2024 Set 26 Flashcards
Various or diverse things. Example: The shop sells sundry items. Translation: Vários ou diversos itens
A prolonged speech to obstruct progress in a legislative assembly. Example: The senator used a filibuster to delay the vote. Translation: Obstrução do progresso em uma assembleia legislativa
A clutch
A tight or critical situation. Example: She made a clutch play in the last minute of the game. Translation: Uma situação crítica ou apertada
A subordinate or lower-ranking person. Example: He treated his underlings with little respect. Translation: Subordinado ou pessoa de posição inferior
To ingratiate
To gain favor by flattering or trying to please. Example: She tried to ingratiate herself with the new boss. Translation: Ganhar favor bajulando ou tentando agradar
A person who falls behind others. Example: The straggler finally caught up with the group. Translation: Pessoa que fica para trás
The state of being weakened. Example: The disease caused enfeeblement of his muscles. Translation: Enfraquecimento
To disrobe
To remove one’s clothes. Example: The actor had to disrobe for the scene. Translation: Despir-se
Not disturbed or affected. Example: She was unfazed by the loud noise. Translation: Não perturbado ou afetado
Related to office or administrative work. Example: He is responsible for clerical duties in the office. Translation: Relacionado ao trabalho administrativo
To tally
To count or record. Example: They had to tally the votes before announcing the winner. Translation: Contar ou registrar
Lacking in imagination; dull. Example: His speech was rather prosaic and uninspiring. Translation: Sem imaginação; monótono
To taper
To gradually decrease. Example: The storm began to taper off by the evening. Translation: Diminuir gradualmente
to roost
To settle or rest. Example: Birds like to roost in tall trees. Translation: Assentar-se ou descansar
An excessive indulgence in something. Example: He went on a binge and watched the entire series. Translation: Excesso em alguma coisa