2024 Set 33 Flashcards
With foresight or knowledge of the future. Example: She presciently predicted the outcome of the election. Translation: Prescientemente
Something that spoils or damages something else. Example: The factory left a blight on the natural landscape. Translation: Praga
to take the rap
To accept blame or punishment. Example: He had to take the rap for the mistake made by the team. Translation: Levar a culpa
to stem
To stop or limit the flow or spread of something. Example: They are trying to stem the spread of the virus. Translation: Conter
To stump
To be confused or unable to answer. Example: The difficult question stumped the students. Translation: Encalhar
To balk at
To hesitate or refuse to do something. Example: She balked at the idea of working overtime. Translation: Hesitar
To snuff
To extinguish or put an end to something. Example: He tried to snuff out the rebellion. Translation: Apagar
Cold, depressing, or lacking hope. Example: The outlook for the economy is bleak. Translation: Sombrio
The complete range or scope of something. Example: The show covered the gamut of emotions. Translation: Gama
Subject to debate or no longer relevant. Example: The point is moot since the decision has been made. Translation: Irrelevante
To lash out
To suddenly attack or criticize someone. Example: He lashed out at his critics. Translation: Atacar
To lash
To strike or beat with force. Example: The waves lashed the shore. Translation: Chicotear
To trample
To step heavily on something, causing damage. Example: The crowd trampled over the flowers. Translation: Pisotear
a fillip
A stimulus or boost. Example: The new policy was a fillip to the economy. Translation: Impulso
Excessive pride or self-confidence. Example: His hubris led to his downfall. Translation: Arrogância
Daring and adventurous, often in a risky business. Example: He took a buccaneering approach to business. Translation: Pirataria
Brave, adventurous, or bold. Example: He lived a swashbuckling life as a sailor. Translation: Aventureiro
To guzzle
To drink or consume something greedily. Example: He guzzled down the soda. Translation: Beber com avidez
To heckle
To interrupt or harass a speaker with comments or questions. Example: The comedian was heckled by the audience. Translation: Provocar
Causing injury or stress. Example: It was a bruising negotiation. Translation: Agressivo
To drag on
To continue for a long time without progress. Example: The meeting dragged on for hours. Translation: Se arrastar