3-8 Flashcards
what is the name of the acid-fast staining technique used in lab?
Ziehl-Neelsen acidfast staining method
what is mycolic acid?
waxy-substance in cell walls of acid fast MOs that has a higher affinity for the primary stain and resists decolorization with acid alcohol.
enables cell wall of acid fast MOs to repel typical aqueous solution
what is carbolfuchsin?
primary stain
phenolic compound that penetrates mycolic acid in the cell wall of acidfast bacteria because it is lipid soluable
why do we steam carbolfuchsin?
enhances staining by driving stain into cell wall
Result of Ziehl-Neelsen’s acid fast staining?
bacteria that retain primary stain after decolorization are acid fast while those that donot are non acid fast
what are the steps in Ziehl-Neelsens acid fast staining?
primary stain carbolfuchsin
decolorization acid alcohol
secondary stain methylene blue
why is the secondary stain not safranin?
Safranin and carbolfuchsin are too close in color, would not be able to differentiate
why do put bibulous paper while streaming?
Because if we do not, cells dry (desiccate) and get distort shape
what are the color in Ziehl-Neelsens acid fast staining?
hot pink (+) Mycobacterium smegmatis
blue (-) Staphylococcus epidermis/aureus
what are two diseases cause by acid fast MOs?
Mycobacterium leprae
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.