2024 Set 14 Flashcards
wishful thinking
The act of believing something unlikely will happen. Example: Thinking you will win the lottery is just wishful thinking. | Pensamento ilusório
A material made from animal skin used for writing. Example: The ancient text was written on parchment. | Pergaminho
To reminisce
To recall fond memories. Example: We often reminisce about our childhood. | Recordar
to mince words
To speak indirectly or euphemistically. Example: He didn’t mince words when he criticized the team. | Medir palavras
To hurtle
To move or cause to move at a great speed, typically in a violent manner. Example: The car hurtled down the highway. | Despencar
A figure of speech where two contradictory terms appear together. Example: “Deafening silence” is an oxymoron. | Oxímoro
A long, thin fish known for its slippery skin. Example: The eel slipped out of the fisherman’s hand. | Enguia
An object, usually an animal, representing a family, tribe, or society. Example: The totem of their tribe was a bear. | Totem
Without any flaw or defect. Example: Her reputation remained unblemished despite the scandal. | Imaculado
To condone
To accept or allow behavior that is morally wrong. Example: He refused to condone cheating in any form. | Tolerar
To bewail
To express deep sorrow. Example: She bewails the loss of her youth. | Lamentar
A long, rambling story, often improbable. Example: He told us an amusing yarn about his travels. | História
Causing strong feelings of excitement or enthusiasm. Example: The speech was stirring and inspired everyone. | Emocionante
A decorative wreath of flowers or leaves. Example: The garland adorned the entrance to the festival. | Guirlanda
To graze
To eat small amounts of food or to feed on grass. Example: The cows grazed in the meadow. | Pastar
To devise
To plan or invent a complex procedure. Example: The scientists devised a new method for the experiment. | Planejar
The scope of the influence or authority of something. Example: That decision is beyond my purview. | Alcance
To sire
To father a child. Example: The king sired many heirs. | Gerar
A mythical creature or an impossible idea. Example: His idea of a perfect society is a chimera. | Quimera