208 Pt 1 "Arrests Pt 1" Flashcards
4 208-01 Law of arrest
If a perp has a warrant addressed to criminal court, district court, or at a superior court judge sitting in a lower court then WHEN and WHERE can UMOS effect an arrest:___________
If a perp has a city court (not NYC), town or village court warrant then WHEN and WHERE can UMOS effect an arrest:_________________
Where can UMOS make a summary arrest for crimes (misd and felonies):______________
Where can UMOS make an arrest for a Violation committed IN YOUR PRESENCE, and it is believed to be within your geographical area of employment: ____________
Anytime, anywhere in NYS
Anytime BUT only in county of issuance OR adjoining county
Anywhere in NYS in OR out of your presence (if close pursuit, we can go beyond NYS)
If it is believed to be committed in your GAOE, then you can arrest anywhere in county of occurrence or adjoining county (if in close pursuit anywhere in NYS, but must stop at state line)
2 208-02 Arrest removal to department facility
When UMOS effects an arrest he/she should inform prisoner of authority and cause, unless impractical (resistance/flight)
Remove prisoner to pct of arrest and inform D.O of charge.
A/O should take juvenile (ages 7-15) to location “specifically designated” suitable for interrogation. Designated locations are listed in _____________ .
“When arresting juveniles A/O should then immediately notify ____________ and call _____________. Make A/L entry of call, and D.O make CLE of call. Juveniles are NOT normally charged with truancy.
For booking purposes use "preferred name" in: (3 places) 1. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 2.\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 3. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
IO # 13 S-20
Handcuff prisoner with hands behind back.
-Rear cuff pregnant prisoner, absent exceptional circumstances ( medical emergencies, or visibly prisoner who may be difficult to rear cuff and poses no immediate threat) and notify ___________ and PROVIDE Pertinent Details.
Immediate Supervisor respond to scene of arrest, as appropriate.
- Designate a UMOS at the scene of arrest to obtain ranks, names, tax # and commands of uniform members present at scene of arrest, and to ascertain if those UMOS possessed Body-worn camera , and if the body- worn cameras were activated,
- Direct all UMOS on SCENE to provide A/O with COPY of “ACTIVITY LOGS”.
Command reference library
Parent/Guardian, and call RTCC juvenile desk
- Prisoner pedigree-“preferred name” section
- Prisoner movement slip-“preferred name”
- OLBS in “nickname/alias” section prefaced by “P”
Immediate Supervisor
2 208-02 Arrest removal to department facility
D.O has A/O complete all captions of prisoner pedigree and he “immediately” transposes that information in to the ________ to initiate arrest process.
(D.O files each prisoner pedigree by date and time of ARRIVAL AT COMMAND)
D.O should have the A/O and Assisting A/O’s rank, name, shield, and command (NOT TAX#) ENTERED in _____________ (3 places-Except for DWI, then its only 2 places because A/O went to testing facility)
The D.O also determine VALIDITY of arrest. Desk officer must notify _____________ if off duty arrest.
D.O verifies prisoners ID by satisfactory documentary proof,( preferably Government issued identification)
D.O should count perps money, enter it in command log and return to prisoner. If perp has over 100 dollars the D.O should enter amount kept and voucher number for the rest in _____________.
(IO # 84 S-17 Religious Head Covering)
Inform Prisoner wearing religious head covering that it MUST be searched. Advise that may be conducted in Privately if he/she Prefers. Comply PG 221-13, Mentally ILL or EDP, if prisoner refused to search.
Allow to wear religious head cover after searches for weapons and contraband.
A religious head cover will be be Routinely Removed(like a remove belt , shoelace etc) UNLESS
It is likely to be Dangerous to life, escape facilities or to be used to damage Department Property.
If the A/O removes religious head covering due to
“ Safety/ Security Concerns, make __________ indicate the reason.
Command log
Command log, Interrupted patrol log, Roll call
C.O/Duty captain
Command log
Command Log Entry
2 208-02 Arrest removal to department facility
(Additional data)
D.O will be held “strictly accountable” for prisoners while in command and will ensure that a prisoner is guarded at all times by UMOS.
If prisoner placed alone in a cell for any reason, D.O must ENSURE a MOS monitors prisoner closely
If potential arrestee acts irrationally OR violently resists and is confined and UNARMED (detention cell, or automobile) then UMOS should _______________(3 things).
Must also immediately request response of _______ and _______.
(IO #2 S-20)
A prisoner , initially being processed for a DAT, who exhibits signs of distress and would face harm without immediate medical care will be given immediate medical attention. In this scenario, a DAT won’t be issued and arrest processing will be continued Online.( IO #2 S-20)
If perp ingests drugs or Other Dangerous Substance, the Prisoner will be transported from the place of arrest DIRECTLY to the Nearest Hospital Facility.
NEVER go to SH, REQUEST EMS and go to NEAREST hospital. A/O must promptly tell _______ and ________ unit when: ___________ (3things)
- Treat as an EDP
- Attempt to isolate and contain (block automobile with one or more RMPs)
- ALWAYS go to hospital
P/S and ESU
P/S (ALWAYS, crime cop tells P/S) AND Communications section dispatcher
- Observing ingestion of drugs( upon possible ingestion)
- When you transport to hospital (when you leave for the hospital)
- When 84 at hospital.
4 208-03 Arrest processing (03/26/2020)
The A/O should know to request assistance from detective squad when prisoner is arrested for ________ (acronym)
A/O should perform license check through FINEST, using the “DALL” format, on all defendants arrested while driving a vehicle that is:
IO #2 S-20
Comply with PG 208-72, Obtaining Prisoner DNA Sample, if discovered that prisoner owes DNA for inclusion in the New York State DNA Databank.
(To cook the BURGHAS)
Burglary Unusual crime Robbery Grand larceny Homicide Assault (serious) Serious crime (G IS FOR GRAND LARCENY... not gun!)
Altered VIN
Stolen vehicle
Stolen plates
4 208-03 Arrest processing
A/O should give complainant name of perp, charges, A/O name, pct of occ., invoice #’s, location of court
IO#72 S-19
Pct Youth Officer
Follow up on arrests of youths under 18 yrs of age
A/O should advise prisoners ____ AND OLDER of right to make 3 phone calls.
(So we don’t advise juveniles of their right to a phone call!!!!)
1 call anywhere in USA/PR. And the remaining calls anywhere in NYC.
Permit prisoner adequate opportunity to make telephone calls to “ check on the status and well-being of their child. IO #29 S-20
A/O should make call if perp is incapacitated by drugs or alcohol.
If prisoner requests to call an individual with hearing/speech disability, MOS should _____________
D.O ENSURES calls or refusals are documented on __________ and input in to Omniform system.
If prisoner refuses to consent and sign Consent Form, write “ Refused” on Signature of Person Consenting line and make an entry Active Log documenting refusal, Cell Phone will not be Accessed (IO # 72 S-19)
In certain arrest situations the prisoner may be granted possession of his/ her phone to retrieve contact number , provided the A/O can articulate there are no safety and /or escape concerns, or risk of destruction of evidence, witness tampering, or victim /witness intimidation.(IO #5 S-18)
A/O must notify relative/friend if perp is less than ____ years old or __________ or _________.
If unable to notify relative /friend then A/O should notify _________ and ________ and make a _________ report.
The _________ should ensure housing residents arrested from SEARCH warrants where contraband is recovered are targeted for eviction
18 and older!
Dial 711 for TRS operator
OLBS worksheet
Less than 19 OR ADMITTED to hospital OR Of unsound mind 불건전한 마음( EDP) apparently emotionally disturbed.
PDS AND missing persons squad and make a missing person report.
4 208-03 Arrest processing
D.O is strictly accountable and will ensure prisoner is guarded AT ALL TIMES.
The D.O should immediately determine if perp is a high escape risk via interview and background check, and if so the D.O should ENSURE prisoner is guarded at all times by _________
DO ensure a criminal history check is completed for every perp arrested for “ Resisting Arrest”
-Assault 2 or Assault Peace Officer,PO, Fireman,EMS or Aggravated Assault upon PO or peace Officer
“2 or More times within the last 5yrs, the perp shall be deemed (여기다) a “Resisting Recidivist “.
- Ensure all arrest involving a Resisting Recidivist are enhanced by PDS and that DA’s office puts Forth all efforts towards a successful prosecution. (IO #75 S-19)
IO # 52 S-18
A “REASONABLE ATTEMPT” shall be made to notify a “RELATIVE or FRIEND “ if perp appears to have disability which may affect mobility, speech, hearing or mentally ability, appropriate auxiliary aids to facilitate communication shall be used.
- (Perp placed alone in a cell for ANY reason-D.O ENSURES a MOS monitors prisoner closely)*
- (High escape risk-D.O ENSURES prisoner is guarded at all times by assigning 2 UMOS)*
D.O should also question A/O on use of force (if applicable) and on details of arrest if for CPM 5th.
Make CLE of results, also make CLE of perps physical/mental health.
D.O determines if perp has a disability that effects mobility, speech, hearing, or mental ability.
Also D.O should direct A/O to ask perp if they have any uncared for dependents at home, make CLE of results IF perp has uncared for child at home. (The _____asks perp if he has uncared for dependents and D.O makes CLE). (IO #21 S-19) Comply with PG 215-01, “ Children or Minors Requiring Care and/or Shelter”, if it is determined that dependent adult/child is alone in prisoner’s Residence.
-Have the following property removed from perp-
Personal(ID, debit/credit cards, etc..) except clothing, ONLY if perp is “Intoxicated or Unconscious”.(IO #52 S-18).
If perp is transported to hospital or escapes hospital the D.O directs the A/O to IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY ____________if they’re not available then notify ______________ (A/O is making notification)
However when D.O has A/O request secure location for hospitalized perp, that request is made to ___________
A UMOS may request permission from ___________ not to use handcuffs on perp when:
______ (acronym)
(Even though you don’t use handcuffs you still MUST search perp)
Assigned 2 UMOS
Health and hospital corporation police. If they’re not available then notify hospital security.
Emergency room staff
Immediate supv! (SlATE) Surrendered at Law enforcement facility Accompanied by attorney Threat to safety is low Escape potential minimal
4 208-03 Arrest processing
D.O should ASK prisoner if they want any property invoiced for safekeeping.
(D.O counts perps funds himself and asks perp himself if they want any property invoiced for safekeeping!)
D.O MUST make a CLE with voucher # IF safeguarded OR refusal IF not.
(So ALWAYS make a CLE, even if CLE is only states their refusal)
IF perp is intox, don’t ask, just safeguard personal property for them (other than clothes)
IF lawfully carried but dangerous/would facilitate escape (nail clippers, markers, shoelaces, articles containing glass or having sharp edges, belt, neckties, drawstrings) then the D.O should voucher OR give itemized receipt for property temporarily removed from perp which is not to be held in police custody.
(So every time we collar and remove perps property the D.O is supposed to give them an itemized receipt for the property that we temporarily remove!?!)
The _____ must voucher prescribed meds (including methadone) for safekeeping even if perps getting a DAT! D.O then places prescribed meds in PSE IN PRISONERS PRESENCE. In this case the D.O also makes “medical treatment of prisoner form” to alert detention facility personnel that prisoner may require prescription drug. D.O invoices for safekeeping or returns prescription to prisoner upon release (DAT, SH BAIL, voided arrest-in which case don’t make “medical treatment” form)
-Return Prescription drugs to perp upon release, if not DAT , Void arrest etc.., deliver to “Borough Property Clerk” in normal manner. (IO #2 S-20)
HOWEVER, the ________prepares medical treatment of prisoner form when prisoner receives medical/psychiatric treatment, refuses treatment after claiming an injury or illness, already has previously treated prior injuries, is in apparent need of treatment, or may require prescribed medication.
-if perp get DAT, then deliver the “Buff” copy of Medical Treatment of Prisoner to “DO” for file, as appropriate and email remaining copies to “BCS”.(IO#2 S-20)
ID card of retired MOS gets forwarded to __________
Aux PD shield/civil defense shield/ID forwarded to _________
NYPD issued press card forwarded to ___________
Handgun license or rifle/shotgun permit forwarded to _____________ REGARDLESS OF CHARGE
Assistant commissioner Human capital division (I.O) with report of facts
Auxiliary police section with report of facts
DCPI with report of facts
4 208-03 Arrest processing
In regards to photographs with a religious head covering, At SH A/O takes photo with head covering on. If perp at SH indicates refusal to take head covering off at BCS then ________ should notify _________ and tell them the gender of the arrestee to have MOS of the same gender available to take dept photo.
D.O should direct A/O to transport prisoner to _________________ at 1pp from 0800-2400 where arrestee will have official dept pic taken without their religious head covering.
Desk officer refers FOA (for other authority) cases to ___________
D.O should confer with ___________ prior to transporting prisoner in wheelchair/any mobility impairment.
D.O should request ______________ to provide transportation when large number of prisoners or unusual circumstances dictates use of patrol wagon
D.O may direct Pct personnel to also transport DEP A/O and prisoner.
In regards to the arrest documentation checklist the A/O should give all forms along with checklist to the D.O
The D.O should review checklist, and give it back to A/O for delivery to D.A or corp counsel in complaint room.
THE D.O ensures a criminal history check is completed for every prisoner arrested for Resisting Arrest, Assault 2 OR Assault on a Peace Officer, Police Officer, Fireman, or EMS.
If prisoner has been arrested for any of these ___ or more times within the past ___years, the prisoner shall be deemed a ‘Resisting Recidivist.’
D.O ensures all arrests involving a Resisting Recidivist are enhanced by the ______ and that the District Attorney’s Office puts forth all efforts towards a successful prosecution
Manhattan court section
Mass arrest processing center at 1pp
BCS Supv
2 or more
5 years
2 208-04 Arrests by a civilian
Legally a civilian CANNOT arrest for a _________
UMOS should determine if reasonable cause to believe that person arrested committed offense in question and if civilian had authority to make arrest. Accompany civilian and perp to SH.
_______ determines VALIDITY of arrest made by civilian.
Also D.O assigns UMOS to process arrest but ensures civilian is recorded as having made the arrest. If assigned member cannot complete arrest processing within his tour have UMOS continue processing BUT require relief before EOT.
Relieving member should make A/L entry regarding details of arrest.
4 208-05 General Search guidelines )12/12/2019)
Done immediately AFTER APPREHENSION before OR after cuffing. It’s a methodical external body exam made by sliding hands with special attention to ________________. IF unusual object is detected, officer shall reach into or under clothing to remove it. GENDER DOES NOT MATTER. (Males search female groin, female search mail groin)
Of person and clothes. Same gender as deft. Removal of outer garments permitted including removal of wig, handbags, etc. All pockets are to be emptied, and all clothing not removed will be examined by grabbing, crushing, and squeezing garments, and sliding hands across body.
In situations where an arrestees gender is not immediately apparent, the D.O/Supv will assign a UMOS of the gender requested by the arrestee, consistent with officer safety, and resource availability.
In the event that gender of officer assigned differs from gender requested by arrestee the D.O shall make detailed command log entry regarding factors considered.
Under no circumstance shall UMOS conduct searches for the purpose of determining gender (Absolute)
UMOS shall not ask questions about perps anatomy WITHOUT reasonable basis for asking (Not an absolute rule!!)
Is any search where undergarments or private areas are exposed OR clothing is removed, lifted up, pulled down.
Strip search is only conducted with knowledge and approval of _____________ or _____________.
A/O must articulate REASONABLE SUSPICION that deft may be concealing weapon, evidence, contraband. After strip search conducted a subsequent strip search will not be conducted unless there is reasonable belief that the subject has acquired a weapon or contraband.
If disagreement, in regards to conducting strip search, between desk officer and A/O supervisor approving the strip search the _____ will notify the ______________-who will make final decision
As many officers necessary to conduct the strip search are permitted but they should (NOT must) be same gender as arrestee.
Strip search gets documented in:_______(4places)
The A/L and CLE for strip searches will both include:
- Basis for the strip search
- Supervisor authorizing the search
- MOS performing the search
- Name of prisoner(s)
- Results (including negative results)
In prisoner movement slip enter “strip searched” with _______ and ________ # in _________
If strip search conducted the SUPERVISOR AUTHORIZING search will ensure the narrative section of OLBS/ARS includes _________ and _________
Waistband, armpit, collar, groin
A/O immediate supervisor
Boro court section supervisor (if in bookings, it makes sense)
D.O will notify PCT C.O/Duty captain
A activity log
C command log
P prisoner movement slip
Command and Command log page #
“Detention alert” section
Command and Command log page #
4 208-05 General Search Guidelines
While conducting strip search, it should not be necessary to touch the subjects body, except for examination of the hair.
Under no conditions shall a cavity search be conducted by any MOS (absolute rule).
If pursuant to a strip search an object is visually detected in body cavity must immediately notify ___________.
Object will NOT be removed without a search warrant.
Once warrant obtained must seek assistance of medical professional in order to remove.
In case where disagreement between DO and A/O’s immediate Supervisor from Outside Command as to whether or Not to remove a religious head covering for safety/security concerns _________ will make final determination.(IO #84 S-17)
Search at police facility for Mobility Disability person refuses to be searched then contact ________.
Frisk/Field Search-NOTE (IO #100 S-19)
If the arrestee has a “Mobility Disability” and requires the use of a wheelchair, scooter, etc.. the arrestee should be rear Cuffed while remaining seated. The frisk shall be performed on the Lower Body by sliding hands up each leg and under the Buttocks palms facing upwards. For the device( wheelchair, scooter) the UMOS should slide hands , palms facing down, over accessible area of the device. The seat should be checked by sliding hands under the Buttocks, palms facing down , to cover the entire seat. The arrestee should then be transported to an Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) compliant precinct.
- Does NOT have to be done by a member of the same sex as the prisoner
- Conducted by A/O before or immediately after apprehension to find 3 types of items:
1- weapons
Special attention to the waistband, armpit, collar, and groin area.
Desk officer
Legal Bureau
4 208-06 Arrests-security measures
(03/18/2019- 5/9/2020)
BOTH MOS check back seat before and after transport
(Remember 212-07 transporting non MOS in RMP only recorder has to check rear seat UPON CONCLUSION only!!!!!)
ALWAYS transport perp in rear seat
Seatbelt perp in NON-EMERGENCY SITUATIONS!!!!!!!! (It’s not an absolute rule to seatbelt belts-which is why we never do it)
Operator AND recorder will be present upon entry and exit from vehicle
Prisoners will be transported in an RMP equipped with a safety partition whenever available. In all cases, prisoner(s) will be kept under observation at all times and both the operator and recorder will be physically present at the embarkment/disembarkment point of the vehicle to supervise prisoner entry and exit.
Transporting members will ensure that handcuffs are double locked, prisoner is placed in position in rear seat to allow recorder to visually monitor prisoner during transport, and when seatbelt is being secured on the prisoner, the other member will remain on opposite side of RMP with door open to tactically assist.
If RMP with partition available AVOID using 12 passenger van.
However if van utilized, normally do not transport more than _____ perps.
If transporting ___ or more perps leg restraints SHOULD (not must) be used in addition to rear cuffing. (IF leg restraints used, transport chains are not required) No more than _____ perps in van. Recorder will be on first bench.
If transporting 3 perps in a van they sit in the ______.
If transporting 7 peeps in a van, then __________
Leg restraints will be utilized if available when transporting 4 and up perps
Same sex UMOS escorts deft to unoccupied detention cells (toilet use), IF AVAILABLE!! (not absolute)
Leg restraints are MANDATORY when perp is
________ (3 reasons)
Second bench
4 perps go in third bench, 3 perps go in second bench
- Refused to be fingerprinted
- Transported to hospital
- “High escape risk”
(Desk officer can determine to NOT use leg restraints in extenuating circumstances for fingerprint refusal or hospital transport BUT NEVER for “high escape” risk perps)
4 208-06 Arrests security measures
Arresting/escorting officer shall notify attendants OR corrections and make entry on “detention alert section” of prisoner movement slip (and bring information to attention of court section personnel for entry on courthouse movement slips) when perp is a: (retard).
An entry must be made in A/L and in the "detention alert" section of the prisoner movement slip, and BCSS SUPV should be notified for: (savers) R S E. A T. V A. E R R D. S
*This procedure is for when A/O makes notification….
BUT REMEMBER IN 208-11 THE D.O notifies BCS SUPV when perp refuses prints OR is hospitalized. The D.O then documents that refusal in CLE, Prisoner Movement slip, Refused prints report, in this procedure the A/O is notifying corrections/attendants (and not BCS supv) because the D.O already notified BCSS SUPV for refused prints. *
ATTENDANTS OR CORRECTIONS: Resisted arrest Escape attempt Threatening behavior Attempted suicide Refused prints Dangerous behavior
BCSS SUPV IS NOTIFIED FOR: Strip search Attempted suicide Violent Emotionally disturbed Resisted arrest Separated from another perp
4 208-06 Arrest security measures
If separated from another perp (in which case you notify _________), in detention alert section of prisoner movement slip, under caption “other” A/O should put ___________, as well as _____________
BUT if separated for confidential reasons A/O should enter the _____________ and _______so that further information can be obtained if necessary, rather than entering the actual reason for the separation
Name and arrest # of other perp involved as well as
An indication as to why separation is deemed necessary.
Name and arrest # of other perp as well as Name and telephone number of A/O (NOT REASON!)
2 208-07 Photographable offenses
(10/18/18- 05/09/20)
An official Department photograph is taken by a member of the Photo Unit for any of these felonies or selected misdemeanors:
(3 card monte NOT photographable)
- In addition an official dept photograph will be taken for adults arrested for making graffiti and poss. Of graffiti instruments when such person does NOT qualify for DAT*
- Juveniles will be taken in to custody for Felonies/PHOTOGRAPHABLE Misd./Unlawful assembly*
- (A Felon J.O)
- (3 guns)
- (4 con men)
- (6 sex abuse 2/Prostitutes EXCEPT PERMITTING)*
(Only sub 3 (pimp) of loitering for prostitution is Photographable!)
(Firearm could to be unloaded in public but must be loaded in home/business)
(Only time criminal impersonation is photographable is when it is of a public servant)
(Arson 5 is a misd. Arson 4, 3, 2, 1 are all felonies, so any arson is considered to be a photographable offense)
- Arson 5/Felonies /Juvenile offenders
- Cpw (firearm only) / Transport, make, dispose, deface of weapon or dangerous instrument OR APPLIANCE/ Prohibited use of a weapon
- Jostling / Fraudulent accosting (EXCEPT 3 CARD MONTE*) / Criminal impersonation / Trademark counterfeiting
- Sex abuse 2 / Prostitution / Loitering for purpose of promoting sub 3 (pimp only) / Promoting pros. 4 / Patronizing pros. 3 / Patronizing pros. 4 /
- Photographable offense for loitering for prostitution sub 3 is for PIMP only*
- Official dept photograph will be taken for adults arrested for making graffiti and poss. Of graffiti instruments when such person does NOT qualify for DAT*
2 208-08 Fingerprintable and Palm printable offenses
- No prints for unlawful eviction *
- Fingerprint for loitering for the purpose of engaging in prostitution* (or for promoting prostitution)
Appropriately trained investigators of _______________will be permitted to use live scan equipment
Fingerprint all juvenile offenders.
Fingerprint juveniles 11-12 years old only for __________.
13 ,14 & 15 yrs for _________
You can also fingerprint if you Reasonably suspect ID is fake or person is wanted or unable to ID deft
UMOS should take one (1) clear view photo of juvenile and on reverse side enter name of juvenile/DOB/date/pct of arrest/61#/arrest #/ mother’s full name include maiden name and UMOS (cop) should forward promptly in sealed envelope to ______________
Whenever prisoners MUST be fingerprinted and palmprinted, photographs may also be taken.
Fingerprintable & Palmprintable offense for adult:
- Any felony
- PL Misdemeanor
- Misdemeanors outside PL that is felony if previous conviction
- Loitering for Pros
Adolescent Offender-16&17yrs charged w/ Felony(IO#72 S-19)
NYS attorney general office
A/B felony
Any felony
ID section, youth records unit, police headquarters
2 208-09 Rights of person taken in to custody
When deft is IN CUSTODY and we question him we must give Miranda. Cease questioning if perp asks for attorney.
UMOS should contact attorney if deft requests.
Contact __________ if you need interpreter, but only make CLE when interpreter is used.
If attorney does not know Clients ID then NO INTERVIEW.
The D.O permits interview in ______ for _______ and assign a UMOS to keep prisoner and attorney under constant observation at all times (ensure nothing is passed between them)
The ______ PERSONALLY enters Attorney visit in _______ (name/address/phone # of attorney, if interview conducted, time attorney arrived/departed/identity of person who retained attorney).
(210-01 D.O enters attorney interview on an ARS w/ same information as above)
The D.O also assigns UMOS to keep prisoner and attorney under constant observation at all times.
IF a request is received from an attorney seeking the location of a client who has been arrested and is in custody of this dept, then the MOS receiving phone call must enter it in _____________ and notify ________ to transmit FINEST message to all commands advising that a particular deft is represented by counsel.
The D.O must then determine if prisoner is detained at SH, and direct interrogating officers to cease interrogation and permit prisoner to contact attorney.
In this scenario the A/O does NOT call attorney. ALLOWS DEFT to call.
The D.O will notify the originator of the FINEST message.
D.O/Supv notifies D.O pct of arrest, and makes ______ of interview and notification
D.O/Supv then makes entry on _______ or _______
(IMPORTANT NOTE: D.O makes an entry in the OLBS for lawyer interview! The only time the command log comes in this procedure is when the interview is taking place in other that pct of arrest and D.O of that other command MAKES CLE regarding notification!!)**
Muster room
Telephone record and notify communications
208-10 Alternative procedure for arrest number due to computer failure
The D.O notifies the A/O to immediately notify _______ if computer is down and ascertain if problem is correctable. If OLBS down only in your pct then the D.O instructs MOS to obtain arrest number _________________. If OLBS is down citywide then the D.O notifies _____________.
If manual system instituted by BCS the D.O should have A/O fill out captions on manual fingerprint card. The D.O should also use PF9 to force system to accept manual arrest number.
The D.O then has copy of OLBS, prints, prisoner movement slip, delivered to appropriate facility, WITHOUT DELAY BY _________
ITB service desk
Via landline from adjoining pct
Boro court section Supv
2 208-11 Livescan Fingerprinting and Palmprinting
Generate arrest number through OLBS system and put check digit number on ____________ of OLBS worksheet
IF check digit not recorded retrieve arrest check digit # through BADS
(Check digit is necessary for operation of Livescan)
Immediately begin to fingerprint upon completion of OLBS, and ENSURE prisoners hands are both clean and dry (use pre scan pad to moisten perps fingers/palms IF excessively dry). Enter arrest number WITH check digit into “LIVESCAN” computer.
IF fingers are unable to be printed, enter appropriate notations such as “MISS”,”AMP”,”INJ”,”SCAR”,etc..
(Complete “LIVESCAN” processing of a prisoner should not exceed ___ hours from the
time of arrest, ABSENT EXIGENT)
Livescan machine should remain ON and scanner covers CLOSED when not in use. Livescan machine should be recalibrated atleast _______ per tour.
BUSY commands must “recalibrate” more FREQUENTLY….
For routine operational problems of livescan call_________ or _________.
But for technical problems of livescan call ___________
If SUSPICION of intentional damage, desk officer makes CLE and INITIATE investigation
If EVIDENCE of intentional damage then desk officer should do an IMMEDIATE investigation and take appropriate action
Livescan machine scanner platens MUST be cleaned after each use with authorized cleaning materials (Windex W/Ammonia D, “Lithopads”) . These materials, in addition to “ Pre-Scan Pads”’ May be requisitioned from the Quartermaster Section
Top right corner
3 hours
BCS or Criminal justice bureau
2 208-11 Livescan
If prisoner refuses to be printed or is removed to hospital the desk officer/supv of arrest processing should immediately notify _______________.
The D.O Documents prints refusal OR EVENTUAL COMPLIANCE in _________________ (3places)
If prisoner “STILL” refuses to be printed use leg restraints.
The D.O only authorizes fingerprint override “after”_______ attempts and D.O/supv concurs that rejected print is best print that can be obtained
The “ACTIVITY LOG” function displays a list of records transmitted for the previous _______ hours
BCS supervisor
Command log entry (details of perp refusing )
Prisoner movement slip
Refused prints report (prepared)
4 attempts
72 hours
2 208-12 Livescan down
When livescan down the D.O has A/O immediately notify ________.
The D.O ascertains from _____ IF problem is limited to the command or is down Borowide/Citywide AND the anticipated period of time livescan will be down
If Livescan is down in command of arrest only, then the desk officer has prisoner brought to adjoining pct by ____________ for printing
If livescan down Borough/Citywide, the D.O notifies _____________.
The ___________ determines if deft will be ink printed
When Livescan is down the D.O should have fingerprint and palmprint charts delivered by _______________ with a copy of OLBS to Boro court section concerned, no later than ____________ after the time of arrest
It should be noted that the preferred course of action is to wait until the LIVESCAN System once again becomes operational and then fingerprint and palmprint the prisoner using LIVESCAN.
ITB Service Desk
ITB Service Desk
Other than A/O
Other than Arresting/assigned officer
3 hours
208-13 Arrest report supplement
When you run out of room in details of OLBS or if you want to report additional details AFTER OLBS has been prepared you prepare an Arrest report supplement.
Desk officer makes arrest report supplement himself when: (4 occasions) (DHVFC-Desk Hates Viscous Fucking Cunts) (not in PG.5/10/20)??
A/O (UMOS)prepares ARS when there is “Insufficient Space” under Details OLBS and additional detail after OLBS prepared: (12 occasions) (A CARD DIP POCA)
•DAT hospitalized prisoner
•Hospitalized perps visits by authorized person
•Visit by attorney OR PG if perp 16-21 and detained OVER 4 hours
•Forfeiture of bail
•Change in charge (And OLBS already forwarded)
•Authorized person visit hospital perp
- Child release frm detention facility
- Attorney visits perp
- Re-arrest on bench warrant(not arrest warrant)
- DAT issued to Hospitalized perp
•Deft released to CIS for SILD/DOA/CI in 53
Collision Investigate Squad
•Identity of previously unidentified perp
•perp released on reasonable belief,he didn’t commit
•perp release from hospital(if perp under 18yrs
Include notification to perp’s parent or guardian
•Offense charge is changed
•Clothing removed from homicide victim for
Examination at the FID
(Forensic Investigation Division)
•Additional bribery charge (other than AO)
208-13 Arrest report supplement
Do not prepare an ARREST REPORT SUPPLEMENT in a case in which:
- A prisoner’s original and additional arrest charge(s) occur in different geographical BORO (Not pct) prior to arraignment, OR,
-When the initial arrest charge is for a non-fingerprintable offense, OR,
-When the prisoner has been arraigned and an additional arrest charge(s) is forthcoming.
In both of these cases, the MOS filing the additional arrest charge(s) must issue a new arrest number, Re-PRINT the prisoner via LIVESCAN, and make an immediate notification to the __________ concerned.
208-74 Arrest processing of persons wanted for multiple incidents
The A/O should confer with detective squad member concerned and notify _______ if additional criminal charges will be preferred
If patrol arrests a perp based SOLELY on a past ID by an investigative unit that collar will be processed by the ______________
Detective Bureau
208-14 Arrest by UMOS outside city
UMOS for arrests made outside city immediately notify ___________ immediately and prepare report to __________
Operations immediately
208-15 Arrest report preparation at the station house
Regardless of whether the arrest package has been previously forwarded,the prisoner must be delivered to the BCS facility expeditiously. If there’s a delay of more than ____ hours from the time of arrest for Lineup, Prisoner Debriefing, Prisoner Medical Attention, ect…A/O must notify _________________ by telephone.
DO review OLBS worksheet for completeness and accuracy, and sign and return to A/O. Ensure prisoner’s telephone number and other contact information are accurately documented on the OLBS worksheet. Ensure District Attorney Body-Worn Camera Checklist is completed as appropriate by A/O.
But remember (208-12)
When Livescan is down the D.O should have fingerprint and palmprint charts delivered by _______________ with a copy of OLBS to Boro court section concerned, no later than ____________ after the time of arrest
5 hours
Boro court section by phone
Other than A/O
3 hours
2 208-17 Change in arrest charge
If there is a change in charge for the perp (for example, you arrested him for DWI and he later offers you money to let him go) and OLBS is NOT forwarded then THE D.O just correct OLBS.
However if OLBS is forwarded then the D.O prepares a ____________.
The Desk officer should also prepare an Omniform complaint revision and send original arrest report supplement to _____________.
Deliver pink copy to ______
Arrest report supplement
Data integrity unit
3 208-20 Turn over arrests
D.O or P/S or Detail supv should determine if arrest is to be assigned to another UMOS.
At earliest opportunity Supv should ID A/O and make entry in their A/L AFTER approving the arrest
(Supv is making an entry in the A/L of the __________ not the assigned officer!)
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES may an arresting officer turn over an arrest to another officer without approval of a supervisor.
ONLY THE _______ can make CLE including:
-ID of A/O and assigned officer
-Details of arrest and
-Whether assigned officer reinterviewed C/V.
(Remember ID of supv authorizing turn over arrest does NOT go in CLE!)
When an arresting officer is authorized by a supervisor to turn over an arrest, the assigned
officer MUST personally re-interview a civilian complainant and any necessary civilian
witnesses, in order to prevent double “hearsay” and to prepare a criminal complaint.
The D.O should assign a UMOS to provide transportation to civilians for re-interview, if possible.
The D.O or Patrol supv should ensure that re-interview has been conducted PRIOR to arresting officer being assigned to other duties.
An assigned Officer may be designed for I’M COW FOOD
I-Injury to A/O
M-Mass arrests at a demonstration
C-Civilian made arrest
O-Order of Protection
F-Family Court Arrest O-Off duty arrest O-Other authorities or other circumstances When directed by Supervisor D-DAT
208-21 Arrests-License and warrant check and notifications to OCCB
$$ PG GONE$$ no more this procedure
Notify ________ always for sale and/or poss of marijuana 1st or 2nd AND sale and/or poss of CS 1, 2, 3 AND sale of CS near school grounds
A/O must note notification to OCCB FOD in “narrative” of OLBS.
D.O ensures notification is made and makes CLE
- Check of a confidential VIN required to determine true owner of vehicle
- Someone arrested for crack possession and has knowledge of a location from which crack is being sold
- Arrests someone for auto stripping and the Deft has info on chop shop
- Subject arrested for shoplifting and has info on guns being brought in to city from out of state
3 208-24 Identification line ups/show ups
UMOS Doubt of need to conduct or legality of line up consult _______ or _______
UMOS (cop) should give suspect Miranda warnings, if he/she is to be interrogated before,during or after lineup.
UMOS (cop) should inform suspect that he/she will appear in lineup for purpose of identification in connection with a crime.
(Inform suspect that he/she does not have a right to a lawyer if an attorney is requested for the lineup)
Lineups MUST be personally supervised by ______________
(An Identification Lineup MUST be conducted by placing of criminal suspect in lineup with at least ____ other persons for purpose of identification by victim or witnesses)
Suspects MUST BE ARRESTED before being FORCED to appear in a lineup. But they can volunteer to be in a line up.
HOWEVER ID procedures are NOT necessary when victim/witness and perp are known to each other.
UMOS may permit an attorney who is present at site of lineup to observe manner in which lineup is conducted. IF attorney contacts police and states he/she wishes to be present then lineup will be delayed for a reasonable time to permit attorney to appear.
Do not permit attorney to talk to witness, however UMOS may consider suggestions made by the attorney to approve fairness of lineup.
(Attorney may observe lineup from room where it is conducted or from any place where he/she cannot be observed)
A show up is when you bring suspect back to scene of crime OR hold for viewing by witness ONLY IF seizure is within reasonable time, distance, and not unnecessarily suggestive.
Emergency identification showups may be conducted when a witness is ill or injured and
may die before proper identification procedures can be complied with. However, every effort should be made to institute lineup procedures and safeguards at the hospital.
D.O or P/S
Supervisor from PDS/investigative unit
5 other persons
3 208-25 First and third platoon arrests
First platoon: _________
Second platoon: _________
Third platoon: __________
FIRST PLATOON: (arrests)
If UMOS returns from court within 6 hours of next midnight tour (1715 or later)
He has the option of being ____________ (3options)
HOWEVER if UMOS works thru next tour and in to next midnight tour then he can only be either non-patrol in SH or UF28 for rest of tour
THIRD PLATOON: (arrests)
If UMOS works through next tour but is ready in complaint room by 0800 then ____________
HOWEVER if UMOS works though next tour and does NOT make complaint room by 0800 (get there at 0801) and works in to next third platoon then ___________
(In this second scenario, OT will end at 1500 or until complaint room processing is completed, whichever comes first)
Attach OT and court slip and submit to D.O for approval. OT slip submitted without required court slip attached SHALL NOT be approved by D.O without an investigation being conducted. After D.O investigates OT may be approved if appropriate however copy of report detailing facts of investigation WILL BE ATTACHED TO OT SLIP, in lieu of missing court slip.
- Non patrol in SH
- Rescheduled to 2nd platoon
- UF28 for rest of tour
OT ends at 0800 and is AUTOMATICALLY working 2nd platoon
Either NON-Patrol OR UF28-needs of service
208-26 Forfeiture proceedings for seized property (05/19/20)
(To retain property such as vehicles or money, seized during an arrest OR investigation)
All property, EXCEPT CONTRABAND (smuggled goods), can be forfeited when we have reasonable cause to believe property is proceeds of a crime, stolen/unlawfully obtained and owner is NOT ID’ed
Vehicles can be forfeited if:
- Used to transport OR facilitate the sale of CPCS/Marihuana/gambling devices or commuting any illegal activity
- Stolen vehicles or unlawfully obtained AND true owner cannot be ID’ed
The A/O should seize property and invoice as “______________” OR “________________”, and in remarks of voucher make entry stating “________________”
ONLY IF NO Arrest made then the A/O should confer with ________ to obtain consent to seize the property.
The D.O should ensure prisoner/finder/owner copy of PCI and “notice to persons from whom property has been removed by police department” gets issued to person from whom property was removed. (UNLESS CONTRABAND).
Once a demand is made for return of property the legal bureau has ______________ to institute forfeiture proceedings
“Arrest evidence” OR “investigatory evidence”
“Held for forfeiture proceedings”
Immediate supv
10 WORKING days
5 208-27 DAT (NO DAT PART1)
DAT’s are issues in lieu(장소) of detention at the discretion of the ________.
DATs are issued for misdemeanors, violations and certain E felonies that requires a Deft to appear in court at the later date.
Note- If subject to an I-CARD, a DAT still issued
Deft who is charged E felony,MISD,violation will be issued DAT Unless 1 or more of the following factor exist:
Desk officer
1- Deft is not properly identified
2- Deft has OPEN Warrant
3-Deft charged w/ Family Offense
4- Deft charged w/ Sex Crime
5-Deft charged w/ offense to Child Abuse,Neglect,
6- Deft charged w/ Crime which court may Suspend
Or Revoke Driver License
7-Absconding from treatment Facility ,Absconding 1st degree, Bail jumping 2nd degree,Escape 2
8-Deft has Violate OOP
9- Deft’s condition indicates “Signs of Distress”
that the Deft would face harm if released w/o
Immediate medical attention or mental health
care for further detection is in the Deft’s best
Interest. This include Deft’s under influence of
Drug/Alcohol to the degree that they may
endanger self or others.
10-Deft didn’t appear in Criminal Court last 2yrs
11-next page
5 208-81 DAT (NO DAT PART 2)
(No DAT )
1-Reckless Assault of Child by a Child Day Care
2- Menacing 1 & 2 degree
3-Stalking 2nd degree
4-Luring a Child (유인,미끼,유혹)
5-Custodial Interference 1st degree
6-Substitution of Children
7-Coercion 2nd degree (강제)
8-Criminal Impersonation 1st degree
9-Tampering witness 3rd degree
10-Criminal Contempt 1st degree
11-Disseminating Indecent Materials to Minor 2nd
12-Harassment 1st degree
13-Aggravated Harassment 1st degree w/ at least
1 victim or act take place on private property
and such owner is a Complainant
14- Criminal Interference w/ Health Care Service or
religious Worship 1st degree
15-Aggravated Family Offense
16-Harassment of rent regulated Tenant
17-Unlawful Surveillance 2nd degree
18-Dissemination of a Unlawful Surveillance Image
1st degree
19-Endangering the Welfare of a Incompetent of
Physically Disabled Person 1st degree
20- Endangering Vulnerable Elderly Person or
Incompetent of Physically Disabled Person
2nd degree
21-Unlawful Eviction
22-Assault 3
23-Whenever a person is arrested for threatening,harassing, menacing a UMOS , elect official of any City, State or Federal Office or employee of NYC Transit Authority or MTA
24-Any Hate Crime where there is an Individual Victim/ Complainant or which takes place on private property and such property Owner is a Complainant.
Same next card
5 208-82 DAT conferral with DA’s office 05/20/20
5 208-81DAT (NO DAT PT 4)
5 208-27 DAT
The _____ should inform perp that he/she may be issued a DAT OR inform perp of ineligibility for DAT, in which case inform perp he/she may be processed for bail. (Except IF they owe DNA)
The A/O to ascertain deft ID in accordance with ID standards information (add, preferred mailing add, cell phone/work/home # ,email add ) .
If prisoner refuse to provide contact information, A/O
Notify __________.
Desk officer should then also ENSURE notification to _______ is made to determine if conviction for previous crime will raise charge to felony. If it does then DONT change charge on OLBS but DO NOT issue DAT.
A/O should request precinct detective squad or other investigative unit to debrief prisoner, IF APPROPRIATE
The A/O monitors Omniform system to see if DAT approved. Is system reads “yes” then print DAT
If it says “wait” check back at reasonable intervals NOT To Exceed ______ . And then contact after_________ from the time the perp was printed and
Request Division of _________to expedite the fingerprint search.
A/O email to BCS all arrest relate paperwork.
Ensure the email subject heading consists of:
The ____ will enter name, address, and telephone number of civilian complainant, if any, in space marked __________ on _______that will be scanned and emailed to BCS.
A/O then delivers completed DAT package to D.O
A/O Distribute ___ photocopies of DAT.
1-Copy of Deft
2-copy to Complainant, if applicable
3-Copy of Command file
“Original “ goes in personal file and to be scanned and sent to BCS.
(Remember only original DAT will have complainants information entered on it by A.O)
(The A/O utilizes snap-out version of DESK APPEARANCE TICKET only if command does not have a computerized DAT system or if such system becomes non-operational or at the Direction of BCS Supervisor, A/O must then notify ________ prior to issuing snap-out version of DAT)
A/O will make DAT returnable to arraignment part of crim court EXCEPT IF:
- Returnable to family court
- Necessary to permit arraignment of all perps in same court part
- Returnable to community court
(Arrest processing type “Desk Appearance Ticket” must be used, EXCEPT for those DAT(S) returnable to Community Court (Midtown or Red Hook),
in which case arrest processing type “Community Court Desk Appearance Ticket” MUST be utilized)
(208-11 Live-scan)
The D.O only authorizes fingerprint override after 4 attempts and D.O/supv concurs that rejected print is best print that can be obtained!
ID section
30mins And then contact BCS
Criminal Justice System
Arrest # AND Last name of Perp
“Additional Instructions”
Copy of DAT
3 (photocopies)
BCS Supv
5 208-27 DAT
Not in PG ???? 05/10/20
Warrant checks MUST be conducted prior to entering OLBS in to OMNIFORM (which is why that is always the first step when we process)
However, If LAN inoperable and not able to do warrant check ask ____________ first.
If that is inoperable then ask _____________.
If entire LAN is down for more than ____ then call __________ by phone.
Patrol Boro!(never housing/transit)
Ask adjoining pct/arrest facility
20 min
Call central warrants by phone
5 208-27 DAT
(209-38 For unlawful possession of marijuana If perp has active ICARD labeled “Perp-PC to arrest” D.O should notify__________, and continue with DAT process and release person to responding detective)
Deft who does not live or work in NYS but is otherwise eligible, we can give them a short date return date (returnable next day) in unusual circumstances (elderly, accompanied by children, etc.) where undue hardship averted we can give them a short return date.
Criminal intel section regional intel support center (RISC)
3 208-28 Standards for DAT
A/O establish Violator’s Identity and mailing add through observation of the following forms of identification, including , BUT not limited to:
________________ .
NYS DL or Id non photo, passport, resident alien card, US military photo ID, Citizenship or Naturalization paper, Non-DL(out of state or Country) Municipal ID, Public Benefit Card such as EBT,Food stamp, etc.)
208-30 Hospitalized prisoner DAT
The guarding MOS must notify ______ if prisoner recovers and their condition permits a DAT. (Guarding perp will also fingerprint, if required)
The D.O must then direct _________ to determine condition and duration in hospital. The D.O also directs guarding MOS to prepare DAT.
The guarding UMOS then obtains return date as per ____________, and notifies ________
The D.O THEN has A/O notified.
The ______________ notifies deft of adjourned date (new return date)
Borough procedures, notifies BCS
D.O of hospital pct
208-07 (05/09/20)
Photographable Offense
UMOS- Photograph person arrested as indicated below
A- Adult perp if charged with:
- Any Felony
- PL Misdemeanors
- Misdemeanor outside PL that is a felony if previous conviction
-Loitering for Pro
B-Adolescent Offender(청소년)
-16yrs old and charged with felony
C-Juvenile Offender
A person 15 and under taken into custody and charged with felony.. PG 215-10 C MARK Ram CABS
-Criminal Possession of Weapon 2 degree or Criminal Possession Weapon 3 degree
(Offense takes place on school grounds)
2nd degree- machine gun or any loaded firearm or disguised gun with intend to use unlawful against another
3rd degree-has been repealed in PL
-Manslaughter 1st degree
Intend SPI- cause death/ intend Death under extreme emotional disturbance/commits abortion>24 weeks causes death of mom/ 18 yrs or older who intend PL on person less than 11yrs and recklessly causes death of 11yrs
-Assault 1st degree
Causes SPI with DW/DI or disfigures or Amputates
-Rape 1st
Force/physically helpless
-Kidnapping 1st degree
Abducts for ransom for >12hrs(intend injury,commit felony,terrorize,interfere with Gov’t) / abducted dies during abduction
-Robbery 1st degree and 2nd degree
1st degree- forcefully steals property and chase SPI or is armed w/ a DW, use or threaten DI, display gun
2nd degree- forcefully steals property and displays gun or causes physical injure
-Arson 1st and 2nd degree
1st degree- intend damage to bldg/MV w/incendiary device or explosive or causes SPI
2nd degree- intend damage to bldg/MV and knows people are inside
-Murder 2nd degree
Intentional murder or depraved Mind/Extreme Emotion Murder, Not Felony Murder.
-CSA Act 1st degree
Deviate intercourse by force or physically helpless
-Aggravated Sexual Abuse 1st degree
Inserts a foreign object by force when physically helpless, victim less than 11
-Burglary 1st and 2nd degree
1st degree-Dwelling-armed w/explosive or DW/causes PI/threatens DI/display (?) gun
2nd degree- Bldg-armed w/ explosive or DW/causes PL/ threaten DI/display(?)gun
Other juvenile*
Juvenile not classified as JO’s will be photographed as follows:
-11 & 12 yrs olds-A&B felonies
-13,14&15 yrs Any Felony