22. Psychodynamic Therapies Flashcards
Psychodynamic therapies - Modern ____ developed in the late 19th century out of the work of Sigmund Freud.
The ____ ____ to therapeutic change rests on two principles: the role of insight and the role of the therapist-patient relationship.
psychodynamic approach
Refers to the understanding of one’s own psychological process.
According to psychodynamic theory, ____ result primarily from three sources:
Symptoms - (1) ____ ways of viewing the self and relationships,
Symptoms - (2) unconscious ____ and ____ among competing wishes and feelings,
conflicts and compromises
Symptoms - and (3) maladaptive ways of dealing with ____ emotions.
Therapeutic change requires patients come to understand the ____ ____ of their mind.
internal workings
A second principle of psychodynamic treatment is that the ____ between the patient and the therapist is crucial for therapeutic change for three reasons.
Relationship - (1) A patient has to feel comfortable with the therapist in order to speak about emotionally significant experiences, a phenomenon called ____ ____.
therapeutic alliance
Relationship - (2) Many psychodynamic therapists argue that being with someone who ____ empathically rather than critically is inherently therapeutic.
Relationship - (3) Psychodynamic therapists assume that patients often bring enduring and troubling ____ ____ into the relationship with the therapist, which can then be more readily explored and changed.
interpersonal patterns
Therapeutic techniques - (1) Atechnique for exploring associational networks and unconscious processes involved and symptom formation. The therapist instructs patient to say whatever comes to mind – thoughts, feelings, images, fantasies, memories, dreams of the night before or wishes – and to try to sensor nothing.
The patient and therapist then ____ to solve the mystery of the symptoms, piecing together the connections and what has been said and noting what has not been said.
Therapeutic techniques - (2) A central element of psychodynamic technique is the ____ of conflicts, defences, compromise-formations, and repeated interpersonal patterns, whereby the therapist helps the person understand their experiences in a new light.
An important kind of interpretation addresses ____, barriers to free association or the treatment more generally, which the patient creates. Resistance emerges because the patient originally developed their symptoms to reduce anxiety; the closer she comes to its source, the more she is motivated to run from it.
Therapeutic techniques - (3) Refers to the process whereby people experience similar thoughts, feelings, fears, wishes and conflicts in a new relationship as they did in past relationships.
The main contemporary forms of psychodynamic treatment are ____ (in which the patient lies on the couch and meets with the therapist three or more times a week) and ____ ____ (in which the patient and a therapist it face-to-face and usually meet once or twice a week).
psychodynamic psychotherapy