3. Controller Generals/ Finances Flashcards
What were the basic ideas of Turgot?
Physiocrat, believed in a freer system, replacing privileges, regulations, customs ect.
What did Turgot propose?
Opposed participation in the US. Produced regular budget and made government departments submit their expenses. Removal/reduction of pensions. Reforms to the tax-farming system for effiency.
Who opposed Turgot?
Opposed by 2nd Estate. Couldn’t pass free trade in grain. His 6 radical edicts were opposed by the Paris Parlement. Also upset Marie-Antoinette. The parlements were too powerful and eventually he had to resign in 1776.
Who was Necker and what was his title.
Ex-banker, director of French East India Company. Protestant and labled Director-General of Finance 1777. Was the most radical.
What were Necker’s main proposals?
Wanted to publish financial records. Reduced royal expenses and pensions. Appoint salaried officials. Remove vingtieme. Make royal accounting more professional. Restructure financial administration.
What were some problems with Necker’s proposals?
Lost money as venal officials no longer lent money to the crown. Published budget statement but King saw it as a breach. Needed to raise loans to deal with French debt. Disguised higher interest rates as normal expenditure.
Why did Necker ultimately fail?
Many enemies including Marie-Antoinette. Didn’t have the power to enact his proposals as he was only Director-General.
What was the background of Calonne?
Noblesse de Robe, was an Intendant in Flanders (corrupt). Wanted to preserve the Ancien Regime.
What were Calonne’s main proposals?
Had a reform package. General land tax and abolition of vingteimes. Establishment of provincial assemblies. Indirect free tax on legal documents. End of Corvee Royal. Removal of control on grain tax. Removal of internal custom barriers.
What were the problems that came with Calonne’s proposals?
Opposition from the Clergy. These changes would all have hit the Ancien Regime, all ministers opposed the ideas. Caused political deadlock and handed to the Notables. Lit de Justice ignored it.
Why was Calonne eventually eventually let go?
Blamed for the deficit and exiled to Lorraine 1787.
Why was France in such a state by 1789?
Much Political instability, ‘Day of Tiles’ Paris Parlement banished and brought back, Estates-General summoned. France bankrupt at this point and taking out massive loans. Famine in the 3rd Estate and rioting. Cahier de doleances allowed Estates to make complaints directly to the King but taxes was last on the agenda.
What was happening with the Estates-General?
Called for in August 1788 but formed August 1789. Allowed to assemble when Brienne stopped treasury payments. Meant to scrutinise government and get Brienne’s reforms passed. 3 main issues over voting, amount of deputies and when the Estates should meet.
What were some strengths of France’s pre-revolution economy?
Large population of 27 million in 1780.
French commerce had increased eight-fold from 1715-71, second only to Britain.
Trade with colonies quadrupled.
Industry doubled from 1715-71.
What were weaknesses of France’s pre-revolution economy?
France was 85% agricultural and backwards due to seigneurial arrangements and large population.
Internal trade barriers made it hard to trade city-to-city.
25,000 different units of measurement leading to fraud.
Less industrial and had British competition.
Poor harvests from 1785-89 with a hailstorm in 1788 destroyed crops.
What were the direct taxes in France at the time?
Taille (property tax).
Vingtieme (income tax)
Capitation (theoretically to be paided by everyone but the Clergy paid Don Gratuit and the 2nd Estates payments varied)
What were some indirect taxes in France?
Tabac (tobacco tax)
Aides (general consumption tax)
Octrois (local custom taxes).
What were the problems with taxes?
Corruption in the system. Direct taxes were collected by Royal officers who brought their positions and would profit off taxes. Indirect taxes were sold to collection agencies eg ferme generale (second largest employer in France).
Church tax was optional and pays d’etats were decided based on provinces.
Problems with French debts?
Had debts of 3.3 billion livres.
43% of expenditure was spent on debts.
Spent 6% of expenditure on Royal Courts.