2. Muscular System Chp. 9 (exam 1) Flashcards
Covering of a bone
Fascia is a dense fibrous ct that surrounds and separate one muscle from another
Muscle diagram
Muscle-> fascicles-> muscle fiber-> myofibril-> myofilaments
Extends to another muscle as this or as a tendon
Surrounds skeletal muscle
Surrounds bundles (fascicles) of muscle
Surrounds each muscle fiber
Muscle fiber
Single cell that contracts with stimulus and then relaxes. It may extend the full length of the muscle
Is thin
Sarcoplasm reticulum
Surrounds each myofibril, stores calcium ions and transports
Transverse tubules
Membranous channels, open to the surface allowing the electrical impulse to reach the sarcoplasm reticulum
C + T2 =
Neuromuscular junction
The connection between a motor neuron and a muscle fiber with a specially modified membrane containing increased nuclei and mitochondria
Synaptic cleft
Space between the motor neuron and muscle membrane
Motor unit
A motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it controls
Chemical messenger released by a neuron
Stimulus for contraction
The neurotransmitter for motor neurons is AcH. Synthesized in the cytoplasm and stored in vesicles. It is released as a result of nerve impulse reaching the end of the axon. Once released it’s diffused across the cleft attaching to receptors and stimulating a muscle impulse.
Excitation contraction coupling
The sr has high levels of ca ions due to pumps. The impulse increases the permeability of the cisternae causing calcium to flood the sarcoplasm specifically binding to the troponin
Energy source
The existing muscle ATP is quickly depleted