2024 Set 12 Flashcards
Meaning: Floating without control
Example: The boat was left adrift in the open sea.
Translation: À deriva
Meaning: Irritability or bad temper
Example: His testiness made the meeting uncomfortable for everyone.
Translation: Irritabilidade
in tatters
Meaning: Completely destroyed or ruined
Example: His reputation was left in tatters after the scandal.
Translation: Em frangalhos
to tack
Meaning: To change direction or approach
Example: The captain had to tack the ship to avoid the storm.
Translation: Fazer uma mudança de direção
Meaning: Unorthodox, not conforming with accepted beliefs
Example: His heterodox views on religion surprised everyone.
Translation: Heterodoxo
Meaning: A well-intentioned person who tries to help but may be annoying
Example: She’s such a do-gooder, always trying to fix other people’s problems.
Translation: Bem-feitor
to rekindle
Meaning: To revive something, especially a feeling or relationship
Example: They tried to rekindle their old friendship after years apart.
Translation: Reacender
Meaning: Excessively proud of oneself; vain
Example: He’s too conceited to accept any criticism.
Translation: Vaidoso
to relent
Meaning: To become less severe or intense
Example: The storm finally relented after three days.
Translation: Ceder
to tend to
Meaning: To be likely to or inclined to do something
Example: He tends to get nervous before public speaking.
Translation: Tender a
to fetch
Meaning: To go for and bring back
Example: Can you fetch me a glass of water?
Translation: Buscar
to summon
Meaning: To call for someone or something
Example: The king summoned his advisors to discuss the crisis.
Translation: Convocar
to misconstrue
Meaning: To interpret something wrongly
Example: She misconstrued his silence as anger.
Translation: Interpretar mal
Meaning: False, not genuine
Example: He was arrested for using a bogus ID.
Translation: Falso
to sweep
Meaning: To clean or clear with a brush or broom
Example: She swept the floor before guests arrived.
Translation: Varrer
to pilfer
Meaning: To steal things of little value
Example: He was caught pilfering office supplies.
Translation: Furtar