2.1 Henry VIII - Religion Flashcards
what are 10 examples to show corruption in the Catholic church?
- pluralism: multiple people holding the same post (Wolsey not visiting York until the year of his death in 1529) as well as being Bishop of Durham, Winchester, and abbott of St Albans
- nepotism: church positions given to friends and family
- symony: buying and selling of church positions
- breaking of vows: poverty, chastity, obedience in monasteries and by Wolsey, Hampton Court
- tithes going toward buildings such as the sistine chapel looked bad as people were so poort and these were so far away
- indulgence selling
- Hunne case 1511: refused to pay mortuary fees for his son, found dead in cell whilst the clergy receive ‘benefit of the clergy’ with weaker punishments
- supplication of the beggars by Simon Fish used to point out the wealth and benefit of the clergy
- white horse inn group at cambridge
- relic worshipping
what are 6 examples to show that the english church was healthy?
- large scale building in early 1500s
- pilgrimages were very popular
- church based festivities e.g. St Sebastien for harvest
- people were donating a lot to the church in their wills
- book burning ceremonies hel to destroy Luther’s work in 1521
- Henry wrote ‘asserto septum sacramentorum’ (in defence of the 7 sacrements) to defend the pope against Luther
what is the background to Henry’s anulment?
- an anulment had to be approved by the Pope
- 1527 Sack of Rome saw him get captured by Charles V (nephew of Catherine of Aragon) so will prevent the anulment
- in 1529 there is a court case held at Blackfriars arranged by Wolsey with Cardinal Campeggio summoned from Rome who was used as a delaying tactic (took a long time to arrive)
- the case concludes without a verdict, Campeggio returns to Rome and public sympathy is swayed to Catherine
what 2 arguments did Henry use to argue for an anulment?
- under the book of Leviticus he should have never married his brother’s wife (contradicted by the book of deuteronomy which states you must marry your brother’s wife is he dies childless)
- uses the grounds of consummation: Henry claimed that Arthur and Catherine actually had consummated their marriage (but there was no way to prove this)
how was parliament used to break with Rome?
over 10 dates/steps
- 1529: parliament voices anti-clerical feelings e.g. pluralism and abseentism
- 1530: revival of the law of praemunerie - the support of foreign power over your own monarch, ued against the pope, 15 members of upper clergy are charged
- 1531: the entire clergy is charged with praemenurie in supporting Wolsey as papal legate
- 1532: supplication against the orginaries - petition for Henry to look into abuses in the church
- 1532: the submission of the clergy - Henry can now veto bishop appointments and church laws
- 1532: act in restraint of annates - money that went to Rome now goes to Henry
- 1533: act in restraint of appeals - stops appeals going to Rome, annulment appeals stay in England, Catherine cannot ask Rome for help
- 1534: act of supremacy - Henry is now the supreme head of the church
- 1534: treason act - anyone calling Henry heretical could be charged with treason
- 1534: act of succession: his marriage to Catherine is now void, making Mary illegitimate, Elizabeth is heir to the throne
what was opposition to the split from rome?
- Sir Thomas More refuses to take oath of succession and is imprisoned in the tower
- John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester, also refused to take the oath and was executed
- the nun of kent: told Henry he would be dead within a month if he persisted with his anulment, was subjected to public humiliation
- not widespread opposition
describe the act of 10 articles
fairly protestant document but mostly mixed
- bible is the basis of faith
- belief in transubstantiaion
- only two sacraments are mentioned
- faith and good works are important
- icons are permitted but you must not worship them
- saints must not be excessively worshipped
- praying for the dead is permitted but is declared ineffective
describe the dissolution of the monasteries
1536: removes small monasteries
1539: all monasteries shut
what were the causes of the dissolution of the monasteries?
- power
- loyalty
- corruption
- redundancy
- 1535 valour ecclesiasticus was a survey of church wealth ordered by Cromwell (fabricated, claimed to have visited two monasteries in one day over 200 miles apart), Henry gains 1/3 more land and monastic possessions
- monks would be opposed to reformist change so removing them was easier
- most likely an excuse
- primary function of monks was scribes but now there was the printing press
what was the pilgrimage of grace?
an effect of the dissolution of the monasteries
didn’t want the removal of church wealth
occurred in the north
at its height there were 40,000 rebels in york alone
what are effects of the dissolution?
- monks and nuns: small pension given, monks could become priests but nuns could not
- gentry: bought up monastic land and property
- ordinary people: lost charitable functions, economic functions (fishing, beekeeping, farming), medical functions, literacy decreased
- court of augmenation set up run by Richard Rich
what was the bible in english?
Henry depicted on the frontispiece bigger than God
all parishes must have one
what was the act of 6 articles?
- transubsantiation confirmed
- only priests can take bread and wine
- priests cannot marry
- they must keep their vows of chastity
- prayers for the souls of the dead permitted
- confession is necessary
- occurred as in 1538 there was the treaty of nice that brought an end to the italian wars between France and Spain, can turn their attention to a Catholic crusade
- henry was probably also unhappy with the apce of reform
- nicknamed the whip with six strings
what were 4 reactions to the act of six articles?
- Cranmer: ships his German protestant wife back home in a box
- Latimer and shaxton: resign from their posts
- Cromwell: executed in 1540 for not enforcing the act
- Anne of Askew: executed for denying transubstantion, violently tortured and then burnt at the stake, very brutal
what was the act for the advancement of true religion?
- ruled that only the educated and elite could read the Bible
- this was because ordinary people may rebel as Jesus did
what was the dissolution of the chantries?
ordered in 1545
- carried out in 1547
- their sole function was to pray for souls of the dead suggesting no belief in purgatory
- done so Henry could gain their wealth