2024 Set 31 Flashcards
A device that measures distance; Example: He used a rangefinder to gauge the distance between holes on the golf course. Translation: telemetro
to dazzle
To impress or blind temporarily; Example: The bright lights dazzled her as she stepped onto the stage. Translation: deslumbrar
to backslide
To return to old habits, especially bad ones; Example: He promised to stop smoking but began to backslide after a week. Translation: recair
A large, powerful dog breed; Example: The mastiff guarded the house with a quiet, protective stance. Translation: mastim
Causing hatred or disgust; Example: The smell from the garbage dump was loathsome. Translation: repugnante
A cause of fear or annoyance; Example: Exams are always a bugbear for students. Translation: bicho-papão
A power tool with a chain and a set of teeth; Example: He used a chainsaw to cut down the dead tree. Translation: motosserra
to mistime
To time something incorrectly; Example: She mistimed her jump and missed the ball. Translation: calcular mal o tempo
to fester
To become infected or worsen; Example: His anger started to fester after the argument. Translation: gangrenar
to mend one’s way
To change one’s behavior for the better; Example: After the accident, he decided to mend his ways. Translation: melhorar seu comportamento
much of a muchness
Very similar in kind or quality; Example: The two cars are much of a muchness, with only minor differences. Translation: muito semelhantes
Loyalty or faithfulness; Example: Her steadfastness to her friends is admirable. Translation: firmeza
Completely clean or unspoiled; Example: The pristine beach had clear waters and white sand. Translation: intocado
to get bogged down
To become stuck or overwhelmed; Example: He got bogged down in the details of the project. Translation: atolado
Relating to mammals; Example: Humans are part of the mammalian class of animals. Translation: mamífero
to prime
To prepare or make ready; Example: She primed herself for the upcoming interview. Translation: preparar
A structure made of interlaced parts; Example: The fence had a beautiful latticework design. Translation: treliça
to saddle
To put a saddle on a horse; Example: He saddled his horse for the long ride. Translation: selar
to saddle with
To burden someone with something; Example: They were saddled with debt after the recession. Translation: sobrecarregar
Practical understanding or knowledge; Example: She has a lot of savvy when it comes to technology. Translation: esperto
Vulgar or indecent humor; Example: The comedian’s ribald jokes entertained the crowd. Translation: grosseiro
Extremely idealistic, unrealistic; Example: His quixotic plan to change the world met with skepticism. Translation: quixotesco
to inveigh
To speak against strongly; Example: They inveighed against the new policies. Translation: protestar