27/01 Flashcards
prendre position
take a stand
AI peut permettre de gagner du temps
Although AI can be a great time-saver for teachers and enable students to get feedback (inden) more quickly.
nécessité sur l’utilisation de l’AI
It is nonetheless/nevertheless crucial to use it a transparent way to teach students how and when it is appropriate to use it.
AI augmente les notes des élèves ce qui peut affecter
While AI enables students to improve their performances according to some teachers come up, others worry that the lack of regulations/guidelines and oversight might hide harmful consequences for students. Such as inconsistent grades which could affect their college admissions and futures.
un retour sur une copie
a feedback (inden)
gain de temps
une aubaine
a boon
un étudiant de premier cycle
an undergraduate
to trial
réaliser un sondage
to conduct a survey
admettre faire qqch
to admit to doing
non corrigé
pas conscient de
unaware of
une inexactitude
an inaccuracy
s’attaquer à un problème
to address an issue
rendre une copie
to hand in a paper
être prêt à
willing to
adapter, personnaliser
to tailor
récolter les fruits de
to reap the benefits of
to roll out
le programme scolaire
the school curriculum
attacher de la valeur à
to prize
considérer, peser
to weigh up
immense, phénoménal
nombre d’utilisateur d’AI parmi les
According to a Hepi survey, 53% undergraduates resort to AI to generate work they would be marked on
la régulation est nécessaire pour
Regulations needed to maintain a balance between human intelligence and AI
dans quelle mesure
to what extent
poids, fardeau
the burden
une opportunité pour changer le système
Education it what makes us humain and AI should be seen as an opportunity to reshape our system: human intelligence is special and should be nurtured. AI-driven tools should only help in that direction.