13/01 Flashcards
l’administration de Trump
The Trump administration
Trump’s government
contribuer à vb
contribute to doing
expliquer l’immigration imp aux USA
Immigration is part of the American Ideal (American dream): perceived as a land of opportunities where social success and equal opportunity are accessible to all
les immigrants sont essentiels pour l’éco
Immigrants are key to a thriving economy (florissante économie)
8% of the USA’s GDP is created by immigrants, they actually represent 18% of the workforce)
économie florissante
a thriving economy
conséquence d’une déportation des immigrés
deporting immigrants would be a blow (un choc) to the diversity of the nation and would entail a social crisis = communities are torn apart, detrimental to the economy
un choc
a blow
immigrants de première génération
first-generation immigrants
to tear apart
tear/tore torn
s’engager à, promettre
to pledge to
l’élément vital
the lifeblood
les travailleurs illégaux
undocumented workers
infliger à
to inflict on
aider qu’un + GN
to assist sb with sth (GN)
to assist in doing (verbe)
une alternative, un plan B
a contingency plan
retenir, détenir
to detain/ to be detained
chercher une meilleure vie
to seek a better life / a brighter futurE
le futur
sanctuary policies
Sanctuary policies: at the local level English-language classes, issuing municipal identification documents and driver’s licences => help immigrants
X Education
dans la vie
in life
la base de
the foundation of
la population mondiale
the world’s population
to remain
milieu social (classes sociales)
social background (social class)
class background
réussir à l’école
to succeed at school
avoir des chances de
to be likely
Plus on travaille dur, plus on se fatigue
The harder you work, the more tired you are
les plus gros problèmes
the main problems
être confronté à
to be confronted with
des années
for years