1-4 Flashcards
what is a colony or colonies?
group or clusters of million of cells of the same species
what are a colony forming units (CFUs)
some colonies form from individual cells and others from pairs
how does one incubate a streak plate?
inverted position
37 degrees Celsius
48 hours
where should one see isolated colonies in a streak plate?
4th quadrant
what is a mixed culture?
microbial culture consisting of two or more species
what is a pure culture?
microbial culture consisting of a single species
what is a commonly used isolation technique?
streak plate/ streaking
what happens during streaking?
cell density decreases
leading to individual cells being deposited separately on the agar surface
when is a quadrant streak/ T streak used?
samples with high density
when is a zigzag/ continuous streak used?
samples with lower cell density
what are two ways a person can streak a plate to avoid contamination?
- leave agar plate on table and lift lid (using as a shield)
- place lid of plate down on table and hold it in the air at an angle