216 "Aideds" NEW Flashcards
5 216-01 Aided Cases-General
When does a UMOS have an Aided case? ___________ (When he/she acronym)
- NEVER DO AN AIDED FOR A 53 OR Bike collision (Do PAR)*
Routine sick at home pertains to when a person is in ANY RESIDENCE and is _______(acronym)
Routine sick at home only requires an ________
(For routine sick UMOS should just ascertain if ambulance is responding and resume patrol)
DO NOT PREPARE AN AIDED for routine sick
(CALLS MD) Child (runaway, abused, abandoned, neglected) Adult (requiring care due to arrest of P/G, or requiring care due to hospitalization or death of P/G) Lost adult Lost child Sick or injured Mentally ill DOA
(I C no PAIN)
Police services needed
Adults-dependent OR uncared for children Investigation needed
Notifications required
A/L entry
5 216-01 Aided Cases-General
In regards to nursing home, if it’s a routine sick (I C no PAIN) PD will NOT respond, however, if __________ (3 things), then PD will respond and make the Aided report, and necessary notifications
(If it’s a routine sick at nursing home then communications wouldn’t dispatch PD to respond therefore nothing is required from cop, not even A/L entry!)
(Burns or ankle sprains are considered injuries)
Heart attack
5 216-01 Aided Cases-General
In regards to Aided if UMOS is NOT assigned to patrol (narco, crime) ask radio to assign a patrol unit.
UMOS should render aid and request ambulance or doctor, IF NECESSARY. (Not an absolute)
UMOS should NOT REMOVE medical alert emblems
UMOS should notify _____ AND _____ of medic alert emblem
Enter in ________ and ________ who you informed in regards to medic alert emblem.
Make a second call to EMS if they don’t respond after ________.
Make ______ with ACR/PCR number.
UMOS should ride in back of ambulance when the Aided is __________ (3 times)
UMOS should get name, phone, address of RELATIVE OR FRIEND for notification and prepare aided and hand it in to ____________
IF Aided is admitted to a hospital or DIES then the ______ should have friends/relative notified, if unable to make notification then classify aided as “unidentified” and notify _______ and also deliver Aided to _________
(216-03 IF aided homicide victim the detective will makes notification, and MPS will assist, if needed.
IF aided dies/admitted then COP will make notification)
D.O ENSURES notification was made IF Aided admitted to hospital or dies and THE D.O PERSONALLY documents it _________ on Aided card.
The D.O should review/process Aided
The _____ should notify ______________ IF GUARDIAN was arrested, DOA, or hospitalized and dependent ADULT requires protective services.
Radio and ambulance attendant
A/L AND “Details” of Aided
20 min
A/L entry (ACR/PCR)
Un-identified Un-conscious Un-sound mind
D.O (I.O 75)
UMOS (cop!) (I.O 75)
Under caption “notifications”
D.O should notify Human Resources admin adult protective services
5 216-01 Aided Cases-General
IF Aided removed PRIOR to NYPD arrival. (CANNOT GIVE FINAL BACK 90Z) UMOS should find out where Aided went, and get info for preparation of aided.
ONLY If ___________ OR ___________ at hospital, UMOS should witness search by hospital authorities (UMOS should not search)
(On aided UMOS should put admission # in “admission#” box ONLY when _____________)
(Remember 217-01 in vehicle collisions if person is unconscious AND removed to hospital UMOS puts 95 tag on person)
(If unconscious OR unidentified UMOS should witness search by hospital authorities and sign hospital property record as witness/Examine property removed in an attempt to ID aided/Record in A/L the ID of person who searched and list of property removed)
MOS taking report should notify innocent victims or dependents/surviving relative who receive physical injury OR loss of essential personal property of “crime victim compensation”.
(Remember the ___________ notifies victims under 60 within ___________ of receipt of 61)
If someone is unconscious in manhole ALWAYS IMMEDIATELY CALL _________.
If person is unconscious because of toxic gasses or no oxygen DO NOT DESCEND, unless equipped with __________. IF atmosphere safe then tie rope or other item around body and have capable person hold rope or other item
Unconscious OR Unidentified
A/L entry
Crime prevention officer
5 days
Scott air pack
5 216-01 Aided Cases-General
If argument regarding treatment/removal between family and EMS in NON-LIFE Threatening situations the UMOS should IMMEDIATELY call _________ AND _________.
(In life threatening situations EMS takes Aided to whichever hospital they deem appropriate)
The P/S should respond and if situation is resolved then cancel EMS Supv, and if situation CANT be resolved then put 2nd call in to EMS Supv.
If P/S is not available communications will dispatch adjoining pct P/S IN NON LIFE THREATENING SITUATIONS.
(In life threatening situations EMS takes Aided to whichever hospital they deem appropriate)
IF Aided acting deranged due to drug overdose MOS should request ________ and _________
The P/S determines how to get overdosed Aided to hospital.
Sgt can decide to use RMP or Await bus.
Either way NEVER go to SH.
In regards to giving aid on the street, only _____________ (3 ppl) are allowed to give aid, if they volunteer, pending the arrival of a ambulance.
LifeNet is a treatment referral program for individuals or families in need of counseling assistance outside the purview of this Department (ex: drug/alcohol abuse, mental health related issues, the lonely and confused).
MOS responding to aided cases encountering such individuals or families are directed to give to them a LifeNet Information Card which contains the program’s telephone numbers. LifeNet personnel are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. LifeNet is not intended as an alternative means by which to handle mentally ill or emotionally disturbed persons who may pose a danger to themselves or others.*
P/S and EMS Supv
Ambulance and P/S
3 216-02 Preparation of Aided reports
UMOS should prepare aided REPORT using _________
UMOS should use own words to describe illness/injury in “details” of aided
IF treated and released add that in ________ of aided report
If O.C. Spray used, check caption on rear of aided and enter in “Details,” the __________ of each UMOS who discharged spray
In regards to medic alert emblem include NAME OF PERSON NOTIFIED in ______ and in _____
IF Aided is UN-identified AND hospitalized then put hospital admission # in ___________ (NOT IN DETAILS, ADMISSIONS # has its own box)
^(We only enter admission # when AIDED is un-ID’ed+hospitalized)^
If city involved then check “city involved” on Aided AND write under caption
“_______” (4 things) ______________.
UMOS should then report incident to D.O PCT OF OCC and submit aided to ________
(REMEMBER NO MORE OLAS SYSTEM- I.O 75- Aided reports are prepared electronically now using FORMS)
D.O review/approves aided using FORMS and ENSURES that all required captions are complete and all notifications are made. IF not then return aided to the submitting UMOS for necessary attention.
D.O should ENSURE command clerk prepares duplicate reports for outside agencies as necessary
If multiple Aideds involved in one incident then only the FIRST Aided report has FULL details.
UNDER _______ (of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. Aided reports) make reference to full name of person of 1st Aided that has full details.
UMOS (cop) should select and complete caption “department notifications” on aided as follows: (Command clerk then prepares duplicates for outside agencies and places copy of aided in a white envelope, and forwards to mail and distribution unit)
1. If uncared for child left with someone not residing in house due to arrest, DOA, hospitalization of parent then command clerk sends duplicate to _____________
- If it’s a neglected, abused, maltreated child then command clerk send duplicate to ___________
- IF CPR admitted by MOS then command clerk send duplicate to _________
- IF person killed or injured in boating COLLISION (not accident) OR person aided on island inaccessible to patrol then duplicate copy of aided will be sent to __________
(Once Aided is entered into FORMS aided # will be composed of 4 digit year, 3 digit pct #, 5 digit serial #)-2016-040-00221 (4-3-5)
(New When an aided report is prepared in other than pct of occ the D.O command of report will review and submit the aided to the D.O pct of occ ELECTRONICALLY!
The _________ is responsible for final approval)*
^No more telephone notification!^
FINEST online records management system (FORMS)
“Details” of aided
“Details” of aided and A/L
“Admission#”caption(if Un-ID’ed+hospitalized)
Under caption “dept or agency involved”
Agency code/Official diagnoses/Description of area/Name, address, # of witnesses
D.O (I.O 75)
Under “details”
- Youth officer, child’s temporary resident pct
- Youth officer, PCT OF child’s residence
- Harbor
D.O pct of occ
2 216-03 Unidentified persons
An unidentified person is an Aided or collision victim who is:
- Unable to identify himself, OR
- Admitted to a hospital, whose relatives/friends cannot be located or are unknown at address given OR
- A child in a shelter, whose relatives or friends cannot be located or are unknown at the address given, OR
- 17 and under and refuses to ID himself OR (if ID’ed) refuses to give his address, OR
- DOA and the true name and address are unknown, or if known, the relatives/friends cannot be located.
In regards to an unidentified person UMOS should question neighbors/witnesses and respond to hospital with victim.
Make A/L entry of script and clothes!
UMOS should also prepare ________
The D.O should FIRST check _______ in regards to unidentified persons (always do this first!)
Then D.O should notify ________ to conduct prelim investigation, if they’re unavailable the ______ starts the investigation.
The D.O should have MISSING/unidentified report prepared from scratch.
(If 7-15 then the D.O prepares a juvenile report and assigns pct serial #).
THEN review/sign/and fwd all reports as per instructions on form.
The detective or P/S should notify _________ and give them info available, and enter name of Missing Persons Squad member notified on ____________
Det or P/S also interview neighbors/witnesses.
Det. OR P/S should also notify _____ AND ______ of results
(So D.O is notifying PDS (If unavailable P/S) to conduct prelim investigation and PDS or P/S is notifying MPS of all available info. D.O never notifies MPS!)
Missing/unidentified report
Command records
Copy of Missing persons report.
D.O and MPS
4 216-04 Dead Human Body-General procedure
The only person allowed to disturb a dead body/it’s effects is ___________ (Acronym)
ESU(DOA in subway tunnel/tracks)
EMT, Doctor, Paramedic
Medical examiner or assistant
DA or assistant
Detective bureau/Squad
Crime scene unit
4 216-04 Dead Human Body-General procedure
Upon arrival at scene of an apparently dead human body UMOS should get ________ and ________ to respond.
(It’s an “apparently” dead human body but still get an ambulance to respond!!)
UMOS should obtain witness names HOWEVER
IF death is suspicious then DETAIN witnesses.
If possible, UMOS should screen from public view, cover with waterproof covering.
UMOS should ascertain facts and notify _______ ASAP
If death pronouncement questioned by ANYONE, have DOA removed to hospital OR call a doctor to scene.
UMOS should put in ___________ the name/shield of morgue operator taking body OR name of funeral person taking body
UMOS should ALWAYS Make a 61
UMOS should safeguard body until _______ gives you instructions, and the UMOS prepares and attaches the identification tag on body. (ID tag will be placed on dead human bodies, parts of bodies, and human fetuses, that are to be delivered to morgue)
UMOS should deliver receipt for body and death certificate to ______
Ambulance and P/S
“Details” of Aided/PAR
4 216-04 Dead Human Body-General procedure
The D.O should ALWAYS notify _________ and _______ for ANY DOA.
IF SUICIDE or Suspicious death/homicide then D.O should also notify _________.
IF homicide or unusual death then D.O should notify __________
(IF apparent homicide, suicide, or death is suspicious the ______ will notify CSU)
If M.E fails to show up in ______ then D.O should make a follow up call and ALL CALLS TO M.E go in to the __________.
D.O should tell ____ IF plastic sheet/bag are factors in death.
D.O should get ME case # for entry on the Aided report.
D.O should file lower half of 95 tag in __________
D.O should direct officer who FIRST discovered homicide victim to report to morgue at _________ NEXT DAY
(Assign UMOS first on scene OR another UMOS who is NOT RDO)
(UMOS will ID body to two ME’s)
IF DOA is direct result of police action DONT use UMOS involved or who witnessed.
To close 61 for DOA, you need 4 things:
- _________
- _________
- _________
- __________
IF DOA remains unidentified OR no notification then prepare __________ and use NEW ______
(Because remember UMOS always does a 61 for a DOA, so you’d need a new 61 #)
(CONT W/ P/S duties next notecard)
PDS and M.E
Operations (if suicide/suspicious)
Communications (if unusual)
Responding detective (notifies CSU)
1 hr
Telephone record
M.E (plastic sheet/bag)
Property receipt book
- DOA is ID’ed
- M.E states cause in natural
- Relatives present
- Relatives notified
MISSING/unidentified report and use NEW 61#
4 216-04 Dead Human Body-General procedure
P/S should ASCERTAIN that the following have been notified, when necessary: __________ (3 ppl)
(When notifying operations we give call with prelim facts and then make subsequent call as more info comes in)
IF THE DOA LIVED ALONE OR DIED AT OTHER THAN RESIDENCE then the P/S should have body and premises searched in front of witnesses, when possible
P/S should direct UMOS searching body to safeguard property.
(Gender does not matter for DOA search)
P/S should try to obtain witness.
P/S should check and certify UMOS A/L by signing rank and name and make own A/L entries.
We can move a body offensive to public decency. HOWEVER
IF death is suspicious then we need approval of ________ and _________
CSU, Operations, PDS
(When notifying operations we give call with prelim facts and then make subsequent call as more info comes in)
M.E and Assigned detective
2 216-06 Mental health removal order
(When a Mental Health Removal Order is received from the Commissioner of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Alcoholism Service)
The D.O reviews order/VERIFIES validity and makes CLE.
D.O awaits arrival of an assigned city psychiatrist before executing order.
(We MUST await psychiatrist before executing mental health removal order)
If the psychiatrist does not contact the command or respond within _________ , then notify _________
The D.O has communications send ______________ (4 ppl)
^(D.O does NOT notify these ppl directly)^
D.O should have RMP 10-2 and pick up psychiatrist at the SH, IF NECESSARY
The P/S should let psychiatrist talk to EDP to get cooperation.
(IF EDP not present search only if you think it will be fruitful)
P/S decides if ________ and _____ should respond.
P/S can cancel ESU if we don’t need them.
IF EDP refuses to go call ________.
P/S notifies _____ upon completion, and assigns a UMOS to escort EDP to hospital and remain until examined by psychiatrist ER, IF NECESSARY
(UMOS does not have to escort psych patient for mental health removal order!!)
UMOS gives copy of “removal order” to admitting psychiatrist.
UMOS enters details in A/L and prepares aided.
(Indicate name of admitting psych and city psych in _________)
The D.O put completion time AND Aided # in “margin” next to ORIGINAL CLE and notifies ___________
(ONLY time in P/G this that D.O edits ORIGINAL CLE)
P/S should check with desk to see about return visits.
The D.O will notify relieving D.O and schedule repeat visits until expiration.
MAKE CLE for each try.
Upon expiration of orders D.O should notify ________
(We will continue to make attempts to locate UNTIL ORDER EXPIRES)
One hour
C.O/Duty captain and ESU
C.O/Duty captain
Desk (P/S notifies desk upon completion)
“Details” of aided
216-17 “Kendra’s Law” Removal order (SIMILAR to 216-06)
(When a Mental Hygiene Law (MHL) Section 9.60 (Kendra’s Law) Removal Order is received at a Patrol Services/Housing Bureau command)
The D.O reviews order and makes CLE
D.O awaits arrival of an assigned city CLINICIAN before executing order.
If the clinician does not contact the command or respond within _________ , then notify _________ AND ________
The D.O has communications send ________ (3ppl) D.O should have RMP 10-2 to pick up clinician if necessary.
The P/S should call _______, if subject present
P/S decides if ________ and _____ should respond.
P/S can cancel ESU if we don’t need them.
IF EDP refuses to go call ________.
UMOS notifies the ______ upon completion.
(In 216-06 P/S notifies desk)
P/S assigns a UMOS to escort EDP to hospital IN THE BUS and remain until examined by psych (In 216-06 it doesn’t say escort in the bus)
UMOS gives copy of “removal order” to admitting psychiatrist.
The D.O put completion time AND Aided # in “margin” next to ORIGINAL CLE and notifies ________ and _______ (ONLY time in P/G this that D.O edits ORIGINAL CLE)
IF SUBJECT NOT PRESENT: (Completely different from 216-06)
The P/S checks with CLINICIAN about return visits. P/S checks dept records.
P/S has PDS put out ICARD
IF EDP frequented transit, P/S should notify transit district and homeless outreach unit.
P/S notifies D.O of actions taken.
One hour
Operations AND Boro
EMS (P/S calls EMS, in 216-06 D.O calls EMS)
Captain and ESU
Desk (in 216-06 P/S notifies desk)
Operations AND Boro
2 216-07 Firearm safety station at psych wards AND admitting areas
When entering a psych ward or CITY hospital psychiatric admission area WE MUST unload our firearms.
UMOS should bring EDP to patient waiting area.
Sign in to psychiatric admitting log.
Go to firearms safety station, when available and unload all firearms.
Guns go back in holster , magazine/loose ammo in pocket.
Complete A/L entry and Aided.
Complete “time out” entry in psych admitting log
UMOS should deliver Aided report to ______
2 216-08 Overcome by gas/drugs/poisonous substances
- UMOS should call ambulance
- ONLY IF OXYGEN IS REQUIRED UMOS should request _______
- UMOS should call __________ and give them sample! (IF REQUIRED), and obtain receipt for such items
(Cop calls DOH poison control center, delivers sample to DOH LAB! (IF REQUIRED) and obtains receipt when aided is suffering from injection of drugs, poison, gas)
(If the substance is required as evidence, the UMOS will give a sample to doctor or attendant and deliver remainder of substance to the desk officer or detective assigned)
- UMOS should prepare aided and, if needed, a 61.
- Poisoned or Infected food or in wood or denatured alcohol poisoning cases the _______ calls ______
-Apparent poisoning and treated at hospital the _________ will be immediately notified.
Sample goes to dept of health and prepare a request for lab exam and attach to sample.
- Spoiled restaurant food UMOS refers to ________
- Pattern of several incidents UMOS should call ____________
BEFORE removing potentially dangerous products from retail shelves ALWAYS consult with concerned state/federal/city agency first VIA OPERATIONS FIRST.
(So before removing potentially dangerous products from retail shelves CALL ________!)
Substances delivered to MOS by a citizen for analysis will NOT be accepted IF there is no allegation of danger to public health or or specific criminal activity, refer them to private laboratory HOWEVER if it’s a sealed food product then notify _________
DOH poison control center
D.O calls operations
DOH food poisoning investigation unit
DOH food poisoning investigation unit
Poison control center (pattern several incidents)
DOH food poisoning investigation unit
3 216-09 Animal Bites
Upon responding to a complaint which concerns exposure to a rabid or suspect-rabid animal and/or an animal that has bitten, scratched, or abraded a human being, (contact between animals saliva and Aided open wound) follow normal aided case procedures and in addition:
UMOS should render aid and use plastic gloves from patrol kit.
UMOS should advise Aided to wash with soap, and get medical attention ASAP if even a minor injury/exposure.
UMOS should find owner of animal, get descriptions and try to locate it.
UMOS should ALWAYS prepare “dangerous animal/bite report” (even if animal is 90z) and give it to ______
The D.O should review/sign/process Aided, IF prepared and sign “dangerous animal/bite report” and distribute as per instructions on form. (Dept of health copy goes through mail and distribution unit)
_____ should call ____________ for bite/scratch, abrasion, or exposure to rabid or suspected rabid animal.
IF on weekends of after hours then call ____________
If animal is located AFTER “dangerous animal bite report” has been forwarded the D.O will notify __________
In regards to snake bites the D.O notifies __________ and puts notification on Aided
Location of animal will be MONITORED and _____ OR _______ will be contacted for assistance with the animals capture (Remember UMOS shall not discharge firearms at animal unless to protect themselves or another person from PI and there is no other reasonable means to eliminate the threat)
(In regards to cases involving rabies or of any animal which has been bitten by, come in contact
with, or kept together with a rabid animal the ___________ can be notified M-F 0900-1700, after hours notify ___________)
(When suspected rabid animal is captured, _______ MUST be notified of location of capture, primary reason Police were called, and the names and addresses of all persons and animals that they were potentially exposed to suspected rabid animal)
If raccoon active during day OR friendly OR aggressive at anytime and then they should be considered rabid
Remember DOH Poison control center operates after hours and is where we will almost always call for any incident that occurs after hours!*
DOHMH mental hygiene
DOH poison control center (after hours)
DOH mental hygiene
DOH Poison control center
ESU OR Animal care and control
DOHMH bureau of communicable disease
DOH poison control center (after hours!)
216-10 Taxicab drivers
IF taxi driver has epilepsy, heart disease, vertigo, or other condition making him “unfit to operate taxi” then:UMOS should obtain drivers credentials and give “receipt for credentials”
The D.O should fwd the credentials and facts of Aided on a _________ to _________
LD6 to TLC (note on LD6 if cop couldn’t get credentials)
216-11 Communicable diseases
(When NYPD is called by DOH to remove a person with a communicable disease capable of being transmitted by direct contact w/ individuals or his discharges)
The _____ should pick the unlucky UMOS to assist removing the patient.
UMOS should follow exposure procedure
(Exposure procedure: UMOS tells D.O, D.O calls medical div. and gets exposure #, makes CLE, and notifies dept surgeon)
UMOS should accompany EMT/DR. to hospital when requested by hospital attendant or physician. Communicable disease can only be disclosed with WRITTEN consent from _________
If it’s a prisoner who admits having communicable disease then segregate them and put it on prisoner movement slip OR medical treatment of prisoner (NEVER ON BOTH)
3 216-12 School crossing guard injured LOD
UMOS should request _____ to respond
P/S should investigate and interview crossing guard Crossing guard fills out 2 copies of _______ IN OWN HANDWRITING, and P/S delivers it to _______
P/S should interview witnesses and have them make “witness statement”
P/S should HAVE cop do Aided OR PAR.
(COP does PAR for school crossing guard LOD!!)
P/S reports circumstances to ________.
(If 97H, notify ________ promptly before final reports prepared and make 2nd notification to update condition)
The D.O makes CLE regarding circumstances of incident and results of investigation.
D.O does a 49, attaches a COPY OF CLE, and delivers it to _______
(ONLY TIME D.O attaches a copy of CLE and delivers it to C.O)
D.O should call _________ during NEXT BUSINESS DAY and call __________ WITHIN 24 HOURS
- *216-12 School crossing guard LOD the UMOS (cop) does PAR/AIDED
- *216-13 Aux LOD the P/S prepares PAR but P/S has the aided prepared (does not prepare himself)
- *221-21 School safety agent LOD, the school safety agent’s boss does PAR/Aided/61
- *221-22 TEA LOD, the P/S ENSURES PAR/61/Aided gets prepared
WCD23(employee notice of injury)
Employment section next business day
Operations within 24 hours
216-13 LOD or death of Aux P.O
__________ will be investigating Supv, if unavailable then _______
If auxiliary P.O DOA or likely then _______ will be investigating Supv
UMOS will request P/S and notify D.O
Request witnesses to await Supv and ON DUTY aux coordinator.
The ______ should get aux shield/ID card/radio/personal property.
Auxiliary P.O fills out two copies of _________ in their own handwriting and P/S should deliver it to ________.
If auxiliary P.O is incapacitated then the ____ will do WCD23
P/S will PERSONALLY do PAR if it’s a vehicle collision
(Remember cop does PAR for school crossing guard LOD, but P/S does PAR when Aux is LOD)
Investigating Supv will make initial report to desk officer without delay. Interview witnesses and request them to prepare and sign witness statement. Investigating Supv will prepare 49 or unusual occurrence report and fwd it to _______
D.O will make CLE with results and whether injury sustained.
D.O will notify ________ and ________.
D.O should notify ________ if member is likely or DOA. If member DOA the D.O should notify ______ and _______
(If 97H, notify ________ promptly before final reports prepared and make 2nd notification to update condition)
(For LOD of school crossing guard the D.O does 49 HOWEVER for auxiliary the investigating Supv (P/S) does 49)**
- *216-12 School crossing guard LOD the UMOS (cop) does PAR/AIDED
- *216-13 Aux LOD the P/S prepares PAR but P/S has the aided prepared (does not prepare himself)
- *221-21 School safety agent LOD, the school safety agent’s boss does PAR/Aided/61
- *221-22 TEA LOD, the P/S ENSURES PAR/61/Aided gets prepared
Platoon com. Pct of occ
P/S pct of occ
C.O/Duty captain
WCD23(employee notice of injury)
Pct C.O (P/S delivers)
P/S (IF Aux incapacitated)
Operations AND auxiliary police section supv
Pct C.O/Duty captain
Boro commander AND Pct C.O/Duty captain
216-14 Aided conditions on trains
UMOS should ascertain aideds condition and transmit to radio.
Remove Aided with help of train crew OR passengers.
UMOS should notify passengers of delays and alternate routes.
UMOS should keep _______ informed of pertinent developments.
Prepare an ________ report.
Where removal from the train is not feasible, due to ____________ , the radio dispatcher and the New York City Transit Command Center will coordinate a point along the train route where the train will be moved to and have adequate assistance dispatched to that location.
(ALWAYS remove aided no matter what their condition is unless you lack adequate assistance!)
Where removal from the train or movement of the train is not feasible due to the SERIOUS CONDITION of the aided, medical and other assistance shall be dispatched to the scene immediately. If it is subsequently determined that the aided can be moved, the aided shall be removed from the train and train service will continue.
Radio dispatcher
216-15 Notifications
(We always do notifications even if hospital says they’ll do it.)
Notifications are necessary for Aided/collision victim who is DOA/injured/sick.
IF admitted but NOT LIKELY the D.O should direct notification by made by telephone, if possible.
IF notifications not possible by phone, and relatives or friends live outside city then _________ will make notification but if notification can’t be made within reasonable time then prepare _________
IF relatives live outside pct THEN notification will be made by member assigned to that resident pct
IF SILD/DOA then tactfully and in person make notification if possible and with relative/friend present, if possible.
D.O ensures notification is done in timely manner and puts date/time/name of person making notification in __________
If it’s a homicide the notification gets made by _________
IF died in police custody the notification is the responsibility of __________
If FDNY killed/injured at scene of fire DONT make notification w/o permission of _________ in charge
If inmate DOA at dept of corrections facility DONT make notification unless requested by ____________ in charge
The ______ puts name of detective making homicide notification on _______ report.
D.O notifies ________if Aided killed/injured on scaffold
D.O notifies _______ IF Aided killed/injured at construction site, parks dept property, in factory or store.
D.O should print and retain duplicate copy of AIDED REPORT at the desk, if required notifications have NOT been made.
(In which case D.O marks “Supplementary” on face of duplicate AIDED)
D.O should enter notification, once obtained, into the Finest Online Records Management System (FORMS) and file “Supplementary” AIDED REPORT at command.
Missing persons report
Notifications box on Aided(D.O enters)
Assigned detective
Boro C.O
Fire officer
Corrections supv
Dept of buildings
216-16 Suspicious death OR suicide in dept of correction facility
The D.O should notify ____________ (5ppl)
(IF PDS not available, notify _______)
The D.O has aided/61 prepared.
Notifications WILL NOT be made to relatives or friends of an inmate who dies in a Department of Correction facility, unless requested to do so by __________ in charge of facility.
Request permission of _____ before moving body in a corrections facility!
(Remember 216-04 We can move a body offensive to public decency. HOWEVER IF death is suspicious then we need approval of ________ and _________)
Uniformed member of the service assigned to duty in uniform will NOT respond to Correction facility. (DETECTIVES not in uniform can respond)
(NO P/S in this procedure!!!)
C.O/Duty captain, Operations, PDS, Boro, IAB, (get log #) (COP-BI, SAME AS 221-05 except this includes Duty captain and not X.O!)
Detective boro command
Corrections Supv
Assigned detective AND ME
216-18 Child window fall report
(ANY building, child LESS THAN 17 (16and under) falls from window)
(LESS THAN 17 (16 and under) IS A WEIRD RULE and only appears in this procedure)
UMOS prepares dept of health form “child window fall report” and immediately FAX a copy AND mail the original to the _________
UMOS should note in __________ that above fax and mail was done. Pct/PSA gets copies (if you need more forms) of “child window fall report” form from ____________.
UMOS should fold and tape the report before mailing to maintain confidentiality
Public inquiries regarding the Window Fall Prevention Program may be referred to the ____________
(Entire procedure is UMOS (cop), NO D.O, NO P/S, D.O is NOT required to sign “child window fall report” )
Dept of health
“Details” of Aided
Dept of health
Department of Health
(Entire procedure is UMOS (cop), NO D.O, NO P/S, D.O is NOT required to sign “child window fall report” )
216-20 Handling shelter clients w/ TB
The P/S should respond and determine if _______ is needed, cancel if they’re not needed.
The P/S should confirm Removal and detention order is possessed by physician/peace officer.
The P/S should assign UMOS to accompany Aided to dept of health mental hygiene vehicle.
DOHMH provides vehicle, if none available CALL bus, use RMP as last resort.
(Except in extreme cases, Department vehicles will not be utilized for transportation purposes.)
We can use physical force to restrain.
We CANNOT break and enter.
We DO NOT secure premises or property, that is the responsibility of DOHMH employees.
3 216-19 Public access defibrillation program
(To account for and properly document the use of AED’s in assigned commands, and provide training/certification to MOS)
(Once AED is placed on aided the dept considers that as utilized)
The D.O should account for AEDs assigned to command at START OF EACH TOUR!
The D.O assigns them at start of tour to qualified member
D.O notifies ____________ of units assigned AED’s
The D.O records accounting/assignment of AED’s and notification to radio dispatcher in ______
When not in use the _____ secures AEDs in appropriate location.
The D.O ensures assignment of AED is documented on _______
After AED is used and cop gives you Aided the D.O should telephone _________ and obtain an AED/CPR log number and print this number in the ______________
(D.O should then FAX aided to _________
MAIL copies of Aided to __________)
The D.O should schedule an appointment and ensure AED is delivered to ____________ for downloading of information after each use.
UMOS should inspect AED and patrol kit (gloves, gauze, razors, 2 sets of pads, pocket mask) .
UMOS notifies ______ of ANY deficiencies/missing equipment.
The _________ acts as a liaison with ESU AED coordinator and the PA for AED.
Replace supplies call ________
Questions regarding training issues ______
Someone wants to donate AED-Check w/ ______
(D.O enters AED/CPR log # in the ___________)
Radio dispatcher
Command log
Roll call
ESU desk (AED/CPR log #) "Details" of the Aided Report.
ESU AED coordinator (fax aided)
ESU, Attention:EMT School(mail copy of aided)
ESU AED coordinator
Training sgt (Liaison)
ESU AED coordinator (Replace supplies)
Police academy (Questions on training issues)
Check with ESU first (AED Donations)
“Details” of aided
3 216-21 Response to carbon monoxide alarms
When responding to RESIDENTIAL carbon monoxide alarm UMOS should identify type of alarm.
UMOS should interview persons with information.
IF alarm confirmed, then request _______.
_____ should establish frozen zone for carbon monoxide alarms
UMOS should then request EMS, and render aid to victims
The P/S should maintain or extend frozen zone, and establish crime scene, if necessary.
P/S should request _______ and prevent everyone else besides them from entering.
P/S should notify ________ AND ________for carbon monoxide residential alarms .
(UMOS (cop) establishes frozen zone for carbon monoxide alarms HOWEVER P/S establishes crimes scene, if necessary, and maintains/extends frozen zone!)
IF location is CITY OWNED, the P/S should have ___________ notify __________
(This is very strange!! P/S has communications NOTIFY dept of buildings for carbon monoxide alarms!!!)
The P/S should confer with ESU to determine if location is safe for occupants to re-enter.
UMOS should remain outside till ______ deems location habitable.
The P/S should direct preparation of aided and 61, IF appropriate.
(For carbon monoxide alarms Cop requests P/S who requests ESU and notifies D.O and Duty captain, if locations is city owned P/S notifies communications to notify dept of buildings as well.)
UMOS (cop)
D.O and duty captain
Have communications notify
DEPT of buildings