1.2 Lesson Flashcards
Regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in the present tense
What are the three types of infinitive verb endings in Spanish?
- -ar as in hablar (to speak)
- -er as in comer (to eat)
- -ir as in vivir (to live)
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She is a student
Ella es una alumna
pupil, student - el alumno, la alumna. Remember that we can also say estudiante
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He is a student of Señora Ramos
Él es un estudiante de la Señora Ramos
of, from - de
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We are from the United States
Somos de los Estados Unidos
the United States - Los Estados Unidos (often abbreviated as los EEUU)
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He is Xavier’s friend
Él es (un) amigo de Xavier
friend - el amigo, la amiga
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She studies
Ella estudia
he/she studies - estudia
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He studies a lot
Él estudia mucho
a lot - mucho
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I study a lot
Yo estudio mucho
I study - estudio
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You (ud) do not study a lot
Usted no estudia mucho
do not - no. Note that verbs are negated by simply adding the word no in front of them.
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You do not study
Tú no estudias
you study - tú estudias
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All the girls study
Todas las niñas estudian
all - todos
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The girl studies every day
La niña estudia todos los días
every day - todos los días
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We do not study every day
Nosotros no estudiamos todos los días
we study - estudiamos
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You (vosotros) study a lot
Vosotros estudiáis mucho
you (vosotros) study - estudiáis
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They do not study
Ellos no estudian
they study - estudian
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- I study
- You study
- He/She studies
- We study
- You all study
- They study
- Yo estudio
- Tú estudias
- Él/Ella/Ud estudia
- Nosotros estudiamos
- Vosotros estudiáis
- Ellos/Ellas/Uds estudian
What are the endings of regular -ar verbs (such as estudiar) conjugated in the present tense?
Regular Present Tense -ar endings
- -o (yo)
- -as (tú)
- -a (él)
- -amos (nosotros)
- -áis (vosotros)
- -an (ellos)
Simply strip the -ar ending off of any regular infinitive, and apply the endings above
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I need an interesting book
Necesito un libro interesante
to need - necesitar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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We walk every day
Nosotros caminamos todos los días
to walk - caminar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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Do you speak Spanish too?
¿Hablas español también?
too, also - también
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The woman buys eleven books
La mujer compra once libros
to buy - comprar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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She studies mathematics
Ella estudia matemáticas
mathematics, math - las matemáticas, la mate. When talking about a general subject, you do not use an article before the subject. When talking about a specific subject you do (i.e. I study the history of Spain->Estudio la historia de España)
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The teacher teaches math
El maestro enseña matemáticas
to teach - enseñar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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Señor Ramos teaches the lesson
El Señor (Sr.) Ramos enseña la lección
lesson - la lección. Note that señor is usually abbreviated Sr.