2017 Histology - Kidney and Renal Flashcards
Understand kidney structure including:
Medulla, Cortex
Pelvis, Calyces, Pyramids

Which is most external: cortex or medulla?
Cortex is external
Which kidney component makes up most of the cortex?
Renal corpuscles
What kidney component(s) comprise the medulla?
Renal Pyramids
What comprises the Outer Stripe of the Outer Medulla?
Thick tubules and collecting ducts
What comprises the Inner Stripe of the Outer Medulla?
Thin limbs of the loop of Henle
What comprises the Inner Medulla?
Mostly thin tubules and collecting ducts
Components of the nephron from proximal to distal:
Renal Corpuscle: Glomularis and Bowman’s Capsule
Proximal convoluted tubule
straight tubules (loop of Henle)
- thick descending
- thin descending and ascending
- thick ascending
Distal convoluted
Collecting Duct
Papillary Duct
Minor Calyx
Major Calyx
Renal Pelvis
What is the branching pattern of renal arteries and where are they (approx.) in kidney?
Renal Arteries
Segmental Arteries (5)
Lobar arteries - one for each lobe
Interlobar arteries - travel between renal pyramids to corticomedullary junction
Arcuate Arteries - run along corticomedullary junction
Interlobular arteries - run peripendicular to arcuate arties in cortex
Afferent aterioles - enter Bowman’s capsule
Glomerulus - loops of capillaries
Efferent Arteriole - drain glomerulus
Vasa recta - long capillaries
Understand renal vascularture branching

What is the venous drainage of the kidney?
Vasa recta -> Arcuate Veins -> Interlobar Veins -> Renal Vein

What are the 3 layers of the Adrenal Gland Cortex?
Zona glomerulosa
Zona fasciculata
Zona reticularis

What factors act on each of the Adrenal Gland Zones and what does it cause that zone to produce?

Adrenal Gland zones, structure and products.

What is the embryological origin of the Cortical Cells and/or the Medullary Cells?
Cotrical = mesenchyme, mesodermal origin
Medullary = neural crest cells, ectodermal origin
What cells make up the Medulla of the Adrenal Cortex? What type of capillaries exist there?
Chromaffin Cells = producing epi and norepi
Fenestrated capillaries
arranged in clumps/cords