300-03 Seniority Flashcards
Seniority is used throughout the department as a factor in making decisions relative to ____ including, but not limited to, time off and shift assignments.
Generally, employees with more seniority shall be allowed to _____ on these matters before employees with less seniority.
Other types of seniority may be provided for by law, City policies, or other department policies. This policy does not apply to situations in which other specific provisions exist.
1) personnel issues
2) exercise their preferences
Management Need.
A specific, defined operational or management objective.
Mid Manager.
Any employee having supervisory authority above the level of a first-line supervisor and below the level of division commander.
Multiple Holidays.
The holidays of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day.
Personnel Requirements.
The combination of job skills, knowledge, work experience, interest of the employee, etc., required for a particular assignment.
Rotating Seniority List.
A list arranged by seniority on which employees desiring a multiple holiday off indicate if the holiday is their first, second, or third choice.
Time in Grade.
Time spent at a certain classified rank or civilian job classification.
Civilian Employees
The employment date for civilian employees is the date they…
began employment with the City of Houston as determined by the Houston Police Department and the City of Houston Human Resources Department.
Classified Employees
The employment date for classified employees is the date the employees began _____.
However, in some instances classified employees have served as police officers with the City of Houston without receiving cadet training or before they received cadet training. The employment date for such classified employees is the _____.
1) cadet training
2) first day of their employment as a police officer with the City of Houston
Employment Date Adjustments
Employment dates shall be appropriately adjusted for rehire situations in which civilian or classified employees have _____.
Such adjustments shall preserve the rehired employee’s past seniority as determined appropriate by the Houston Police Department and the ____.
The adjusted employment date is referred to as the ____.
1) prior employment service with the City of Houston
2) City of Houston Human Resources Department
3) Comp Date
Employment Date Adjustments
Absences for military leave for service with the armed forces of the United States do not affect _____.
Also, unpaid leaves of absence and disciplinary suspensions totaling _____ days or less in any _____period do not affect employment date calculations or an employee’s position on a promotional list.
1) employment date calculations or an employee’s position on a promotional list
2) 90 calendar
3) 36-month
Employment Date Adjustments
Employment dates shall be appropriately adjusted for unpaid leaves of absence and disciplinary suspensions that are over _____ days in duration as follows.
If an unpaid extended leave of absence is approved by the Police Officers Civil Service Commission (POCSC) or City Council under the applicable ordinance and policy, the employment date adjustment shall take into account only those days in excess of _____ days.
However, for disciplinary suspensions and all other unpaid leaves of absence (not approved by POCSC or City Council), employment dates shall be adjusted for the entire duration of the absences totaling in excess of _____.
1) 90 calendar
2) 90 calendar
3) 90 calendar days in any 36-month period
Classified employees’ seniority is determined as indicated below. Should a tie in seniority ranking remain, the _____ shall determine highest seniority.
lowest employee number
Police Officer Rank
Senior police officers, police officers, and probationary police officers shall be considered together in the one rank of police officer for the purpose of seniority classification.
Seniority for employees of the rank of police officer is determined by their ____.
Seniority for officers having identical employment dates and who are out of the same academy class is determined by their_____.
This rule does not apply to academy classes for which _____.
1) employment dates
2) overall class ranking
3) such information is no longer available
Sergeants and Lieutenants
Seniority within each rank for sergeants or lieutenants shall be determined by their _____.
Seniority for sergeants or lieutenants having identical time in grade and who are on the same promotional list is determined by _____.
1) time in grade
2) their position on said promotional list.