3 Endocrine Glands Flashcards
3 classes of hormones
Amino acid eg catecholamines
How endocrine glands formed?
Down growth Loss of duct cells Cords of cells - form endocrine Aggregates Surround by capillaries
Steroid producing cells classification?
Tubular mito
Lipid droplets
Developed SER
Characteristics of endocrine system?
Slow, long-lasting, bloodstream diffusion - bind to complementiry receptors.
3 types of endocrine cells?
Endocrine - effects target organ via blood
Paracrine - effects cells in close vicinity
Autocrine - effect endocrine cells themselves
Endocrine gland classification?
Unicellular endocrine glands… 2 examples of…
C cells of thyroid
DNES Diffuse Neuro-endocrine system
DNES - explain?
Mucosa of Digestive, respiratory system.
Enteroendocrine cells
Argentaffin, argyophillic - affinity for chromium and silver salts
APUD - Amine precursor undergo decarboxylation - hormone synthesised - increase motility.
Stomach - gastrin and serotonin - stim gastric secretion - increase SI motility
SI - CCK ( cholecystokinin ) - pancreas enzyme secretion
- secretin - stim secretion : pancrease enzymes, bicarbonate
- motilin - increase gastric and SI motility.
4 types of multicellular endocrine glands - and examples
Cords - pituitary, parathyroid, adrenal, pineal
Islets - pancreas
Interstitial - testis and ovary
Follicles - thyroid (only structure)
Why is kidney not an organ of the endocrine system?
Not specialised for endocrine hormone secretion.
Other major functions eg reabsorption of water, ions. Blood filter
What 2 hormones does kidney secrete?
Pituitary, anterior, adenohypophysis : name components
Pars : tuberalis, intermedia, distalis
Neurohypophysis structure?
Pars nervosa and infundibular stalk
How ant pituitary stimulated?
Stimulated via inhibition/secretion factors via primary and secondary capillaries.
Pars distalis - regulate cells in ant. Hypophysis
Does post pituitary prodcue hormones?
No, only hormones release.
Hypothalamus produce hormones via axon - pars nervosa
Name hormones produced by pituitary gland - adenohypophysis.
adrenal galnds, mammary glands, male and female gonads, liver, thyroid, melanocytes.
FSH, LH - maturation in spermatogenesis, development of follicle in ovary, ovulation
5 types of cells in Ant Pituitary?
Somatotropes - GH, GHRH (growth hormone releasing hormone), somatostatin (inhibit gh release)
Lactotropes prl, dopamine inhibit, vasoactive inhibitory peptide and thyrotropin releasing hormone inhibit
Corticotropes acth
Gonadotropes fsh lh
Thyrotropes tsh
Hormones produce by post lobe
ADH - reabsorption of water in the kidneys
Oxytocin - SM uternine and mammary gland contraction (female)
- (male) SM in ductus deterens and prostate glands.
What is acromegaly?
Post puberty, excess gh produced
Adenonypohysis arrangement of epithelia?
In cords
Adenohypophysis hormone type?
Protein, glycoprotein
3 categories of types of cells in adenohypophysis?
Chromophils ( acidophillic - GH, PRL MSH, basophillic - FSH, LH, TSH, ACTH)
Chromophobe - no stain, unknown maybe (inactive, degranulated, undifferentiated.)
Folliculo-stellate - starlike - transmit signal from pars tuberalis to distalis
Neurohypophysis info?
Release factors stimulate adenohypophysis ADH, oxytocin Unmyelinated nerve fibre CT stroma Specialised glial cells
What inhibits ADH.
What do you find in nerve fibres and glial cells of the pituitary?
Herrin bodies.