, who have specific information related to prohibited conduct shall keep this information confidential except when…
Even when required to reveal information related to such issues, employees shall…
1) indicated otherwise by the General Orders, related Circulars, management necessity, or applicable laws
2) maintain the confidentiality of the allegations to the fullest extent possible
However, employees should be aware that confidentiality does not mean that incidents of prohibited conduct discussed with supervisors will not be reported. If employees notify supervisors regarding such issues, the supervisors shall…
Confidentiality does not relieve supervisors of…
1) report the incidents as directed in this General Order.
2) the duty to report prohibited conduct.
The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Unit, Employee Relations Section (ERS) facilitator may appropriately discuss limited aspects of ERS cases when…
For example, if the ERS facilitator knows of allegations of workplace harassment, he or she may need to consult with the supervisors or managers of that workplace to ensure that…
See section 9, subsection “Intervention,” for further exceptions to confidentiality.
1) it is a management necessity.
2) further misconduct is not allowed to occur
All employees, regardless of rank, shall fully cooperate with ADR, ERS, and Internal Affairs Division (IAD) in the _____ related to this General Order.
No employee, regardless of rank, assignment, or function, shall ask ADR personnel to _____ except as already provided for in this General Order.
Questions regarding what information ADR should release shall be directed to the _____.
1) investigation, handling, and shielding processes
2) divulge confidential information
3) Employee Services Division
Rights of the Accused
The department recognizes the rights of the accused and the duty to protect respondents against false accusations. Respondents have the right to the following:
A _____ concerning the allegations.
Confidentiality regarding the allegations to the fullest extent possible and a ____.
When permitted by law, access to and review of any…
All legal protections afforded by laws, ordinances, and contracts as they relate to…
1) thorough investigation
2) workplace free of defamation
3) report compiled by an outside agency used adversely against the employee.
4) the investigation of employee misconduct.
Support Resources
When requested, psychological counseling shall be afforded to both the complainant and respondent through the _____.
Legal updates on current trends and issues relating to discrimination and harassment issues shall be available to employees through the _____.
1) Psychological Services Division
2) Training Division
Employees who witness prohibited conduct or who believe they are the subject of prohibited conduct shall…
Failure to report prohibited conduct is a violation of this General Order and shall not be tolerated.
An ERS facilitator is always available. In the event immediate assistance is needed after normal business hours, employees shall contact the _____.
The Command Center shall immediately contact the on-call ERS facilitator. If the ERS facilitator cannot be located, the Command Center shall contact the on-call_____
1) report the conduct immediately as described in this section.
2) Command Center
3) IAD supervisor.
Supervisor Reporting and Response
Supervisors who witness, are advised of, or otherwise become aware of prohibited conduct are required to report the prohibited conduct and cannot agree to do otherwise. Once a supervisor is aware of prohibited conduct, the supervisor shall do both of the following:
Take immediate and appropriate action to _____. The supervisor shall…
Promptly report the prohibited conduct to the ERS facilitator (no later than ____ hours from discovery of the incident). If circumstances indicate that the ERS facilitator should be notified immediately (e.g., the misconduct is egregious or the victim needs additional support) the supervisor shall ____.
1) stop and/or prevent further misconduct
2) implement interim shielding if necessary (see section 10)
3) 24
4) do so
Employee Reporting
While employees may utilize any of the reporting methods listed below, the preferred method for employees to report prohibited conduct is through ADR’s Employee Relations Section. This enables the department to take immediate action to:
Determine the ____.
Ensure the complaint is properly _____.
Implement an immediate _____ for the complainant if necessary.
1) nature of the complaint
2) assigned to the appropriate unit for handling
3) shielding plan
Employee Reporting
Employees who witness prohibited conduct or who believe they are the subject of prohibited conduct shall report the conduct immediately to one of the following:
Their ____
ADR, _____
Equal Employment _____
Texas Workforce Commission, _____
1) immediate supervisor
2) Employee Relations Section
3) Internal Affairs Division
4) Opportunity Commission
5) Civil Rights Division
All supervisors shall be very familiar with the department’s_____
The job performance reviews for supervisors shall include documentation indicating they have_____.
1) harassment and discrimination policies.
2) read and understand the policy and their responsibilities under it
Supervisors shall be held accountable for the manner in which they _____ as outlined in this General Order and General Order 200-08, Conduct and Authority.
Prevention is the best tool available to maintain a model workplace free from discrimination, sexual harassment, retaliation, and other forms of prohibited conduct. Therefore, supervisors shall…
1) exercise the authority of their offices
2) take proactive measures to prevent prohibited conduct.
Standards of Supervision
All supervisors are required to comply with the following standards of supervision. Supervisors shall:
Routinely inspect the workplace for inappropriate…
Ensure assignments are based on _____ rather than being inappropriately based on a protected category or in retaliation for participation in the reporting or investigation of a prohibited conduct complaint or on other conduct prohibited by this General Order.
Be a positive example for…
Upon learning of _____, follow the reporting procedures listed in section 7, subsection “Supervisor Reporting and Response.”
Continue to monitor any previously reported situations and report related acts or allegations to _____.
Ensure marital, cohabitating, or dating relationships are…
Not participate in, condone, or allow _____.
1) signs, posters, cartoons, screen savers, or other similar material, and shall order the removal of such material.
2) department needs and policies
3) coworkers and subordinates concerning this policy.
4) prohibited conduct
5) both ERS and IAD
6) in compliance with this policy.
7) offensive jokes or conversations
Standards of Supervision
ERS provides posters or notices highlighting certain aspects of this General Order. Commanders and mid managers shall ensure that such materials are…
Assistant chiefs and division commanders are required to make periodic on-site visits to the various work locations for which they…
All concerns shall be immediately forwarded to _____.
1) prominently displayed at all divisions and work areas.
2) are responsible to ensure compliance.
3) the Central Intake Office (CIO)
ERS is the primary unit responsible for…
immediately determining, initiating, and creating a shielding plan for employees.
ERS personnel shall take the following actions with regard to prohibited conduct:
Take immediate and appropriate action to…
Interview the complainant to determine the need for shielding. If shielding is necessary, take appropriate action to…
Forward the complaint to…
Determine if a _____ Notification is needed.
If a Chief of Police Notification is required, review the issue with the_____
1) stop and/or prevent further misconduct.
2) shield the employee
3) CIO for tracking purposes
4) Chief of Police
5) Office of Legal Services.
ERS personnel shall take the following actions with regard to prohibited conduct:
Take immediate and appropriate action to…
Interview the complainant to determine the need for shielding. If shielding is necessary, take appropriate action to…
Forward the complaint to…
Determine if a _____ Notification is needed.
If a Chief of Police Notification is required, review the issue with the
1) stop and/or prevent further misconduct.
2) shield the employee
3) CIO for tracking purposes
4) Chief of Police
ERS personnel shall take the following actions with regard to prohibited conduct:
Take immediate and appropriate action to…
Interview the complainant to determine the need for shielding. If shielding is necessary, take appropriate action to…
Forward the complaint to…
Determine if a _____ Notification is needed.
If a Chief of Police Notification is required, review the issue with the
1) stop and/or prevent further misconduct.
2) shield the employee
3) CIO for tracking purposes
4) Chief of Police
Chief of Police Notification
When ERS determines a Chief of Police Notification is needed, ERS shall forward written notification of the incident to the Chief of Police via the ADR chain of command within ____hours after receiving notice of the issue.
This notification shall follow the format indicated in the ERS standard operating procedures.
The notice shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:…
1) 48
2) nature of the conduct, supervisory status of the involved parties, complainant’s preferences regarding informal resolution, and ERS’s recommendations regarding shielding.
ERS shall engage in various activities to raise employees’ awareness regarding ____.
ERS shall provide posters or notices designed for prominent display at all work locations as described above in section 8, Supervisor Responsibilities.
The _______ shall assist ERS in the development and scheduling of training related to this General Order.
1) prohibited conduct
2) Training Division and the Office of Legal Services
Shielding is…
preventative action taken to protect employees in cases involving allegations of prohibited conduct.
ERS in consultation with the Office of Legal Services has the responsibility of ____.
If shielding is warranted, ERS shall recommend a _____ to protect the parties during the prohibited conduct investigation.
1) determining whether shielding is necessary
2) shielding plan to the Chief of Police
The ERS facilitator shall notify the complainant’s division commander (or the next higher rank if the division commander is the respondent) and the complainant’s assistant chief (or the next higher rank if the assistant chief is the respondent) if ERS accepts an employee relations issue in which…
shielding is a consideration
It is the responsibility of the division commander to consult with his or her assistant chief regarding shielding preferences so that such preferences may be included in…
If possible and not constrained by time, the ERS facilitator shall be involved in the discussions between the division commander and assistant chief in…
1) the shielding plan recommendations if the assistant chief desires.
2) formulating a shielding plan.
However, the Chief of Police Notification and shielding recommendation from ERS shall not be…
Shielding plans require approval by _____.
1) delayed waiting for recommendations from a division or command.
2) the Chief of Police
Shielding may include:
A voluntary reassignment of complainants to other supervisors during the investigation should the issue occur between…
A voluntary reassignment of complainants to other _____including, but not limited to, any of ADR’s predesignated shielding assignments.
A voluntary or involuntary reassignment of respondents to _____
Relief of duty for _____.
An Order of No Contact may be issued to the _____.
1) subordinates and their immediate supervisors.
2) units, divisions, or commands
3) other locations during the investigation.
4) either the complainant or respondent
5) complainant, respondent, or both
Interim Shielding
Interim shielding is a shielding action taken near the time the…
Interim shielding remains in place only until a…
The complainant’s supervisor may provide interim shielding of the complainant pending…
With approval from the ADR lieutenant, ERS facilitators have the option of…
1) alleged violation was discovered.
2) final shielding plan is approved by the Chief of Police.
3) directions from an ERS facilitator concerning the issue
4) leaving the complainant in an interim shielding situation or moving the complainant to another interim shielding situation.
Predesignated Assignments
Commands shall assist ERS in identifying predesignated assignments throughout the department that will…
facilitate immediate shielding as needed.
Central Intake Office
CIO is responsible for tracking prohibited conduct complaints. Upon receipt of a complaint alleging prohibited conduct, CIO shall do the following:
Take immediate and appropriate action to…
Immediately contact ____regarding the prohibited conduct complaint so appropriate action can be taken to shield the complainant from retaliation or continued acts of misconduct if necessary.
Generate an _____ number for each complaint received.
1) stop and/or prevent further misconduct
2) ERS
3) Issue Record Form (IRF)
IAD Investigations Section Investigations into prohibited conduct allegations should be completed within _____ days from the date of assignment to the investigator unless special circumstances exist.
Under no circumstances shall the investigation take more than _____ days unless an extension is approved by the Chief of Police.
1) 30 calendar
2) 60 calendar
In very limited circumstances in which the aforementioned time line is not met and an extension has been approved, investigations into prohibited conduct allegations shall…
be expedited and completed as soon as possible
IAD personnel who witness or are advised of prohibited conduct shall do the following:
Take immediate and appropriate action to…
Immediately contact _____and ensure appropriate action is taken to provide interim shielding of the complainant if necessary.
1) stop and/or prevent further misconduct
2) ERS
In an effort to encourage the reporting and successful resolution of complaints, the department has developed…
Cases resolved through IAD or ADR shall be documented and retained in accordance with…
Confidentiality of all records shall be maintained as required by law.
1) informal and formal mechanisms to resolve reported incidents.
2) records retention policies of those divisions
Informal resolutions
Class II complaints may be resolved by means other than an IAD investigation. This resolution process is referred to as _____.
The informal resolution process is designed to promote _____in an effort to resolve conflicts.
1) informal resolution
2) communication
Informal resolutions
ERS in consultation with the _____ has the responsibility of determining whether informal resolution is appropriate.
Informal resolutions require ERS to conduct an…
If warranted, ERS shall recommend an informal resolution process to…
Informal resolutions require approval by the _____ before implementation.
1) Office of Legal Services
2) initial interview with the complainant.
3) the Chief of Police.
4) Chief of Police
Informal resolutions
Informal resolutions may be accomplished through…
Informal resolutions shall be administered through ____.
Participation in the informal resolution process is voluntary and must be agreed to by…
If anyone involved with the complaint declines to participate in the informal resolution process, the matter shall be referred to ____.
1) mediation, training, chain of command management plan, counseling, or any other process approved by the Chief of Police.
2) ADR
3) all parties to the complaint
4) CIO
Formal resolutions
Class I violations and certain Class II violations (see Definitions section of this General Order) require formal investigation by ____.
Formal resolution requires a thorough investigation by IAD in conjunction with appropriate discipline for…
1) IAD
2) sustained violations of department policy
Investigations resulting in a formal sustained finding of a violation of any provision of this General Order shall subject the employee to…
Positive discipline shall not be available for sustained allegations involving…
1) appropriate discipline that could include indefinite suspension.
2) disparate treatment, workplace harassment, sexual harassment, or retaliation.