2 - Additional Notes from Videos & Book Flashcards
Visual anatomy
- As iris gets bigger, pupil gets smaller
- Lens focuses light (convex lens) - converging point at retina
- Retina- duplexity
- Retina- photons/absorb light, to electrical signal
- Light absorbing portion of photoreceptors faces back of retina
- Membrane shelves / discs lined with rhodopsin
- Mitochondria, synapse at front of retina
-Rods- single rhodopsin pigment; less detail but night vision
- Cones- shorter membrane shelf; 3 opsin pigments = color, detail- red, green, blue; bright light
- concentrated at fovea
- 1 cone cell per bipolar cell; multiple rod cells = less detail
- also reason for less cones than rods overall (20x more rods than cones)
- bipolar cells - gradients
- horizontal and amacrine cells - ancillary/support for bipolar; info from multiple retinal cells; edge detections and contrasts = refined
Visual Pathway
Info eyes to brain
- temporal fibers, nasal fibers
- optic chiasm- nasal fibers cross
Visual Processing
LGN of thalamus, visual cortex of occipital lobe, superior colliculus, midbrain
Visual processing
1) Parallel processing - identify key characteristics, commit to memory, recall name or description of object- simultaneous analysis of color, shape, motion
2) Feature detection - recognize features to identify desired object in visual field; filter out important info
Dim Room
- involuntary muscles of iris contract
- enlarge pupil
Object in front of right eye
is still processed by both hemispheres b/c right side of object processed by left visual field which goes to the left hemisphere
Outer ear
-Pinna/auricle, ear lobe, external auditory canal, meets tympanic membrane
Sound waves
longitudinal waves- a wave that vibrates in the direction of propagation
-period (time for one full wave to pass), speed, frequency
Frequency = number of waves/revolutions per sec = pitch (amplitude/loudness = intensity)
sound waves hitting your ear drum and vibrating is literally moving air particles
Middle Ear
- ossicles
- connects to Eustachian tube - part of nasal cavity; equalizes pressure; ear popping in plane
- oval window
Inner Ear
- Vestibule, 3 semicircular canals, cochlea
- Cochlea = hearing apparatus; has hair cells- signal transduction of turning vibrations into nerve impulses
- Perilymph cushions and transmits vibrations from oval window to cochlear duct
- Endolymph fills cochlea and semicircular canals- bathes hair cells
- Basilar membrane separates perilymph and endolymph
- Tectorial membrane is immobile
- Hair cells (not hair, tufts of cilia/stereocilia with mechanosensory receptors)
- Hair cells depolarize when tufts of cilia bend when they come into contact with the immobile tectorial membrane
Semicircular canals & Vestibule
3 —- X, Y, Z axes
-rotational acceleration
- Linear acceleration - utricle = hor, saccule = verti.
- Balance & orient in space
Both have hair cells sensitive to movement
Auditory Processing
Signal from cochlea to auditory nerve, to superior olive, to inferior colliculus, relayed to MGN, to temporal cortex
Olfactory chemoreceptors
- many
- specific
- lie in olfactory epithelium
-once chemical binds, signal to olfactory bulb (forebrain) -olfactory tract, to higher regions of brain
(Eyes: chiasm to tract to brain; Nose: bulb to tract to brain)
- Pheromones bind olfactory receptors
- –contain endocrine info; mating/food foraging
- dunno if humans can detect pheromones
- HIPPOCAMPUS not thalamus
- Tongue chemoreceptors in taste buds in papillae
- Sour = acid; Salt = alkali metals
- Umami/savory, bitter, sweet- specific molecules
- Molecule binds to taste buds- into to brainstem, to thalamus, to higher brain
- info through PNS
- 4 modalities: pressure, vibration, temp, nociception
- 2 point threshold- minimum distance to detect 2 distinct stimuli
- physiological zero- temp that feels neutral to our skin/body; if it feels hotter, it’s hotter than your skin
Kinesthetic sense
-where our limbs are in space = orientation/body position
-hand-eye coordination, balance, mobility
-a football player will use his kinesthetic sense, vestibular sense (balance, detect acceleration), somatosensation (feel ball reach hands), nociception (is he injured)
- if a woman can recover from balance while her eyes are closed, her vestibular sense is gucci (doing great lol)
- if she’s bumping into people in crowds, if she’s aiming to touch her nose and hits her cheek, if she’s bumping into things, her kinesthetic sense is wonky
Sensation vs Perception
sensation = transduction; perception = processing
associated w/ sensation and perception
collection of neuron cell bodies - CNS
tract = CNS, nerves = PNS
projection areas
motor cortex
vs association areas- prefrontal cortex
pressure, movement