2.1 Heart Flashcards
Pulmonary veins?
4 into left atria
Heart ventricles? (3)
Thicker than atria
left ventricle thicker than right
greater bp than atria
Heart (4)
Hollow fibromuscular organ
Ant. Mediastinuum
Fibrous sac
Flattened cone/deformed pyramid
Heart - base to apex
Heart weight, m and f
M 300g
F 250g
During cardiac cycle - the apex?
Does not move
Where is diaphragmatic face? Septal plane?
Inferiorly. Mainly rep. By ventricles
45* to saggital. Divides L and R heart
Iv groove?
Ant and post of heart
Sterrnocostal face?
Front of heart. Behind breastbone
Coronary sinus
Rv - vein draining heart
Right atrium post
Sinus vena cavae - smooth
Right atrium ant
True atrium - pectinate and cristae terminalis - auricle (sulcus terminalis externally)
Triangle of koch (4)
Tendon of todoro
Avn - apex of triangle
Central fibrous body
Coronary sinus at base
Rv 3 regions
Inflow, trabeculated, outflow
Left atrium (4)
Smooth surface
Less muscle pectinate
4 pv, no valves
Foramen ovale
Chordae tendinae
Av valves
Fibrous lamina - tfibroelastic tissue with overlying endocardium.
3 cusps.
No bv.
Smooth atrial surface
Chordae tendinae - ventricular surface - prevent extra flexion during ventricle contraction
Semilunar valves
3 cusps, nodules, lunules.
Aortic valve - rca, lca sinuses
Closure - end of systole - due to filling of cusps when ventricles contract
Valves - 3 layers
Fibrosa - core - fibrous extensions of dct of fibrous ring
Spongiosa - lct - atrial/bv side - shock absorber
Ventricularis - adjacent to ventricular or atrial surface. Endothelium.
Diastole, systole
Diastole - atria contract
Systole - ventricle contract
What main in cardiac tissue?
Proteoglycans, collagen fibres, elastic fibres