28. Liability Flashcards
Advantages of unlimited liability
- It is easier to raise finance
- Business is seen more trustworthy
Disadvantages of unlimited liability
- Owners are exposed financially to the failure of their bussinesses
- Owners are liable for any unlawful acts comitted by the owners or the employees.
- Owners may be financial liable if sued succesfully by other stakeholders, such as customers, employees or suppliers
Advantages of limited liability
- Financial liability is limited to the amount of money they invested in the business
- Shareholders also have protection from legal claims on the business
- Easier to raise large amount of money from investors
Disadvantages of limited liability
- In some cases owners of small limited companies are required to give personal guarantees of the company’s debts to those lending to the company
Choosing apropriate finance:
- Wheather short-term or long term finance is needed
- The financial position of the business
- Cost
- The legal status of the business
Finance appropriate for unlimited liability businesses:
- Personal savings
- Retained profits
- Mortgage
- Unsecured bank loans
- Peer-to-peer lending
- Crowd funding
- Bank overdraft
- Grants
Finance appropriate for limited liability businesses:
- Share capital
- Debentures
- Retained profit
- Venture ccapitalists
- Business angels
- Other sources
An asset that might be sold to pay a lender when a loan cannot be repaid
Incorporated business
A business model in which the business and the owner(s) have separate legal identities
Limited liability
A legal status which means that a business owner is only liable for the original amount of money invested in the business
Long-term finance
Money borrowed for more than 1 year
Rights issue
Issuing new shares to existing shareholders at a discount
Short-term borrowing
Money borrowed for 12 months or less
A business with insuficient capital to run efectively
Unincorportaed business
A business model in which there is no legal difference betwen the owner(s) and the business
unlimited liability
A legal status which means that the owner of a business is personally liable for all business debts