300-02 Transfer of Classified Employees Flashcards
Transfers of classified employees within the department shall be conducted according to the policies and procedures outlined in this General Order and the standard operating procedures for the department’s…
Employee Services Division.
The department shall transfer classified employees to…
provide the best possible police services to the citizens of the city of Houston and to provide officers with opportunities for career development and professional experience enhancement.
_____ may approve any exception to this transfer policy.
The Chief of Police
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification:
A qualification reasonably necessary for the normal performance of duties for a particular job assignment.
For department purposes, a bona fide occupational qualification does not include race, national origin, religion, age, or sex.
Established List:
A list of officers who are eligible applicants classified and grouped as Most Ready or Ready for a specific Method B transfer.
A division creates an established list from among and after screening or assessing the applicants on the transfer application list provided by Employee Services Division.
An established list is valid for a set period of time.
Intra-Divisional Reassignment:
A move from one unit or squad to another unit or squad within the same division.
Involuntary Transfer:
A transfer in which an officer is moved from any assignment within the department at any time upon written approval by the Chief of Police or the executive assistant chief or assistant chief over the division from which the officer is transferring.
No minimum assignment period shall apply unless it is authorized by the executive assistant chief over the division to which the officer is transferred.
Minimum Assignment Period:
The minimum period of time an officer must remain in an assignment.
The minimum assignment period for a Method A transfer is one year.
A two-year minimum assignment period is required for Method B transfers.
Other transfers may require a minimum assignment period.
Exceptions to a minimum assignment period may be approved by the Chief of Police.
For the purposes of this General Order (excluding section 17), a classified employee holding the rank of police officer, senior police officer, or sergeant.
Reckoning Period:
The period of time that previous, same or similar, or combinations of misconduct may be considered for purposes of recommending proper discipline. The reckoning period begins on the day the department served the employee with discipline for the previous misconduct
Rotation Transfer:
A transfer of an officer to a rotation assignment, which is a mandatory assignment for a specified period of time (usually one year).
The Chief of Police specifies which divisions are considered rotation assignments for both officer and sergeant ranks.
Rotation assignments may be considered voluntary or involuntary transfers.
A reassignment of an employee from one division or command to another division or command.
Transfer Application List:
A list of applicants who have applied for transfer to a specific division or command.
Employee Services Division creates this list and forwards it to the concerned division or command for consideration.
Voluntary Transfer:
A transfer for which an officer has voluntarily applied and been accepted.
Voluntary transfers are either Method A or Method B and have a minimum assignment period as defined above.
The Police Department’s Employee Services Division (ESD) shall handle all…
classified job postings for openings within the department.
ESD shall also maintain the classified job posting form on the department’s Intranet Portal.
All classified job postings shall be issued by the…
division commander of ESD after review and approval by the requesting division’s chain of command.
Divisions shall send their requests with the completed classified job posting form to the____via the requesting division’s chain of command through the____
1) division commander of ESD
2) executive assistant chief level
ESD shall maintain the department’s master file containing _____ and shall act as the _____for the Chief of Police in overseeing transfers and transfer applications throughout the department.
1) all transfer applications
2) control agency
Officer vacancies for which there are no eligible applicants may be announced in a…
department classified job posting
Classified job postings shall contain information and requirements specific to…
the assignment or job to be performed.
Classified job postings shall not require an applicant to…
attach a photograph to the application.
However, a photograph may be requested or taken at the time of an interview.
All issued classified job postings shall be posted by each division_____ and _____.
Classified job postings shall also be accessible via the department’s Intranet Portal.
immediately upon receipt and made available to all officers.
Once a classified job posting has been issued, selection criteria shall not…
shall not be changed without a second posting to allow all prospective applicants to respond to the new information.
(Classified Job Posting Requirements)
Classified job postings for Method A transfers (see section 12, Voluntary Transfers) shall inform all officers…
there are no names on a division’s Method A application list.
(Classified Job Posting Requirements)
Classified job postings for Method B transfers (see section 12) shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following information:
____in which the vacancy occurs.
Division and ____in which the vacancy occurs.
Description of the duties to be performed and the ____.
Duty hours and ____.
Notice that shifts ____
Minimum skills, experience, or ____required (must be applicable to the position).
____of selection.
Length of time the applicants to the classified job posting shall ____.
The period of time during which applications shall be accepted (minimum: ____calendar days from the date of the posting).
Notice that ____from current and past supervisors shall be sought.
Notice that past ____ shall be considered.
Notice that an____ history shall be reviewed and considered.
The name and telephone number of a ____whom applicants may contact to obtain additional information about the vacant position.
(Classified job postings for Method B transfers may also include information about additional skills, experience, or education that would benefit an applicant for consideration for transfer.)
Rank in which the vacancy occurs.
Division and unit in which the vacancy occurs.
Description of the duties to be performed and the working title of the position, if any.
Duty hours and days off.
Notice that shifts may be adjusted based on operational requirements.
Minimum skills, experience, or education required (must be applicable to the position).
Method of selection.
Length of time the applicants to the classified job posting shall be considered for future vacancies.
The period of time during which applications shall be accepted (minimum: seven calendar days from the date of the posting).
Notice that recommendations from current and past supervisors shall be sought.
Notice that past performance evaluations shall be considered.
Notice that an internal affairs complaint history shall be reviewed and considered.
The name and telephone number of a supervisor whom applicants may contact to obtain additional information about the vacant position.
(Classified job postings for Method B transfers may also include information about additional skills, experience, or education that would benefit an applicant for consideration for transfer.)
If a transfer applicant has a sustained complaint for violation of federal or state law or local ordinance, or has any other serious sustained complaint, the applicant shall… until …
be disqualified from transferring to any position in Investigative Operations,
Professional Standards Command, Criminal Intelligence Division, Recruiting Division, or Alternative Dispute Resolution Unit
until the department’s prescribed reckoning period and any other eligibility period has been satisfied.
Officers with a sustained untruthfulness complaint (Class I or II) are not eligible to apply for or transfer to any position in…
for a period of _____years from the date of discipline for Category D or E violations and for _____years from the date of discipline for Category A, B, or C violations.
Investigative Operations,
Professional Standards Command,
Criminal Intelligence Division,
Recruiting Division,
or Alternative Dispute Resolution Unit
2) seven
3) five
Any _____ against an officer may exclude the employee from remaining in or transferring to certain assignments as determined by the concerned assistant chief.
sustained complaint
To apply for a transfer, officers shall complete an ____.
When completing the form, officers should be aware that by requesting a specific unit or shift assignment, they ____their opportunities for transfer.
For example, officers applying to Mounted Patrol shall be considered only for a vacancy in Mounted Patrol, not for any other vacant positions in Special Operations Division, and officers who specify day shift on their applications shall not be considered for any ____.
1) Application for Transfer (GF-0032) form in person at ESD
2) limit
3) other shift
All of the following requirements apply to transfer applications:
No officer shall have more than ____active applications on file at any time.
An officer may apply for a transfer before completing a minimum assignment period. However, the officer shall not be eligible to transfer until ____
Applications shall be accepted for a Method A (non-interview process) transfer to a patrol division whether or not _____. This includes patrol functions within the Special Operations Division.
No officer shall have more than three active applications on file at any time.
An officer may apply for a transfer before completing a minimum assignment period. However, the officer shall not be eligible to transfer until completing the minimum assignment period.
Applications shall be accepted for a Method A (non-interview process) transfer to a patrol division whether or not there is a current open position. This includes patrol functions within the Special Operations Division.
All of the following requirements apply to transfer applications:
Applications for transfers to investigative divisions or for Method B (interview process) transfers including the Method B investigative selection process shall be accepted only in response to…
All divisions shall maintain applications of those who meet the minimum eligibility requirements for at least ____months from the _____. All applications shall remain archived indefinitely in ESD.
Officers who no longer want a previously submitted transfer application to remain on the active transfer application list shall withdraw their application through correspondence to the _____ or by personally appearing at ____and withdrawing the transfer application.
Applications for transfers to investigative divisions or for Method B (interview process) transfers including the Method B investigative selection process shall be accepted only in response to a current and active classified job posting announcing a vacancy or an anticipated vacancy.
All divisions shall maintain applications of those who meet the minimum eligibility requirements for at least six months from the date received. All applications shall remain archived indefinitely in ESD.
Officers who no longer want a previously submitted transfer application to remain on the active transfer application list shall withdraw their application through correspondence to the division commander of ESD or by personally appearing at ESD and withdrawing the transfer application.
All of the following requirements apply to transfer applications:
Applicants declining a transfer offer because of _____ and wishing to retain their application and position on the transfer application list or established list may write a _____ to the division commander of ESD.
The explanation must be received by ESD within _____calendar days after the transfer decline. The division commander of ESD in consultation with the concerned division commander shall review the explanation and notify the requesting applicant in writing of the decision. If the applicant declines a transfer offer from the same transfer application list or established list for a second time, the applicant shall be removed from that list unless an exception is approved by the_____.
Each division is responsible for keeping their transfer application list current and maintaining it by removing personnel as outlined above and by removing applicants that are _____in response to a Method B Job Posting.
When an applicant accepts a voluntary transfer or promotion, ESD shall _____
Applicants declining a transfer offer because of a temporary situation and wishing to retain their application and position on the transfer application list or established list may write a request and explanation regarding the situation to the division commander of ESD.
The explanation must be received by ESD within seven calendar days after the transfer decline. The division commander of ESD in consultation with the concerned division commander shall review the explanation and notify the requesting applicant in writing of the decision. If the applicant declines a transfer offer from the same transfer application list or established list for a second time, the applicant shall be removed from that list unless an exception is approved by the Chief of Police.
Each division is responsible for keeping their transfer application list current and maintaining it by removing personnel as outlined above and by removing applicants that are considered ineligible or Not Ready in response to a Method B Job Posting.
When an applicant accepts a voluntary transfer or promotion, ESD shall cancel all active transfer applications for that officer.
A Personnel Changes form shall be completed for all transfers.
The _____ shall initiate the form so assignment information such as ____ may be assigned.
1) receiving division commander
2) shift and days off
The form shall bear the signature of the____ and the date signed. The effective date of the transfer shall be ____.
The receiving division commander shall then forward the Personnel Changes form to the transferring officer’s ____ for signature and for the signatures of the assistant chiefs over the _____.
1) affected officer
2) left blank
3) division commander
4) sending and receiving divisions
The completed form shall then be sent to ____, which shall verify all policy and procedural requirements have been met.
Forms not bearing the required signatures or other information shall be returned to the _____
When the transfer is approved by the executive assistant chiefs or their designee at the Personnel Allocation Committee meeting, ESD shall _____ on the Personnel Changes form and notify the transferring officer and the sending and receiving divisions.
1) ESD
2) receiving division.
3) enter the date of transfer
The Personnel Allocation Committee consists of the department’s ____executive assistant chiefs. This committee is authorized by the Chief of Police to review and approve the orderly transfer of classified employees within the department.
The committee accomplishes this task by considering the _____of both the transferring and receiving divisions as it relates to accomplishing department or division objectives.
Except as directed by the Chief of Police, or as described in another section of this General Order, no transfer of a classified employee is effective until _____.
1) four
2) authorized, actual, and proportionate strength
3) approved by the Personnel Allocation Committee
Unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Police, probationary police officers and newly promoted police officers and sergeants shall_____.
These officers and sergeants shall remain for at least ____ in their first regular assigned division. This does not apply to employees transferred out on a rotation assignment.
Unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Police, newly promoted sergeants shall serve at least ____ in a uniformed division and may also serve at least one year in ____ (see section 14, Rotation
Both assignments shall be determined by ESD. The assignments must be completed before the end of the _____year as a sergeant.
Newly promoted sergeants shall not be assigned to the division from which they promoted for one year without_____
1) be assigned to a vacancy in a uniformed division for which no applications have been received or as determined by ESD
2) one year
3) a rotation assignment
4) third
5) a written request from their chain of command and approval by the Chief of Police.
The rank of lieutenant is mid management, and transfers shall be made at the discretion of the Personnel Allocation Committee, based on the committee’s assessment of _____
Unless waived by the Chief of Police, lieutenant vacancies shall be announced via _____ so interested persons can make their interest known to the appropriate division commander as outlined in the job posting.
When a division commander has a lieutenant vacancy, that division commander shall interview all lieutenants who _____.
Unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Police, newly promoted lieutenants shall serve at least ____in a uniformed division as determined by ESD.
The uniformed assignment must be completed before the end of the ____year as a lieutenant.
1) the overall needs of the department.
2) job posting
3) have appropriately responded to the job posting
4) one year
5) third
The rank of captain or above is upper management and transfers are made at the discretion of the Chief of Police based on the Chiefs assessment of…
the overall needs of the department.
Reassignment of personnel within a division may be made as limited below at the discretion of the division commander in order to_____.
Intradivisional reassignment is not considered an ____.
1) improve the division’s efficiency or productivity, or for the benefit of the officer
2) involuntary transfer
Division commanders may fill a vacancy with an eligible officer from within the division giving preference to…
seniority whenever possible.
Intra-divisional reassignments are allowed from an investigative position to another investigative position and from an investigative position to an _____position.
However, intra-divisional reassignments for police officers or senior police officers are not allowed from an administrative position to an investigative position unless one or more of the following situations applies.
The officer:
Has held a regular assignment in the division continuously since____.
Entered the division via the investigative selection process prior to the administrative assignment.
Is selected from the established list for the position after ____ (see section 17, Investigative Selection Process).
1) administrative
2) January 7, 2002
3) competing with other applicants in the appropriate investigative selection process
If a division commander anticipates filling a position from within the division, a notice of vacancy shall be prominently posted in an area accessible to all officers in the division for a minimum of ____calendar days.
This method of filling a vacancy is an _____ and not a transfer.
If no officer is selected from within the division, an applicant from _____may be used to fill the vacancy. The appropriate job posting and transfer process shall be utilized.
1) seven
2) intra-divisional reassignment
3) outside the division
Most temporary assignments are those lasting ____calendar days or less.
Only the Chief of Police or an executive assistant chief may approve a temporary assignment lasting ____through ____calendar days.
Extensions beyond ____calendar days may be approved only by the Chief of Police.
1) 30
2) 31 through 90
3) 90
A ____ form shall be completed for temporary assignments.
The signed form must note that the assignment is temporary and be submitted to ____.
Appropriate personnel in the temporary assignment division shall immediately update the _____as needed in the City’s Kronos® Time and Attendance System.
1) Personnel Changes
2) ESD
3) officer’s schedule
While on temporary assignment, an officer’s _____ determines the appropriate assignment pays, including patrol incentive pay and shift and weekend pay.
regular assignment
When an employee is on temporary assignment, all personal leave time and other absences shall be entered into Kronos by appropriate personnel from the _____.
division to which the officer is temporarily assigned
When employees return to their regular assigned division, another _____ form shall be submitted to ESD.
Appropriate personnel in the _____shall immediately update the officer’s schedule as needed in Kronos.
The officer shall be allowed to return to the officer’s _____ held prior to the temporary assignment.
1) Personnel Changes
2) regular assigned division
3) regular days off and shift
Method A Transfer
A Method A transfer occurs when a division fills a vacancy from a list of officers who have applied for transfer to the division by submitting…
their names on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Method A Transfer
Applications received in ESD on the same day are ordered by____
Method A Transfer
ESD shall make a transfer application list of officers who have applied for transfer to a particular division and forward a copy of the list to_____
the concerned division.
Method A Transfer
An updated transfer application list shall be sent to the concerned division when _____. Applications shall remain active indefinitely in ESD or until _____ as noted in section 4, Transfer Applications, of this General Order.
1) new applications are received by ESD
2) withdrawn
Method A Transfer
Applicants shall be considered in the order their names appear on the transfer application list. The division commander having a vacancy shall fill the vacancy with the_____ appearing on the Method A transfer application list.
first eligible officer
Method A Transfer
In the event there are no applicants for an opening in a particular division, a _____posting may be issued to notify all employees of the vacancy.
After the posting period closes, ESD shall prepare a transfer application list that identifies those officers who _____.
Applicants on this list shall be ranked by ____rather than on a firstcome, first-served basis.
1) classified job
2) have applied for transfer to the vacant assignment
3) seniority
Method A Transfer
Conflicts arising from the order employees are placed on a transfer application list shall be settled according to _____.
Questions about placement on the transfer application list may be addressed in correspondence to the _____.
ESD’s division commander shall review the list in question and make changes or corrections if justified.
The minimum assignment period for a Method A transfer is ____
1) General Order 300-03, Seniority
2) division commander of ESD
3) one year.
Method B Transfer
A Method B transfer occurs when a division fills a vacancy requiring specific criteria normally announced in a…
Method B classified job posting.
Method B Transfer
To fill a vacancy through a Method B transfer, division commanders shall submit their request, justification for using this method, and a _____ to the division commander of ESD via the requesting division’s chain of command through the _____ level.
After review and approval by the requesting division’s chain of command, ESD shall issue a _____.
1) completed classified job posting form
2) executive assistant chief
3) classified job posting notifying all employees of the vacant position
Method B Transfer
ESD shall make a transfer application list of officers who have applied for a transfer to the vacant assignment and forward a copy of the list to_____
the concerned division.
Method B Transfer
The division commander with the vacancy shall conduct a screening process that may include a review of any of the following for each applicant: _____.
The division commander may designate personnel already assigned to the division to staff the _____.
Division commanders shall make certain that members of the review board or screening panel are selected to ensure _____.
1) resume, interviews, oral board reviews, writing samples, tests on related issues, and physical and psychological tests
2) review board or screening panel
3) diversity and objectivity
Method B Transfer
Based on the screening process, the concerned division shall produce a list that classifies and groups eligible applicants as Most Ready or Ready ( established list) and submit the list to the division commander of ESD to establish _____.
The division shall also include with the correspondence to ESD a separate list of _____
1) the official beginning and ending dates
2) ineligible and Not Ready applicants.
Method B Transfer
Applicants on an established list remain in consideration for positions in the concerned division until _____but for no longer than the length of time specified on the related classified job posting up to _____.
1) the pool of eligible applicants on the list is exhausted
2) one calendar year from the date the list is established by ESD
Method B Transfer
Each division is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of _____ on its established lists and monitoring _____.
Once an established list from a Method B job posting expires, the division is responsible for ____
1) current eligible applicant names
2) time restraints
3) removing the remaining names on the list that did not transfer during that time frame.
Method B Transfer
Division commanders shall ensure all applicants interviewed but not in consideration for transfer are ____.
Within the written communication there shall be a brief description of why the applicant _____
The written communication shall be sent within _____ days following the ____date on the concerned established list.
1) notified in writing
2) shall not be considered for transfer.
3) ten calendar
4) beginning
Method B Transfer
An unsuccessful applicant for a Method B vacancy may meet with the ____, ____, or ____.
The meeting would be to review the applicant’s performance during the interview process and to review_____.
1) concerned division commander, assistant chief, or executive assistant chief.
2) documentation used to assess the applicant’s performance
Method B Transfer
Executive assistant chiefs and assistant chiefs shall _____ of the selection process to ensure compliance with department policy.
Additionally, executive assistant chiefs and assistant chiefs shall review the selection panel and interview material before _____.
1) conduct random audits
2) a selection process begins
Method B Transfer
A transfer shall not be approved if the-effective date of the transfer would occur _____
prior to the beginning date or after the ending date on the concerned established list.
Method B Transfer
The minimum assignment period for a Method B transfer is ____.
two years
Criteria for Continued Assignment in Method B Assignments
Officers assigned to divisions or units through a Method B transfer shall meet certain _____.
Prior to selection, officers shall be apprised of the criteria for _____.
Performance shall be continuously assessed.
1) performance criteria on a continuous basis
2) continued assignment to the division or unit.
Criteria for Continued Assignment in Method B Assignments
General criteria used in evaluating an officer’s suitability to remain in a Method B transfer assignment shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Achievement of required _____.
____of the officer’s work.
Officer’s overall _____.
_____ review.
_____ of the officer.
Best interest of _____.
Achievement of required productivity standards.
Quality of the officer’s work.
Officer’s overall suitability for the assignment.
Job performance review.
Well-being of the officer.
Best interest of the department.
Criteria for Continued Assignment in Method B Assignments
If the division commander determines that an officer is not meeting the established criteria for the assignment, the officer may be offered _____ or _____
If the assistant chief concurs the officer is no longer suited for the division, the officer shall _____.
Placement may be at the discretion of the _____.
1) an intra-divisional reassignment
2) the matter shall be brought to the attention of the appropriate assistant chief.
3) be transferred by any approved transfer method
4) concerned assistant chiefs
Method B Retention Policy for Proactive Investigators
The above listed retention criteria for Method B assignments along with the additional policies outlined in this subsection shall be utilized to _____ as well as to _____
1) evaluate employees for continued assignment in Method B proactive investigative positions
2) facilitate the reassignment of employees as necessary.
Method B Retention Policy for Proactive Investigators
This policy should not be interpreted as a mandatory rotation policy based on an _____, but as a more effective way for the Chief of Police to balance the needs of the department while keeping in mind the welfare of employees faced with sensitive, high stress proactive investigative assignments.
arbitrary number of years in an assignment
Method B Retention Policy for Proactive Investigators
The following divisions that utilize proactive investigators are subject to this retention policy:
(Hint: there are 6 divisions)
• Auto Theft
• Criminal Intelligence
• Gang
• Major Offenders
• Narcotics
• Vice
Method B Retention Policy for Proactive Investigators
For divisions that maintain both reactive and proactive investigators, this policy shall apply to only officers who conduct _____
For the purpose of this policy, if an officer conducts both reactive and proactive investigations, the officer shall be considered a _____ and subject to the guidelines of this policy.
1) proactive investigations including, but not limited to, undercover operations.
2) proactive investigator
Method B Retention Policy for Proactive Investigators
Division commanders shall make the determination as to which employees under their command are considered to be_____ and therefore subject to the guidelines of this policy.
_____personnel in the above listed divisions are outside the scope of this policy.
1) proactive investigators
2) Administrative
Method B Retention Policy for Proactive Investigators
Supervisors should conduct regular supervisory meetings and/or debriefings with proactive investigators in order to _____
At the conclusion of every prolonged proactive investigative assignment, supervisors shall conduct a_____ with the involved proactive investigators.
1) monitor and discuss issues as they arise.
2) debriefing session
Method B Retention Policy for Proactive Investigators
After three years in a proactive investigative assignment, an officer’s supervisor:
Shall be required to review the employee’s _____. All complaints shall be reviewed in considering whether a pattern of behavior potentially exists that could be_____
Shall review the employee’s personnel file for other items, such as the nature and number of _____ and compliance with_____.
1) disciplinary history
2) detrimental to the officer or to the department.
3) extra employment positions
4) other department policies
Method B Retention Policy for Proactive Investigators
After five years in a proactive investigative assignment and every _____years thereafter, proactive investigators shall schedule and attend a psychological counseling session administered by _____.
The counseling session shall be confidential and Psychological Services Division shall not be required to _____.
Supervisors are responsible for ensuring that officers working proactive assignments are scheduled for _____
1) two
2) HPD’s Psychological Services Division
3) submit a report to the department unless otherwise required by law
4) counseling as required by this General Order.
Method B Retention Policy for Proactive Investigators
The requirement for periodic psychological counseling neither supersedes the requirements and guidelines regarding the Administrative Personnel Committee outlined in General Order 300-05, Workers’ Compensation nor prevents a supervisor from…
seeking assistance for an employee from Psychological Services Division as needed.
Transferring to a Proactive Investigative Assignment
Each applicant, including those already assigned to the concerned division, must do all of the following when applying for a proactive investigative assignment:
Submit a new ____.
Participate in an interview in front of a panel of supervisors and investigators with relevant experience in the ____.
Take a ____ applicable to the job description.
Take a _____ for a baseline score.
Submit to an assignment ____.
Submit a new resume.
Participate in an interview in front of a panel of supervisors and investigators with relevant experience in the open position.
Take a written test applicable to the job description.
Take a preliminary psychological examination for a baseline score.
Submit to an assignment drug test.
Transferring to a Proactive Investigative Assignment
Officers accepting a proactive investigative assignment shall be required to complete a ____-month, structured training and evaluation period.
Each division shall be responsible for developing training and submitting the curriculum to the ____ for approval.
The training shall be incorporated into the division’s ______ once it is approved by the Training Division.
This training shall be documented thoroughly by both the mentoring officer and the ____of the new
Things that should be documented include training hours, the tasks completed, and any observed _____.
1) six
2) Training Division
3) standard operating procedures
4) supervisor
5) strengths or weaknesses
Transferring to a Proactive Investigative Assignment
The _____shall hold monthly meetings with the new employee to discuss the training period. At the end of the evaluation period, the supervisor shall provide a recommendation to either_____
1) supervisor
2) retain the new employee or return the employee to the previous assignment or any available similar assignment.
Upon written approval by the Chief of Police or the executive assistant chief or assistant chief over an officer’s current division, an officer may be transferred from any assignment within the department at ____
any time.
Involuntary transfers require a copy of the _____. Placement may be at the discretion of the Chief of Police.
correspondence to be attached to the Personnel Changes form
All officers scheduled to be transferred involuntarily
shall be given written notice of the transfer _____days prior to the effective date of the transfer when practical.
The ten days shall commence on the _____.
The officer being transferred may waive the ten-day requirement.
If an officer is involuntarily transferred, no minimum assignment period shall apply unless noted elsewhere in this General Order or authorized by the _____.
1) ten calendar
2) date the officer signs the Personnel Changes form
3) executive assistant chief over the division to which the officer is transferred
Involuntarily Transferring an Employee From a Proactive Investigative Assignment
An officer who is involuntarily transferred from a proactive investigative assignment shall not be eligible to transfer to another proactive investigative assignment for a period of _____.
An officer involuntarily transferred from a proactive investigative assignment shall be assigned to a _____ unless otherwise approved by the assistant chief of the receiving command.
1) two years
2) uniformed division
Unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Police, the least senior employee in each of the police officer and sergeant ranks who has not worked a rotation assignment shall be subject as noted below to a _____
rotation transfer to fill a vacant rotation assignment.
The police officer with the least seniority who has completed the department’s Field Training Program and the twelve-month probationary period shall be ______.
Excessive absences during a rotation assignment may
extend the assignment for a police officer.
identified to fill a vacant rotation assignment
The least senior sergeant who has completed the Patrol Sergeant Training Program shall be identified to _____.
fill a vacant rotation assignment
Employee Services Division shall:
_____the rotation transfer process.
Maintain a list of divisions considered as _____
Identify the _____ in each of the police officer and sergeant ranks who has not worked a rotation assignment.
Maintain a database of all police officers and sergeants to identify those who have _____
Provide a list of vacancies to those officers and sergeants who have completed their rotation assignment and are _____.
Administer the rotation transfer process.
Maintain a list of divisions considered as rotation assignments.
Identify the least senior employee in each of the police officer and sergeant ranks who has not worked a rotation assignment.
Maintain a database of all police officers and sergeants to identify those who have completed their rotation assignment.
Provide a list of vacancies to those officers and sergeants who have completed their rotation assignment and are interested in transferring.
Post Rotation Assignment Options
After the minimum assignment period in a rotation assignment, police officers and sergeants shall be eligible to transfer utilizing any of the transfer options outlined in this General Order or listed below:
Accept a position offered by ESD. The assignment shall not have a _____.
Seek an assignment without assistance from ESD. The assignment shall be considered _____and restrictions of the minimum assignment period shall apply.
Accept a position offered by ESD. The assignment shall not have a minimum assignment period.
Seek an assignment without assistance from ESD. The assignment shall be considered voluntary and restrictions of the minimum assignment period shall apply.
Post Rotation Assignment Options
With approval of the ______, police officers and sergeants also have the option of remaining in a rotation assignment after the minimum period required.
In this case, the rotation assignment shall become a _____.
1) concerned division commander
2) regular assignment
Only the ______ may authorize assignments to Internal Affairs/Central Intake Office (IAD) or Inspections Division.
Decisions may be based on recommendations from the _____ or ______
1) assistant chief of Professional Standards Command
2) division commander of IAD or Inspections Division.
Police Officers and Sergeants
The minimum assignment period for a police officer or sergeant in IAD or Inspections Division is_____.
(After completing the two-year minimum assignment in IAD or Inspections Division, police officers or sergeants wanting to transfer shall have the same options as outlined under subsection “Post Rotation Assignment Options” in section 14 of this General Order.)
two years
Police Officers and Sergeants
IAD sergeants may serve an additional three years, but shall not serve more than_____ years in that assignment except as noted below or unless approved by the Chief of Police.
five consecutive
Police Officers and Sergeants
Sergeants who have served in IAD for five or more consecutive years and who have not been able to transfer out shall be _____ except as noted below.
Upon approval by the Chief of Police, the involuntary transfer shall be based upon the_____
1) involuntarily transferred
2) needs of the department.
Police Officers and Sergeants
Police officers may serve more than five years in IAD with the authorization of _____.
their division commander
The minimum assignment period for a lieutenant in IAD or Inspections Division is ____.
Assignment extensions beyond that time in IAD shall be based on the needs of the department, but shall not exceed an additional ____ except as noted below or unless approved by the Chief of Police.
1) two years
2) three years
Lieutenants are not guaranteed to _____ when transferring from IAD or Inspections Division.
return to their previous assignments
Administrative Positions
A lieutenant, sergeant, or police officer who occupies an administrative position in IAD is exempt from the ____.
five-year assignment limitation
Unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Police, police officers, sergeants, or lieutenants who have completed a minimum assignment period in IAD in their current rank shall not have to serve in _____.
Additionally, police officers, sergeants, or lieutenants who have completed a minimum assignment period in either IAD or Inspections Division in their current rank shall not be _____ unless approved by the Chief of Police.
1) Inspections Division and vice versa
2) involuntarily assigned to a rotation assignment
The following special transfer situations are exceptions to the voluntary transfer requirements:
One-for-one transfers of eligible officers between ____.
The exchange may be made even though there are no vacancies in either division. Both affected division commanders and the division commander of ____must verify that both officers are eligible to transfer.
Officers must complete the _____ in their current division before a one-for-one transfer shall be approved.
One-for-one transfers are between _____
The division commander of the _____ division shall determine the days off and shift of the transferring officer.
One-for-one transfers shall have a ____minimum assignment period.
1) two patrol divisions
2) ESD
3) minimum assignment period
4) two patrol divisions only.
5) receiving
6) one-year
Before completing the minimum assignment period in a non-rotation assignment, officers who are assigned to non-patrol divisions may _____.
This type of transfer to a patrol division shall have a _____ minimum assignment period.
1) transfer to any patrol division that has an available position
2) one-year
Transfers to the Office of the Chief of Police, the office of an executive assistant chief or assistant chief, or a _____ authorized by the Chief of Police.
These assignments are at the discretion of the ____
1) special assignment
2) Chief of Police.
Transfers from the Office of the Chief of Police, the office of an executive assistant chief or assistant chief, or a _____ authorized by the Chief of Police.
Upon request, officers may return to their _____ when a vacancy occurs and with approval by the division commander of the requested division.
Otherwise, officers may be reassigned through a _____ transfer or may be assigned to any position authorized by the Chief of Police.
1) special assignment
2) previous regular assigned division
3) Method A or Method B
Investigative Division:
One of the department’s divisions responsible for investigative efforts and subject to the investigative selection process for transfers to an investigative
This includes divisions under Investigative Operations, as well as Criminal Intelligence Division and other divisions as determined by the Chief of Police.
Investigative Officer:
A police officer or a senior police officer directly responsible for conducting investigative tasks or managing investigations.
Officers working in an administrative capacity are not defined as investigative officers.
Investigative Position:
A position in an investigative division in which the functions of an investigative officer are normally performed.
The investigative selection process (ISP) outlined in this section applies to only vacancies in _____.
Vacancies in _____positions in investigative divisions shall be filled according to procedures outlined in other sections of this General Order.
Intra-divisional reassignments to investigative positions shall be handled according to the policies outlined in section 10 of this General Order.
1) investigative positions
2) administrative
Investigative officers desiring to transfer to an investigative position in another division must submit to______ for that division, regardless of the prior method of selection for their current position.
the investigative selection process (ISP)
Transfers effected through the ISP are considered
_____ transfers.
In addition to the Method B transfer requirements outlined in other sections of this General Order, the _____shall be conducted as outlined in this section.
1) Method B
2) ISP
ISP: investigative selection process
Application and Eligibility
Applicants for an investigative position must complete an _____ in person at ESD during the application period designated on the investigative division’s classified job posting.
Failure to follow directions or provide accurate
information shall be grounds for _____.
1) Application for Transfer (GF-0032)
2) disqualification from the process
Application and Eligibility
Applicants may be disqualified if they have exceeded _____hours of unscheduled leave within the _____ period prior to application, selection, or transfer to
an investigative position.
Absences due to _______ or other absences approved by the Chief of Police shall not be considered unscheduled in the application process.
Applicants who have any incident of an unauthorized
absence (e.g., Absent Without Permission) within _____months prior to their application, selection, or transfer to an investigative position shall be disqualified.
1) 64
2) 12-month
3) hospitalization, or military, maternity, IOD, ADA, or FMLA leave,
4) 24
Application and Eligibility
Minimum Tenure.
Unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Police, applicants shall have a minimum of _____years of
sworn service with HPD including a minimum of _____years in a uniformed division.
Tenure shall be calculated from the _____ to the date of the concerned classified job posting.
1) three
2) two
3) sworn date
Application and Eligibility
Job Performance.
Applicants shall have an overall “_____” or higher rating on each of their two most recent Report of Employee Efficiency Ratings.
Application and Eligibility
Investigative Training
Applicants shall complete the Police Department’s 40-hour Basic Investigators School prior to or within
_______ of transferring to an investigative
Only the _______ may approve exceptions to this requirement.
1) one calendar year
2) executive assistant chief over the concerned division
Application and Eligibility
Internal Affairs Complaints.
Officers with a sustained complaint (Class I or II) with a
discipline Category _____that is still within the department’s prescribed reckoning period are not eligible to apply for or transfer to an investigative position.
C, D, or E
Application and Eligibility
Internal Affairs Complaints.
Applicants with a sustained complaint (Class I or II) other than _____with a discipline Category _____ that is still within the department’s prescribed reckoning period shall be reviewed to determine eligibility to continue with the selection process.
The_______ shall be the final authority regarding the eligibility of these officers to participate in the ISP.
However, officers shall not be eligible to transfer to an investigative position until the department’s _____ and any other eligibility period has been satisfied.
1) untruthfulness
2) A or B
3) executive assistant chief over the concerned division
4) prescribed reckoning period
Application and Eligibility
Internal Affairs Complaints.
Officers with a sustained untruthfulness complaint (Class I or II) are not eligible to apply for or transfer to any investigative position for a period of _____years from the date of discipline for Category D or E violations and for ____years from the date of discipline
for Category A, B, or C violations.
1) seven
2) five
Application and Eligibility
Internal Affairs Complaints.
Applicants with a _____ are not eligible to transfer to an investigative position but are allowed to continue with the ISP on a conditional basis provided that no other disqualifying factors exist.
pending internal affairs investigation
Application and Eligibility
Internal Affairs Complaints.
If a pending internal affairs complaint is sustained,
officers shall not be eligible to transfer to an investigative position until _______ and any other eligibility period has been satisfied.
the department’s prescribed reckoning period
Application and Eligibility
Internal Affairs Complaints.
Additionally, any sustained _____ or series of sustained _____ (e.g. criminal activity, court attendance, inattention to duty, conduct and behavior) may be a deciding factor regarding an officer’s suitability for an investigative position and may warrant disqualification
from the ISP.
The _______shall be the final authority regarding the eligibility of these officers.
1) cite
2) cites
3) executive assistant chief over the concerned division
Following the application period designated on an investigative division’s classified job posting, the division shall conduct an _____.
The assessment process shall be designed to evaluate the applicants’ _____for an investigative position in the division.
The assessment process may include, but is not limited to, interviews and analyses of prior work products, applicant productivity, supervisor ratings, or specialized training.
Additionally, the investigative division may develop _______ designed to test applicants’ interpersonal skills, deductive reasoning, or oral or written communications.
1) assessment of all potentially eligible applicants
2) suitability
3) written and/or oral exercises
The investigative division shall then assign each applicant a total score. Each investigative division shall maintain a record of these scores according to _____.
Applicants who achieve at least ____percent of the available points shall be classified and grouped as
Most Ready.
Applicants who achieve at least 70 percent but less than 85 percent of the total available points shall be classified and grouped as ____.
Applicants who fail to score at least 70 percent are ineligible for the concerned ISP transfer and shall be
classified as _____.
Eligible applicants shall be identified on an established list in either the Most Ready group or the Ready group.
1) their division’s records retention schedule
2) 85
3) Ready
4) NotReady
Applicants on an established list remain in consideration for positions in the concerned
division until the pool of eligible applicants on the list is exhausted but for no longer than _____ from the date the list is _____.
1) one calendar year
2) established by ESD
Under the ISP, division commanders shall select from among the Most Ready group of applicants on an established list and proceed to the Ready group once all of the Most Ready applicants have…
been transferred, have twice declined the transfer offer, or have been otherwise removed from that established
A division commander may select an applicant
from the Ready group before the list is exhausted for the Most Ready group only if…
the applicant in the Ready group possesses a bona fide occupational qualification not available in any of the Most Ready applicants.
A bona fide occupational qualification for an investigative position includes, but is not limited to,
language skills, computer knowledge, or investigative experience.
For department purposes a bona fide occupational
qualification does not include…
race, national origin, religion, age, or sex.
Only the _______ may approve requests to by-pass a Most Ready applicant.
executive assistant chief over the concerned division
If there is a need for a classified employee based on race, national origin, religion, age, sex, or other qualification, it must be expressly and explicitly articulated why that qualification is…
reasonably necessary for the normal performance of duties for the particular job assignment.
Applicants offered investigative positions in the Homicide, Narcotics, Major Offenders, Vice, or Special Victims divisions must complete an ______
Applicants who fail to meet this requirement or who are deemed Not Ready for the assignment by Psychological Services Division shall be _____
1) evaluation with Psychological Services Division.
2) disqualified from consideration for that position.
Probationary Period
Officers transferred via the investigative selection
process shall have a probationary period of ____.
During the probationary period, the officer’s performance in the new position shall be closely
180 calendar days
Probationary Period
If the officer fails to meet the division’s ____ for the position during the officer’s 180-day probationary period, the officer may be offered an intra-divisional reassignment or the division commander shall document the weaknesses and _____ to the assistant chief for the officer’s removal from the division.
If the assistant chief concurs the officer is no longer suited for the division, the officer shall be transferred by_____.
1) established performance standards
2) petition in writing
3) any approved transfer method
Probationary Period
Officers removed from a division because of job performance deficiency are not guaranteed any _____.
Placement may be at the discretion of _____.
1) specific assignment, shift, or days off
2) the Chief of Police