Philippine education was managed by the Superior Commission of Primary Instruction
On 1863, Philippine education was managed by the _________
Superior Commission of Primary Instruction
After a series of name changes, the department eventually became Department of Education, Culture, and Sports
Initial name of DepEd
Department of Education, Culture, and Sports
Commission on Higher Education and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority were established
DECS was transformed to DepEd through RA 9155
- Formulates, implements, and coordinates educational policies
DECS was transformed to DepEd through RA ____
Agency that focuses on primary, secondary, and non-formal education (ALS)
Department of Education
Legal basis of DepEd
RA 9155
Agency that focuses on higher education
Commission on Higher Education
Legal basis of CHED
RA 7722
Agency that focuses on post-secondary, middle-level manpower training and development
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
Legal basis of TESDA
RA 7796
Legal basis of the Philippine Medical Technology Program
CHED Memorandum Order No. 13 Series of 2017 or CMO 13 S. 2017
Four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses
BS Medical Technology
year where internship program of one year in a CHED-accredited training laboratory with rotational duties
Fourth Year
Different sections of the laboratory
- Clinical Chemistry
- Hematology
- Microbiology
- Immunohematology
- Immunology and Serology
- Clinical Microscopy
- Parasitology
- Histopathologic/Cytologic Techniques
- And other emergent technologies
Career opportunities for BSMT graduates
- Licensed medical technologist
- Diagnostic molecular scientist
- Research scientist
- Diagnostic product specialist
- Public health practitioner
- Healthcare leaders
- Educator
Allied medical fields
- Public health/epidemiology
- Veterinary laboratory science
- Molecular biology
- Nuclear science
- Forensic science
- Health administration
- Food and industrial microbiology
Legal basis of BSMT Curriculum by CHED
RA 5527
learning at the same time
learning at different times
combination of in-person and virtual teaching
Hybrid Learning
technology used to supplement in-person and remote learning
Blended Learning