2. Face Flashcards
N. Passes through infraorbital foramen to innervate maxillary sinus, skin of cheek, upper lip
Infraorbital (V2)
N. Innervating skin on prominence of cheek
Zygomaticofacial (of V2)
N. To anterior part of temporal fossa
Zygomaticotemporal (of V2)
Auriculotemporal, buccal. And mental are branches of what CN
V3- mandibular
Innervates skin on posterior 2/3 of temporal regions
Auriculotemporal n. (Of V3)
Innervates skin and oral mucosa of cheek and gums
Buccal (of V3)
Innervates skin of chin and inferior lip after passing through mental foramen
Mental n. (Of V3)
Infraorbital and zygomatic nn. Are branches from what CN
Maxillary (V2)
Muscles of facial expression innervated by
Facial n
Muscles of mastication innervated by
Trigeminal n
Muscles used in mastication (innervated by V3)
Masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid
M. That compresses cheek to hold food. During chewing
M. That draws corners of mouth inferior and laterally
Depressor anguli oris
M. That draws lower lip inferiorly
Depressor labii inferioris
M. Draws corner of mouth up and laterally
Levator anguli oris
M. That opens lips, raises and furrrows the upper lip
Levator labii superioris
M. Protrudes lower lip wrinkles chin
M. Compresses and purses lips
Orbicularis oris
M. Draws corner lip laterally, tenses lips (synergist to zygomaticus)
M. Elevates corner of mouth
The facial n. Exits the skill through
Stylomastoid foramen
Branches of. The facial n. (The. Zebra bit my cheek)
Posterior auricular, temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular, cervical
The facial n. Exits the skull via
Styolomastoid foramen
Taste on anterior 2/3 of tongue
Taste on posterior 1/3 of tongue
Motor innervation to parotid gland
Sensory info to skin above parotid gland
Posterior auricular n.
External carotid gives rise to these arteries of face and scalp
Facial, occipital, posterior auricular, maxillary, superficial temporal
Branches of. Facial a.
Inferior and superior labial, lateral nasal, angular
Mental a. Is a branch from what external carotid branch
Maxillary a.
Aa. From internal carotid
Supraorbital and supratrochlear
Anterior eyeball chamber sits between
Cornea and iris
Posterior eyeball chamber sits between
Iris and lens
Fibrous layer of the eye consists of
Sclera, cornea
Vascular layer of the eye consists of
Choroid, ciliary body, iris
Pupillary sphincter and ciliary muscle are controlled by what nerve
Sensory info from the eye travels via what nerve
Opthalmic branch of trigeminal
Most muscles of eye movement are innervated by
CN III- occulomotor
Superior oblique is innervated by
CN IV- trochlear
Lateral rectus is innervated by
CN VI- abducens
Ciliary muscle relaxes to tense suspensory ligaments when looking
Far away
Ciliary muscle contracts so that suspensory muscles relax when looking
Up close
Blood supply to upper lip arises from what a.
Blood supply to anterior chin comes from what artery
Posterior scalp sensory information comes from what nerve
Greater occipital
Sharp pains to anterior ear and posterior temporal region occur when there is damage to what nerve
Mandibular (trigeminal neuralgia)
What nerve controls efferent corneal reflex
Facial (in by 5 out by 7)
Horners syndrome is miosis, ptosis, and anhydrosis of the ipsalateral side where there is a lesion in what n
Cervical sympathetic trunk
Efferent nerve supply to constrictor muscle of the eye
Pupillary light reflex: light is sensed coming into the eye by ___ nerve and parasympathetics cause constriction via __ nerve
Optic, oculomotor (in by 2 out by 3)
Outflow pathway of aqueous humor is blocked causing high intraocular pressure