3. Conflict: Marxism Flashcards
What is marxist’s main belief
Life is unfair, deal with it and get on
What era was Karl Marx born into
1818-1893 Germany
What are the 5 problems with capitalism
Modern work is alienated
Modern work is insecure
Workers get little, capitalists get rich
Capitalism is unstable
Capitalism is bad for capitalists
What is alienation
Remove and disconnecting what you do to who you are
What was Marx’s view in profit
Capitalists see it as a reward
Profit is the effort of your work force
What does Marx’s mean by Ideology
capitalists society believes relate back to economy
evil capitalism, teaches us all to be unfair
What did Marx want
Communism, no private property
central control of education
free transport
Who are the bourgeoisie
ruling class
owns the mean of production
Who are the proletariat
working class
own nothing, sell labour for a wage
Why is the lego movie a capitalist society
The bourgeoisie exploit the proletariat, manipulating into alienation of their works and ideologies
What did Louis Althusser argue
education produces class inequality by failing success generations of working class
legitimates by training students to believe inequality in inevitable and we deserve our positions
What is Repressive State Apparatus
maintain the rule of bourgeoisie by force
police, courts, army
What is the Ideological State Apparatus
Maintain bourgeoisie rule by controlling people’s values and beliefs
religion, media, education
How do schools transmit the ideology that capitalism is reasonable
work experience to train you to obey and become a proletariat
attitudes toward work
How do schools prepare students to accept future exploitation
uniform prepares you
How does pupils becoming managers and decision makers through qualifications legitimate their power
more qualifications = more power
creates hierarchy in society
What did Bordieu think
Cultural Capital
What is cultural capital
cultural - dominance in the education system is based on possession of cultural capital
capital - those who come from middle class have more access to dominant class
What three things does Cultural capital include
Working class
Middle class
What is Habitus
Each social class has its own cultural framework and set ideas
What are some working class factors
less disposable income
shop @ luck
work long hours for more labour intensive jobs
public state schools
The mirror, the sun, the daily mail
What are some middle class factors
Holidays abroad
shop @ MandS
disposable incomes
private schools
The telegraph, the Times
What did Illic and Freire think
Reward those who accept school regime with qualifications and those who don’t confirm end up in lower jobs and don’t continue the school line
What is Hegemony/ Hegemonic control
Dominance in society of ruling class ideas over other and acceptance and consent to them by the rest of society
control the working class achieved by hegemony
What is Illich and Freires solution
Abolish schools
What did Bowles and Gintis believe
Capitalism needs an obedient work force who will accept hard work low pay and orders from above
Best way to achieve is to build in from school age.
school is to train not nurture development
individuality is hard
What are the 6 segments of Bowles and Gintis ideas
Extrinsic reward
How is fragmentation in work and schools
school- forms, classes, friends, sets
work- departments, sectors, work divides
How are levels in school and work
s- graded sets, higher vs foundation
W- managers, ceo, employees
How are extrinsic rewards in school and work
s- end of year treat, house points, qualifications
w- pay rise, company car, benefits
How is alienation in school and work
s- exam season, silent room, no control
w- not team, office, assembly lines
How is competition in school and work
s- with classmates, siblings, sports
w- other business, internal, against others
How is there hierarchy in school and work
S- teachers, slt, students
w- ceo, boss, employees
what is the long shadow of work
always one step behind someone and following something else
Does school operate int he long shadow of work
yes- set up for interviews, division of work
no- not everyone adapts to educations, hidden curriculum is taught informally
Why do Post modernists criticise marxist theory
theory is outdated and society is more children centred that in the past
careers advice and 1-1 tutors allow for everyone to be catered
What are two other criticisms of marxism
deterministic, fate of working class is not set, they have the power to change it
lack of imperial evidence. no school supports, not justified
What do Neo Marxists think
not just puppets and have elements of free will and choice in our behaviour
What did Paul Willis study
students can resist attempts to indoctrinate people
12 working men
counter school culture causes rejects in meritocracy
prepare for low skilled jobs
allow capitalism to overtake ideas of society
What would Marxist think the main concept is
correspondence principle
hidden curriculum is
myth of meritocracy
What would Neo Marxist think the main concept is
counter school culture
shop floor cultures
having a laugh
What would marxist think the relationship between capitalism and education is like
capitalism directly shapes the content of education and controls behaviour of students
What would Neo Marxists think the relationship between capitalists and education is
capitalism shapes society as a whole but groups with education form sub cultures
What is marxist view on pupil behaviour
pupils conform to rules
What is neo marxist view on pupil behaviour
some pupils actively rebel
what is marxists view in relationships between school and work
School creates passive obedient and exploited workers
what is neo marxists view in relationships between school and work
schools create portly behaved workers but workers who do not rebel against the capitalist system as a whole
what is marxists view on main strengths of capitalism
analyses overall relationship between education system and capitalist system
what is neo marxists view on main strengths of capitalism
based on detailed ethnographic research
show subtle understanding of behaviour
does not assume the most pupils confirm
what is marxists view on main weaknesses of capitalism
based on limited evident
exaggeration of conformity
doesn’t examine positive effects or explore gender inequalities
what is neo marxists view on main weaknesses of capitalism
dates based on small sample
over simplified subcultures into two types
pro school and anti school
relies on Willis interpretation of boys behaviours
What is an overall summary of Neo marxism
students should follow rules but are able to decide on how they matter in society
some people choose to fail and you can’t stop that