1.6 Lesson Flashcards
Possessive adjectives and pronouns, diminutives, family relationships, and the common verb TENER ("to have")
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My family is very big
Mi familia es muy grande
family - la familia
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My father is working upstairs
Mi padre está trabajando arriba
father - el padre, el papá. Note that papá translates as “dad” and is a more affectionate way of saying padre
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My parents don’t speak Spanish
Mis padres no hablan español
Note that mi becomes mis when the noun being modified (e.g. “parents”) is plural
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Your dad is angry with you because you do not study
Tu papá está enojado contigo porque tú no estudias
your - tu. Note that in the possessive, tu does not have an accent mark, although it is pronounced exactly the same as tú (“you”)
What is the difference between the words tú and tu?
- Tú is the second person singular pronoun “you”
- Tu is the second person singular possessive adjective “your”
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Does your mother speak English?
¿Habla tu madre inglés?
Note that Spanish does not have an equivalent helping verb to the English word “do”. Instead, we simply begin the question with the conjugated verb, and place the subject directly after it
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Your brother is studying art at the university
Tu hermano está estudiando arte en la universidad
brother - el hermano
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My sister is a mathematics student at a university in Spain
Mi hermana es una estudiante de matemáticas en una universidad en España
sister - la hermana
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Your (ud) brother is right there, in front of my tall sister
Su hermano está allí, en frente de mi hermana alta
Your (ud) - su
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My son is going to school with your (ud) son
Mi hijo está yendo a la escuela con su hijo
son - el hijo
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Your (ud) daughter is bored from so much studying
Su hija está aburrida de tanto estudiar
daughter - la hija
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My dad is a doctor
Mi papá es médico
doctor - el médico. Note that in Spanish the indefinite article is not used after ser when the noun is not modified. However, “My dad is an old doctor” would be Mi papá es un médico viejo
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His mother is not American; she is from México
Su madre no es americana; es de México
his, her - su. Note that both usted and él / ella pronouns take the possessive form su
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Her husband is a teacher; therefore he is busy teaching his students
Su esposo es maestro; entonces está ocupado enseñando a sus estudiantes
husband - el esposo, el marido. Note that the possessive adjective su becomes plural (sus) when the noun it modifies is plural
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My wife is very good-looking
Mi esposa es muy guapa
wife - la esposa
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Come on, it’s not hard
Vaya, no es difícil
come on - vaya
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Your sisters are running
Tus hermanas están corriendo
Remember that possessive adjectives always agree in number with the noun that they describe. Tu hermana becomes Tus hermanas
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Our house is way over there
Nuestra casa está allá
our - nuestro. Note that nuestro(a) agrees in both number and gender with the noun that it describes, not with the speaker’s number or gender
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There are a lot of students in this classroom
Hay muchos estudiantes en esta clase
there is, there are - hay. Note that hay is the third person “impersonal” conjugation of the auxiliary verb haber, which we will learn more about later
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Our uncles are reading some very good books
Nuestros tíos están leyendo unos libros muy buenos
uncle - el tío
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Our aunts are angry because we do not go to college
Nuestras tías están enojadas porque no vamos a la universidad
aunt - la tía
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Your cousin (f.) is our friend
Tu prima es nuestra amiga
cousin - el primo, la prima
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The house over there is your (vosotros) house, right?
La casa allá es vuestra casa, ¿verdad?
your (de vosotros) - vuestro. Note that like nuestro(a), vuestro(a) also agrees with the noun that it describes in number and gender
Translate to Spanish.
Is your grandfather sick?
¿Está enfermo tu abuelo?
grandfather- el abuelo