30. The Self Flashcards
The person, including mental processes, body and personality characteristics.
The person’s concept of himself, a schema about yourself that guides the way we think about and remember information relevant to ourselves.
Refers to a person’s evaluation of himself, how much he likes and respects himself.
Who proposed a fundamental distinction between self as subject and self as object.
William James (1890)
The self as ____ includes the persons experience of self as thinker, feeler and actor.
The self as ____ is the persons of view of the self.
This is the ____ on which people reflect when they take the self as an object of thought.
Contemporary psychodynamic thinking focuses on ____-____ – mental models or representations of the self.
Psychodynamic theorists assert that people’s ____ of themselves and others play a key role in personality and psychopathology.
Thus, the self-concept is an ____ towards the self, which includes beliefs, feelings and tendencies to behave towards oneself in particular ways.
Two characteristics distinguish psychodynamic views of the self.
(1) Firstly, they emphasise that people ____ the self with many different positive and negative emotions, which are activated under different circumstances.
(2) Second, self representations can be ____ and ____, explicit and implicit. These representations can be at odds or completely contradictory.
conscious or unconscious
Cognitive theorists focus on the way the self-concept ____ thought and memory.
One cognitive theorist has proposed that the self-concept is like a theory of ____.
Other cognitive theorists proposed that the self-concept is a ____ ____ – a schema about the self that guides the way we think about and remember information relevant to ourselves.
self schema
Individuals have multiple ____ that guide the way they think about themselves, such as the motive to see themselves accurately.
Another primary motive regarding the self, which often competes with accuracy motivation, is the motivation to maintain high self-esteem, sometimes referred to as the ____ ___ ____ ____.
motive for self-enhancement
People generally maintain ____ self-esteem by giving greater emotional weight to areas in which they are more successful.
When people compare themselves to other people on that particular dimension, a process called social comparison, they often use as the comparison group individuals who are ____ ___ than they are.
worse off
People may engage in ____ ____, a process by which they set themselves up to fail when success is uncertain in order to preserve their self-esteem.
One final means by which people may maintain or even enhance their self-esteem is ‘____ __ ____ ____’ or BIRGing.
basking in reflected glory
People who BIRG publicly announce their affiliation with another person or group that is successful, even though they had ____ to do with the success of that person or group.
A less obvious motive guiding the self is ____-____, the motive to interpret information to fit the way one already sees oneself and to prefer people who verify rather than challenge that view.
Self consistency
____ people actually prefer to interact with others – including marital partners – who have a negative view of them.
Individuals who perceive themselves negatively appear to avoid people who give them feedback to the ____ for several reasons.
They consider the feedback untrue, they feel that the relationship will be smoother and more predictable if the other person understands them and they believe people who view them positively are less ____.
The process by which people attempt to control the impressions that others have of them is called ____-____ or impression management.
Self presentation
Although it was once thought that people generally try to make ____ impressions on others, researchers now know that the goal is to create desired impressions, either favourable or unfavourable.
Instances in which desires to influence the impressions other people form of us fail are termed ____-____ ____, and the emotion most frequently experienced in such situations is embarrassment.
Individual differences in the degree to which people manage their impressions are referred to as ____-____.
High self-monitors resemble social chameleons. Who they are and how are they present themselves varies with the ____ in which they find themselves.
Low self-monitors, on the other hand, are much less concerned with the ____ that others form of them.
One theory distinguishes three kinds of self concepts: actual, ideal and ought.
Refers to people’s views of how they actually are.
Refers to the hopes, aspirations and wishes that define the way the person would like to be.
Includes the duties, obligations and responsibilities that define the way the person should be.