1.3.1 Vocab Enrichment Flashcards
This deck presents basic vocab terms about food. This roughly covers cards 530-590 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
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e.g. This breakfast is delicious
el desayuno
ej. Este desayuno está delicioso
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e.g. It is important that we eat together during lunch.
el almuerzo
ej. Es importante que comamos juntos durante el almuerzo.
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dinner / supper
e.g. What’s for dinner?
la cena
ej. ¿Qué hay para la cena?
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to eat breakfast / to have breakfast
e.g. Let’s eat breakfast
ej. Desayunemos
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to eat lunch / to have lunch
e.g. I was so busy that I forgot to eat lunch
comer / almorzar
ej. Estaba tan ocupado que se me olvidó almorzar
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to eat dinner / to have dinner / to dine
e.g. Want to have dinner with me on Saturday?
ej. ¿Quieres cenar conmigo el sábado?
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a meal
e.g. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day
una comida
ej. El desayuno es la comida más importante del día
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el pan
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el queso
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e.g. Let’s eat some chicken tonight
el pollo
ej. Comamos un poco de pollo hoy
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i.e. beef, chicken, pork, etc.
la carne
i.e. la carne de res, el pollo, el cerdo, etc.
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beef / meat / red meat
e.g. I don’t eat beef
la carne de res / la carne / la carne roja
ej. No como carne de res
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e.g. I ordered fish for dinner
el pescado
ej. Pedí el pescado para la cena
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e.g. I can’t eat pork. It’s against my religion
el cerdo / el puerco / el chancho
ej. No puedo comer cerdo. Va contra mi religión
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i.e. apples, bananas, etc.
la fruta
i.e. las manzanas, los bananos, etc.
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an apple
una manzana
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a banana
un banano / una banana / un plátano
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an orange
una naranja
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e.g. a bowl of rice and beans
el arroz
ej. un tazón de arroz y frijoles
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a sandwich
un sándwich / un emparedado
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ice cream
e.g. We’re having ice cream for dessert
el helado
ej. Vamos a comer helado de postre
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a vegetable
i.e. a carrot, an onion, etc.
una verdura / un vegetal
i.e. una zanahoria, una cebolla, etc.
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e.g. a piece of chocolate
el chocolate
ej. un pedazo de chocolate
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chewing gum / gum
el chicle / la goma de mascar