2. morphology and life cycle of the honey bee Flashcards
what genitals does a queen have
- set of ovaries
- spermatheca - stores sperm after mating
the sting of the queen
not barbed like a workers sting
what does the queen lack
lacks the glands that produce beewax ( wax gland)
how many eggs can a queen lay per day
nearly 2000 eggs per day
what is queen substance
pheromones that regulate behaviour of workers
how long can a queen live for
up to 5 years
what sex are drone bees
How do drones develop
from an unfertilized egg with one set of chromosome
stinger of drone bees
they have no stinger
when are drones not a few hundreds in a colony?
autumn and winter
when are the drones forced out of hive?
in autumn
what is the function of drone bees
mate with virgin queens and die
what sex are worker bees
how can you tell if its a worker bee
smaller than queen and drones about 15mm in length
are workers fertile
not fertile and do not lay eggs
morphological specialization of worker bees
pollen basket
abdominal glands producing beewax
brood feeding glands aka royal jelly
sting with barbs
task of worker bees 1-3 days
cleaning of cells
task of worker bees 3-6 days
feeding older larvae
task of worker bees 7-11 days
feeding younger larvae
task of worker bees 12-17 days
comb construction from wax
task of worker bees 18-21 days-
gardening defending functions
task of worker bees from the 22nd day
foraging for pollen and nectar
how long do worker bees live in summer
4-6 weeks
how long do worker bees live in winter
4-5 months