13/01 Flashcards
l’administration de Trump
The Trump administration
Trump’s government
contribuer à vb
contribute to doing
expliquer l’immigration imp aux USA
Immigration is part of the American Ideal (American dream): perceived as a land of opportunities where social success and equal opportunity are accessible to all
les immigrants sont essentiels pour l’éco
Immigrants are key to a thriving economy (florissante économie)
8% of the USA’s GDP is created by immigrants, they actually represent 18% of the workforce)
économie florissante
a thriving economy
conséquence d’une déportation des immigrés
deporting immigrants would be a blow (un choc) to the diversity of the nation and would entail a social crisis = communities are torn apart, detrimental to the economy
un choc
a blow
immigrants de première génération
first-generation immigrants
to tear apart
tear/tore torn
s’engager à, promettre
to pledge to
l’élément vital
the lifeblood
les travailleurs illégaux
undocumented workers
infliger à
to inflict on
aider qu’un + GN
to assist sb with sth (GN)
to assist in doing (verbe)
une alternative, un plan B
a contingency plan