2024 Set 24 Flashcards
Sly or cunning intelligence. Example: He used guile to win the negotiations. Translation: Astúcia ou inteligência ardilosa.
Brief and obscure. Example: His speech was filled with gnomic wisdom. Translation: Enigmático ou lacônico.
To tut
To express disapproval by making a tutting sound. Example: She tutted at the noisy kids. Translation: Expressar desaprovação com um som de ‘tsk’.
Easily frightened or jumpy. Example: The horse became skittish in the storm. Translation: Nervoso ou assustadiço.
To renege
To go back on a promise or commitment. Example: He reneged on his deal. Translation: Quebrar uma promessa ou acordo.
A serious break in friendly relations. Example: There was a rift between the two friends. Translation: Uma ruptura ou desavença.
Tightly connected or very close. Example: They have a close-knit family. Translation: Uma família unida.
a slew of
A large number of something. Example: A slew of new movies were released. Translation: Uma grande quantidade de algo.
A referee in sports. Example: The umpire made a controversial decision. Translation: Árbitro em esportes.
To officiate
To act as an official in a game. Example: He officiated the basketball match. Translation: Atuar como árbitro.
Creased or wrinkled. Example: His shirt was rumpled after the long flight. Translation: Amassado ou enrugado.
Causing fear or worry. Example: The dreaded exam is tomorrow. Translation: Temido ou assustador.
The legal process of seizing someone’s property. Example: The impoundment of the car was unexpected. Translation: Apreensão legal de propriedade.
Making someone feel less valued or respected. Example: The comments were demeaning. Translation: Rebaixador ou humilhante.
As a result of that. Example: He missed the deadline, thereby losing the opportunity. Translation: Consequentemente.