3- Consciousness & Sleep Flashcards
-brain waves
-when awake- BETA consciousness stage- high frequency, alert
- start to doze off, meditate, relax- ALPHA wave consciousness- slower, awake but relaxed / eyes closed
- while falling asleep, and waking up- sleep paralysis- mind awake, body asleep
THETA- irregular waveforms, slower freq, higher voltage
-stage 1 of sleep
-stage 2 = theta + sleep spindles & K complexes in
(fast zigzags vs sharp up then down)
DELTA- really deep- slow wave- stage 3 or 4 of sleep
REM sleep- you dream- rapid eye movements
NREM = non-REM = stages 1-4
(Stages 1-4 then REM = one sleep cycle)
REM is closer to awakening than deep sleep
-a short nap is refreshing bc you do reach deep sleep
Adult sleep cycle- 90 mins, shorter for kids (50 min) = kids need more sleep
Sleep deprivation = diminished memory & cognition
-hallucinations, then go crazy- can’t think rationally
Circadian Rhythms
- during day, periods of wakefulness, then sleepy at night, then sleep
- based on sun; 24 hour cycle
- depression, seasonal affective disorder
-most in REM
1) activation-synthesis
- when you sleep, neurons randomly fire and your brain interprets that as a dream
2) problem solving
3) cognitive process idea
- visual and auditory manifestation of normal stream of consciousness- thought after thought after thought (like spreading activation) but no longer confined to reality/does this make sense
Sleep disorders
-sleep paralysis
- dyssomnia= sleep dysfunctions
- —insomnia = can’t sleep; narcolepsy = always sleepy
- sleep apnea- hard to breathe when sleep
- —-can be physiological/sleeping position, esp in overweight people, or psychological, where medulla stops signaling to breathe
- parasomnias- abnormal sleep
- —-night terrors- vivid nightmares, thrash around in bed etc.
- —-sleepwalking = somnambulism
-sleep deprivation- sleep debt; REM rebound; when you haven’t sleep for a while, your body goes straight to REM
Subliminal messages; Hypnosis
- can influence mood/prime, not affect behavior
- below threshold of conscious perception, may fire tho
—-same w/ hypnosis
- for a non-skeptical, you can put them into a more relaxed state/ help them meditate, guide them through pain reduction, reduction of urges (help to curb addictions)
- can’t make someone remember something repressed; often false memories
- alpha wave- relaxed state
—-also in meditation; help clear mind, concentrate, mindful, concentrate on self
-one way to change consciousness is meditation; other is drugs