2.3 Health & Safety Flashcards
What is the HSE?
Health & Safety Executive is the national watchdog for work related health and safety.
What does the HSE do?
Ensures risks in the workplace are properly controlled.
Helps businesses with occupational H&S compliance and practise.
What is CCS?
Considerate Contractor Scheme.
Independent organisation that encourages best practice and standards for contractors interaction with:
- Environment
Most common health risks in construction?
Working from height
Falls, trips and slips
Manual handling
Can you give examples of PPE?
Personal Protective Equipment:
-Hearing protection
-Hard Hat
-High Vis
What is a CSCS Card?
Construction Skills Certification Scheme:
Cards validate the individual has relevant qualifications to work or visit construction site safely.
What should you do if a member of the public gets injured from site works?
Accidents involving the public should be reportes to the HSE.
Ensure the individual is treated appropriately.
Investigation is conducted into the incident.
What is a prohibition notice by the HSE?
Given if there are activities with high risk of personal injury. Will require works to be stoped at once until risk is controlled or removed.
What is asbestos and what are the types?
Naturally occuring fibrous material favoured for its properties in heat resistance and fibre strength.
When was asbestos banned?
It was banned in 1999.
Surveys for Asbestos?
Management Survey - used to manage asbestos containg materials.
Rerb & Demo - required if a building is undergoing refurbishment or demolition.
What would do if you suspected asbestos on site?
Stop works immediately and stop access to area.
Alert site manager.
Get asbestos tested by competent contractor.
When asbestos is found, how is it managed?
Remove, ecapsulate or manage.
Where is asbestos commonly found?
Cement gutters and downpipes.
Corrugated roofs.
Floors and ceiling tiles.
Insulated boards.
What is an asbestos management plan?
Registers and details how people will remain safe whilst working in a building containing asbestos.
What are the main health hazards if you are exposed to asbestos?
Asbestos related lung cancer
What does RAMS stand for?
Risk Assessment and Method Statement.
What is a risk assessment?
Identifying hazards and developing a method to eliminate or reduce the risk.
What is RICS Surveying Safely?
Guidance from RICS on good practice for the management of health and safety.
What can you tell me about the RICS Surveying safely guide?
Safe person concept - individuals have responsibility of upholding h&s policy and behave appropriately. Also colleagues and others.
Assessing hazards and risks - hierarchy of risk control (elimination to ppe)
When are employers required to have a written H&S policy?
When they have more than 5 employees. If not it should be communicated verbally.
Principles of the H&S at work act 1974?
Duties of employers to employees and public.
Employers requirement to carry out risk assessments.
Adequate training for staff.
Adequate welfare provision.
Suitable instruction, information and supervision.
What is LOLER and its principles?
Regulation - Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998.
-Places duties on people/companies operating or owning lifting equipment.
-All lifts should be planned by a competent person and supervised.
-Ensure all equipment is fit for purpose.
What is COSHH and its principles?
Regulation - Control of Substance Hazardous to Health. Requires employers to limit the exposure to hazardous substances and sets out procedures should there be an exposure.
What is my understanding of RIDDOR?
Regulation - Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation 2013.
This regulation places the responsibility on employers to report incidents.
What is CDM and its principles?
Regulation - Construction (Design and Management) Regulation 2015.
Ensures Clients, Contractors, designers and other consider H&S.
Places statutory duties on clients, the principal designer, designers and contractors.
Who are the key Duty Holders under CDM?
Principal Designer
Principal Contractor
Under CDM what is the difference between domestic and commercial clients?
domestic is work that is carried on own home , commercial is done as part of business.
What is the Role of Principal Designer under CDM?
Plan manage and monitor H&S at the preconstruction stage.
Works with designers to eliminate foreseable H&S risks.
Liase with principal contractor on any risks that could be controlled in construction.
What is the Role of Principal Contractor under CDM?
Plan, manage and monitor H&S at the construction stage.
Prepare a written construction phase plan.
Ensure suitable welfare facilities are provided.
Prevent unauthorised access to the site.
Who, when and how do you notify HSE of construction works?
The client issues the F10 notification to the HSE if the project:
last more than 500 person days
exceeds 30 days with more than 20 workers at any one time.
What is the Health and Safety File?
File required by CDM to ensure those working are aware of H&S risks. The principal designer is responsible for coordinating the file.
What is in a Health and Safety File?
Description of works to be carried out.
Hazards associated with materials used.
Nature and location of significant services.
Hazards and how they have been dealt with.
Who should have the Health and Safety File at the end of the project?
The Client and end user will be given by the principal designer.
Health and Safety - Level 2 example?
Deep excavation.
Stopped works.
Raised with supervisor.
What is the Role of the Client under CDM?
Domestic Clients:
- The Contractor or principle designer takes on the Client’s duties.
Commercial Client:
- Provide suitable welfare facilities.
- Notify the HSE if the project is notifiable and display the notification.