2.1 & 2.2 : (Ventilatory and Cardio systems) Flashcards
Exam prep. (Revision)
What are the 3 main functions of the Cardiovascular system?
(1) Transport: Oxygen vs Carbon Dioxide, Nutrient delivery from the digestive tract, Waste removal, Hormones.
(2) Protection: Inflammation, WBC destroy microorganisms and cancer cells, Antibodies, Platelets, and blood clotting
(3) Regulation: Body temperature, stabilize pH and fluid distribution
State the composition of blood. (hint blood has 4 main components)
Blood is composed of the following cells;
- Erythrocytes 45%,
- Plasma (55%),
- Leukocytes & platelets are <1%

What is the function of plasma?
Plasma is made up of 90% water, therefore it’s important for hydration.
Plasma levels can decrease by 10% while exercising in the heat, but also increase by 10% with endurance training.
What is the function of Erythrocytes? (Red Blood Cells)
Important for oxygen transport.
There is a protein in RBCs called Hemoglobin, where oxygen binds to it. When bound oxygen then gets transported as “Oxyhemoglobin” (oxygen+hemoglobin) Most (98.5%) of oxygen in the blood is transported by hemoglobin as oxyhemoglobin within red blood cells.” IB Statement
What is the function of Leucocytes?
Leucocytes are white blood cells, white blood cells are the body’s immune system.
The immune system protects the body against infection and pathogens.
Names of the four chambers of the heart.
left atrium, right atrium. left ventricle, right ventricle.

What is Pulmonary circulation?
Delivers deoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs to be oxygenated. It then returns to the heart.

What is systemic circulation?
Delivers oxygenated blood from the left side of the heart to the rest of the body (not lungs). It then returns to the heart deoxygenated.

Outline the bath of blood flow in the pulmonary circulation

Outline the bath of blood flow in the systemic circulation

Describe the relationship between heart rate, cardiac output and stroke volume at rest and during exercise.
CO = HR x SV
During exercise CO increases. This happens with increases in HR and SV. SV has the most dramatic effect on CO during exercise.
At rest, CO remains constant. HR and SV remain stable.
Define Cardiac output.
The volume of blood pumped from heart/ventricle in one minute;
CO = HR x SV.
Once an individuals max CO is reached, this is the maximum capacity of an individual and thus activity will soon cease or decrease in intensity.
Define stroke volume
The volume of blood pumped from the heart/left ventricle in one beat;
What effect does Strenuous exercise have on CO?
Strenuous exercise can increase CO to 21L/min in a fit person and 35L/min in world-class athletes.
What is cardiovascular drift?
During submaximal exercise at a fixed intensity, CO remains the same. So we would assume that HR and SV would also remain the same.
However this is not true, Cardiovascular drift is when HR will increase due to stroke volume decreasing, thus keeping CO constant. (during fixed intensity exercise)
Why does stroke volume decrease, during cardiovascular drift?
An increase of body temperature results in a lower venous return to the heart, a small decrease in blood volume from sweating. A reduction in stroke volume causes the heart rate to increase to maintain cardiac output. Also, blood viscosity (thickness) increases, which lowers SV.
Define the terms systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Systolic is the pressure when the heart contracts and diastolic is the pressure when the heart relaxes (in-between contractions)
Systolic is the top number and diastolic the bottom number when using a blood pressure device.

How does training increase VO2 max?
- Increase in stroke volume. (due to increase in the volume of the left ventricle)
- Increase in the number of capillaries.
Factors that affect VO2 max
- Heredity
- Age
- Gender
- Body size and composition
- Mode of exercise
- Types of muscle fibers used during the exercise
- Altitude
- Temperature
- Training status
Why is there a significant difference in VO2 max between males and females?
- Differences in body composition (naturally higher percentage of non-oxygen-using body fat in females)
- Hemoglobin concentration (males have slightly more hemoglobin than females)
If our genetics is a big factor in our VO2 max, then what’s the point in training?
We may have a ‘ceiling’ VO2 max that is determined by our genes, but this will only become limiting once a person has trained and increased their VO2max as much as possible to reach this ceiling.
What is affected by training more HR or SV?
- Our maximum HR remains the same, however with training one can tolerate a higher HR for longer.
- SV is affected the most by training as physical changes to the heart (increase in the left ventricle) result in a higher SV, thus more cardiac output. (CO)
Explain Absolute VO2 max vs Relative VO2 max.
- Absolute VO2 Max: Does NOT account for differences in size and mass Expressed in L/min Relative
- VO2 Max: Does account for differences in size and mass. Expressed in ml/kg/min
What is the Fick Equation?
A way to calculate VO2 max.
VO2 max = Max CO x Max (a-v)O2
What is Max (a-v)O2
The (a-v)O2 is an indication of how much oxygen has been removed by the capillaries and used by the body.
What does VO2 max mean?
Maximal rate and use of oxygen consumption during exercise measured in ml/kg/1min (VO2max)
This represents the functional capacity of the oxygen transport system and is sometimes referred to as maximal aerobic power or aerobic capacity.
What has a greater effect on Blood Pressure, Static or Dynamic Exercise, and why?
- Static results in a more dramatic effect on BP, because sustained muscular force compresses peripheral arterioles, considerably increasing the resistance to blood flow.
- However, Trained athletes show less dramatic blood pressure increases than untrained counterparts.
Difference between static and high stratic exercise?
Static exercise in which force is exerted on the muscles but the joints do not move.
High static Involves very large forces. Trying to lift something you can’t move, or only just move. (max deadlift)
What is general “healthy” blood pressure? (at rest)
120mmHg (systolic)/80mmHg (diastolic)

How does the autonomic nervous system speed up or slow down the heart?
Sympathetic releases epinephrine (ADRENALINE) which increases SA node firing (increase in Heart Rate).
Parasympathetic releases acetylcholine which slows the SA node firing (decrease in Heart Rate).
Name the two branches of the autonomic nervous system?
- Sympathetic (fight, flight, freeze)
- Parasympathetic (rest & digest)

The heart stimulates itself to contract.
Outline how this happens.
SA node fires causing the 2 atria to contract simultaneously (almost)
Slight delay in the stimulation of the AV node which gives the ventricles time to fill with blood.
The heart contracts itself, but still receives information from the body to speed up or slow down.
Where does this information come from?
1. Chemoreceptors. (same as the ventilatory system) directs changes in PCO2, PO2, and PH.
2. Baroreceptors – Blood Pressure Receptors ( present in the aorta and internal carotid arteries)
3. Proprioceptors. are sensors that provide information about joint angle, muscle length, and muscle tension,
4. Emotions & Drugs. (Example) caffeine will stimulate the Sympathetic, speeding up the SA node thus releasing adrenaline.
Lable the major structures of the heart.
Include the 4 cambers.
left and right atria and ventricles
Four valves
(bicuspid, tricuspid, aortic and pulmonary valve)
Four major blood vessels
(vena cava, pulmonary vein, the aorta, and pulmonary artery)

Describe how age differences affect, cardiac output, heart rate, and stroke volume.

List the 11 principle structures of the ventilatory system.

Outline the functions of the conducting airways.
- To provide a low resistance pathway for airflow.
- Defence against chemicals and other harmful substances that are inhaled.
- Warming and moistening the air.
Outline the mechanics of the diaphragm when breathing.
- Prime mover of pulmonary ventilation.
- In a relaxed state, it bulges upward pressing against the base of the lungs, making the thoracic cavity smaller.
- When it contracts it enlarges the thoracic cavity and lungs creating an inflow of air.
- When it relaxes it bulges upward again, compresses the lungs and expels the air.
- Responsible for 2/3 of airflow.
Describe the role of the intercostal Muscles during respiration.
There are two intercostal muscles. External and internal.
External Intercostal Muscles contract during inspiration - increases the width of the chest cavity. More volume = less pressure. Result in airflow into the lungs.
Internal Intercostal Muscles. Don’t contract during normal expiration. However, during forced expiration or exercise internal intercostal muscles contract to force air out faster.
Name the accessory muscles during exercise (inspiration)
There are small muscles attached to the ribs and sternum that aid in increasing thoracic volume.
During max. efforts, trapezius, back and neck extensors also contract to increase thoracic cavity
Name the accessory muscles during exercise (expiration)
Internal Intercostal muscles and abdominals muscles contract to force air out of the lungs.
Abdominal muscles pull the ribs down and force the diaphragm upward pushing air out.
Describe the mechanism of inhalation of air for a swimmer
As the head lifts out of the water the external intercostals muscles contact. (Additional muscles like the back muscles can assist in this)
The rib cage moves upwards and outwards.
The diaphragm flattens and contracts.
Thoracic cavity increases in volume.
Thoracic cavity pressure decreases, therefor air rushes in.
Air will keep rushing in as long as there is a pressure difference.
Where in the body is the respiratory center located?
- It is located in the Medulla Oblongata and the Pons, in the Brain Stem.
- Controls the basic rhythm and rate of breathing
- From here, impulses are sent to the diaphragm, and external intercostal muscles stimulating them to contract.*
How does the Respiratory Centre know when to increase the breathing depth and rate?
1. Chemoreceptors. (same as for cardiac system)
Detect changes in blood acidity levels (pH), carbon dioxide (pCO2) and oxygen (O2) content of the blood.
2. Muscle Proprioceptors (same as for cardiac system)
Sensors that tell CNS about joint angles, muscle stretch, and body balance.
3. Lung Stretch Receptors.
Explain the difference between hyperventilation and hypoventilation in relation to PO2 and PCO2.

Explain the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli.
Gas molecules move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.

In a normal lung at rest, blood enters capillaries of the respiratory zone with a PO2 of about 40 mm Hg.
Alveolar PO2 is about 100 mm Hg and fairly constant.
Oxygen diffuses from the site of higher pressure (alveolar air) to the site of lower pressure (capillary blood).
Comment on the variability of diastolic blood pressure during dynamic and static exercise
Dynamic exercise: remains relatively unchanged
Static exercise: increases
Which valve is located between the left atrium and the left ventricle?
A. Bicuspid valve
B. Pulmonary valve
C. Tricuspid valve
D. Aortic valve
Bicuspid valve

Outline the role of hemoglobin in oxygen transportation.
Most (98.5%) of oxygen in the blood is transported by hemoglobin as oxyhemoglobin within red blood cells.
Hemoglobin has 4 iron-binding sites for individual oxygen molecules to attach to.
Define the terms pulmonary ventilation, total lung capacity (TLC), vital capacity (VC), tidal volume (TV), expiratory reserve volume (ERV), inspiratory reserve volume (IRV) and residual volume (RV).

What is the relationship between volume and pressure in the thoracic cavity?
Volume up, then pressure is down.
Pressure up, then the volume is down.
“The volume of a given mass of gas is inversely proportional to the absolute pressure.”

Describe two cardiovascular (heart & blood vessels) adaptations that occur as a consequence of aerobic exercise training that results in the increased stroke volume and maximum VO2 that is observable
Increased left ventricle volume/size.
Increased left ventricle wall thickness/ cardiac hypertrophy
Increased number of capillaries
Compare the distribution of blood flow at rest and the redistribution of blood during continuous sub-maximal exercise.
At rest.
- less blood is distributed at a slower rate.
- Blood is directed to all organs more evenly.
- Skin will have minimal blood flow depending on the climate.
Submaximal exercise.
- More blood is distributed at a faster rate.
- Active muscles can demand as much as 90% of the total blood flow.
- More of the capillary network will open to supply muscles with increased demand.
- Organs receive much less blood than active muscles. But essential organs like brain and heart are protected with adequate blood flow.
- Skin receives significant blood flow to regulate body temperature.
Analyze the blood pressure response of an endurance runner.
- Systolic blood pressure will increase with an increase in running intensity. Due to an increase in CO.
- Diastolic blood pressure remains relatively unchanged.
- This increase in CO and systolic blood pressure results in more blood delivered to working muscles.
Outline how the nervous system controls the rate of breathing during exercise.
- Respiratory center is found in the medulla oblongata/pons of the brain and information is sent to the lungs via the automatic nervous system (parasympathetic and sympathetic)
Which valve is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle?
A. Bicuspid valve
B. Pulmonary valve
C. Tricuspid valve
D. Aortic valve
Tricuspid valve

What causes ventilation to increase during exercise?
A. High pH
B. Decreased blood acidity level
C. Increased carbon dioxide level
D. Lower carbon dioxide level
Increased carbon dioxide level