2024 Set 19 Flashcards
anathema to
Something or someone that one vehemently dislikes Example: He found the idea of cheating anathema to his principles. Translation: Anátema para
With a feeling of vague or regretful longing Example: She looked wistfully at the old photographs. Translation: Saudosamente
A storm that drops hail Example: The hailstorm damaged many cars in the parking lot. Translation: Tempestade de granizo
In a very unhappy or unfortunate state Example: The wretched conditions of the refugees moved everyone. Translation: Miserável
Light and easily damaged Example: The chair was too flimsy to support his weight. Translation: Frágil
A spider’s web, especially when old and dusty Example: The attic was full of cobwebs. Translation: Teia de aranha
Considering that; in view of the fact that Example: Inasmuch as she was the eldest, she took care of her siblings. Translation: Visto que
Difficult to control or predict because of unusual behavior Example: His wayward behavior worried his parents. Translation: Rebelde
An important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends Example: Trust is the cornerstone of any relationship. Translation: Pedra angular
The state of being unaware or unconscious of what is happening Example: He drank himself into oblivion. Translation: Esquecimento
To befall
To happen, especially by chance Example: Tragedy befell the small town. Translation: Acontecer
To adjudicate
To make a formal judgment on a disputed matter Example: The committee will adjudicate the claims. Translation: Julgar
To carry the day
To win the approval or support of others Example: Her speech was convincing enough to carry the day. Translation: Conquistar a vitória
A cage or pen for confining poultry Example: They built a new coop for their chickens. Translation: Galinheiro
involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.
“the story paints a sordid picture of bribes and scams”
A pithy saying or remark expressing an idea in a clever way Example: Oscar Wilde was known for his witty epigrams. Translation: Epigrama
I can resist everything except temptation.”
To defuse
To remove the danger from a potentially explosive situation Example: The mediator helped defuse the tension. Translation: Desarmar
To take a bow
To acknowledge applause after a performance Example: The actor stepped forward to take a bow. Translation: Fazer uma reverência
a bow
A gesture of respect or greeting Example: He gave a slight bow to the audience. Translation: Uma reverência
A person who is fanatical in pursuit of their ideals Example: He was a zealot for environmental causes. Translation: Fanático
Deceptive or false talk or behavior Example: He dismissed the rumors as pure humbug. Translation: Balela
A small stream Example: We camped by the creek. Translation: Riacho
A state of inactivity or stagnation Example: The economy has been in the doldrums for months. Translation: Marasmo
Unable to keep still or silent Example: The audience grew restive during the long speech. Translation: Inquieto
To chip away at
gradually and relentlessly make something smaller or weaker.
“rivals may chip away at one’s profits by undercutting prices”
To chip
To break a small piece off something Example: He chipped a tooth on the hard candy. Translation: Lascar
A public open space used for assemblies and markets Example: They gathered at the agora to discuss politics. Translation: Ágora
To tingle
To feel a stinging or prickling sensation Example: Her hands tingled from the cold. Translation: Formigar