2024 Set 23 Flashcards
A tall structure used for carrying power lines or marking a path. Example: The plane flew over the pylon. Translation: Pilar, estrutura elevada para cabos elétricos ou marcação.
To streamline
To make a process or organization more efficient. Example: They streamlined the company’s workflow. Translation: Tornar um processo mais eficiente.
An act of attacking or beating severely. Example: The bear’s mauling left him injured. Translation: Ataque violento, espancamento.
A substitute, especially a person deputizing for another. Example: She was chosen as the surrogate mother. Translation: Substituto, especialmente uma pessoa.
Relating to or characterized by government by the wealthy. Example: The country’s plutocratic system favored the rich. Translation: Sistema dominado pelos ricos.
Hard and shrewd bargaining, especially in politics. Example: The negotiations involved a lot of horse-trading. Translation: Negociação dura e astuta, especialmente na política.
To moot
To bring up a subject for discussion. Example: The idea was mooted in the meeting. Translation: Propor um assunto para discussão.
To induct
To formally admit someone to a position or organization. Example: He was inducted into the Hall of Fame. Translation: Admitir formalmente em uma posição ou organização.
A type of artillery that is a short gun for firing shells at high angles. Example: The army deployed a howitzer during the battle. Translation: Tipo de artilharia usada para disparar projéteis em ângulos altos.
To tow
To pull a vehicle or boat using a rope or chain. Example: They towed the car to the nearest garage. Translation: Rebocar um veículo ou barco.
A large stack of hay, especially one shaped like a dome. Example: The barn was surrounded by haystacks. Translation: Monte de feno, especialmente em formato de cúpula.
To squabble
To argue noisily about something unimportant. Example: The kids were squabbling over the remote control. Translation: Discutir de maneira barulhenta sobre algo sem importância.
Not stable or secure. Example: His voice was shaky during the speech. Translation: Instável, inseguro.
An act of admitting defeat or giving up a previous position. Example: The politician’s climbdown surprised everyone. Translation: Ato de admitir a derrota ou ceder uma posição anterior.
To taunt
To provoke or challenge someone with insulting remarks. Example: He taunted his opponent during the game. Translation: Provocar ou desafiar com insultos.