1. Consensus: Functionalism Flashcards
what is a structural theory
focus on ideas that society causes our behaviours and creates our norms and values
we are puppets on a string
what are consensus theory
people take a positive outlook on society and their theories to support why society is how it is
harmony in society
what is the organic analogy
society is the human body and entirely dependant on each other to survive
if the heart dies, so does the brain = if the economy goes down we all fall
what is the purpose of education
to teach and educate you on how to do well and cope in society
how to learn and get jobs
to socialise with other people
what was Durkheim’s key concepts about education
build society and solidarity
society needs social solidarity for social cohesion
we feel as one body
assemblies uniform etc
what are the strength and limitations of Durkheim
3 School is seen as an exam, rather than encouraging co-operation & team work
6 Teacher student relationship isn’t 1 way, students can reject norms and values
8 Everyone can learn form everyone, so school is not teaching the right specs
What are Parsons key concepts about education
Particular values to universalistic values
Education teaches discipline
To understand consequences
Late to school, detention
What are strengths and weaknesses of Parson idea of education
5School passes on patriarchal values, gendered subjects etc
10Marxists believe education shows values of minority(ruling class), rather than universal ruling
What was Blau and Duncans key concepts of education
Develop human capitol & specialist skills
Teachers offer skills
school gives you qualifications to move forward in life
What are strengths and weaknesses of Blau and Duncans idea of education
1 New right says state schools don’t produce the right type or workers for business to compete
7 Uni numbers don’t match jobs available, school does too well
9 low education spend means high economic growth?
What was Davis and Moore key concepts of education
meritocracy comes from hard work
role allocation in a meritocratic society
education sieves people. high skills = important jobs. low skill = labour
jobs need to be done
What are strengths and weaknesses of Davis and Moore idea of education
1 New right says state schools don’t produce the right type or workers for business to compete
2 happiness and academic cred isn’t linked
4 education is graded on ability not opportunity
7 Uni numbers don’t match jobs available, school does to well
What are some key point of Functionalist views on Education
biased schooling
money = happiness
school is an exam
ability over opportunity
patriarchy rules
puppets by school
school does to well
everyone can learn from all
good edu = good workers
educations for smaller minorities
In the Uk, how many school are faith schools
37% primary
19% secondary
What is the problem with faith schools
decline in shared values
promote national values?
Why are faith schools good for social solidarity
allows shared values to continue
creates division because everyone learns something different though
can education promote shared values
understand what other people believe
respect everyone in their own beliefs
What did Durkheim believe
Build social solidarity
What did parsons believe
bridge particularistic values to universalistic values
What did Blau and Duncan believe
Develop human capitol and specialist skill
What did Davis and Moore believe
role allocation in a meritocratic society
What does David Hargreaves (1982) say about education
It promotes competition and individualism