2.5 Health Promotion of School Agers and Adolescents Flashcards
School Aged (6-12 years old)
Biological Development
- Height increases 2 inches per year
- Weight increases 2-3 kg a year
- Males/Females differ little in size
- Females mature faster than boys (faster growth in weight and height)
Prepubescent (Preadolescents)
- 2 years preceding puberty
- Varies between age 9-12 (occurs 2 years earlier in girls)
- Average age for men is 12
- Average age for women is 10
Psychosocial Development (Erikson)
Stage - Industry vs Inferiority
- Sense of accomplishment (industry) such as finding new knowledge, skills, self-worth, pride versus inferiority where they do not feel like they are doing as well as others which lowers self-esteem.
- Eager to develop skills and acquire sense of personal competence.
- Growing sense of independence
- Peer approval is a strong motivator
- Important to let this age group know that it is okay for someone else to be better at certain skills to help them overcome sense of inferiority
Cognitive Development (Piaget)
Phase - Concrete Operations
- Use thought processes to experience events and actions
- Develop understanding between things and ideas
- Progress from making judgements based on what they see, and now make decisions based off their reasoning skills and knowledge they have gained.
- Like routines, schedules, what to expect to help them feel secure.
- They like concrete and know what is going on
Social Development
- Kids will find a best friend and same sex friendships are much more prominent
- Peers have strong influence in gaining independence from parents
- Cooperative play (individuals play together with very defined set of rules and expectations)
- They like structure and rules because they become more competitive
Relationship with Family
- Parents are primary influence in shaping a child’s behavior, values, personality
- Primary goal for school-aged is gaining independence from parents
- They still need parental control but are more independent.
Developing Self-Concept
- Conscious awareness of different self perceptions (what are my abilities, values, appearances) how do I view myself? What is my self esteem?
- Parents must help children shape a positive self concept by re-enforcing positive behaviors, teach self-respect, self-confidence, happiness.
Body Image
- Generally children like their physical selves less as they age
- They become more aware of differences between themselves and others, and societal norms which may influence feelings of inferiority.
- Body image is influenced by significant others.
Health Promotion
- Kids are more willing to have a wider array of foods in diet (less picky)
- Educate proper food choices
- 9 1/2 hours of sleep a night
- Resistant to bed-time until the end of school-aged children.
- Children start to engage in sports and competition
- Primary teeth are in so it is important to educate on how to prevent cavities, how to brush teeth, and how to protect their teeth.
Injury Prevention
- Most common cause of injury/death is motor vehicle accidents.
(Wear seatbelts, sit in back seat) - Typically will be in booster seat until 80 pounds.
- How to wear a helmet
- Importance of sports safety
Adolescents (13 - 18/20 years old)
- Transition between childhood and adulthood
- Rapid physical/cognitive/social/emotional maturation
Prepubescent - 2 years before puberty
Puberty - Sexual maturity is achieved
Postpubescent - 1-2 years after puberty (skeletal growth is complete and reproductive functions become established)
Adolescent - Time of growing into psychological, social, physical maturation
Biological Development
Primary Sex Characteristics
- Internal/External Organs Necessary for Reproduction
(Ovaries, Uterus, Penis)
Secondary Sex Characteristics
- Physiologic changes that occur due to hormones
(Voice change, hair growth, breast enlargement, fat deposits)
Sexual Maturation
- Tanner Stages of Sexual Maturity
(Stages of development of secondary sex characteristics and genital development)
(Guide to estimate sexual maturation)