1.11 Spanish Listening Practice Flashcards
Use this deck to hone your Spanish listening comprehension skills!
What is being said?
A ella le encanta salir a bailar.
She loves to go out dancing.
What is being said?
El marido de la profesora es un escritor conocido.
The professor’s husband is a well-known author.
What is being said?
Nunca deja de hablar de su trabajo.
He never stops talking about his job.
What is being said?
No puedo comer ni dormir.
I can’t eat or sleep.
What is being said?
¿Y para qué sirve todo esto?
What’s the point of all this?
What is being said?
Qué tontería.
What a load of baloney.
What is being said?
Tengo mucho que hacer.
I have a lot to do.
What is being said?
(Haz) como quieras.
(Do) as you like.
What is being said?
¿Me pasas la sal, por favor?
Can you pass the salt, please?
What is being said?
Hay un magnífico restaurante nuevo en la ciudad.
There’s a great new restaurant in the city.
What is being said?
Esta oración no es difícil.
This sentence is not difficult.
What is being said?
Es fácil aprender español.
It is easy to learn Spanish.
What is being said?
¡Por fin está acabando el libro!
He is finally finishing the book!
What is being said?
Tengo cinco dedos en la mano derecha.
I have five fingers on my right hand.
What is being said?
La gente quiere ver al presidente.
The people want to see the president.
What is being said?
Yo bajo por la escalera.
I am going down the staircase.
What is being said?
¿Puedo invitarte un trago?
Can I buy you a drink?
What is being said?
¿Y qué hace él aquí?
What is he doing here?
What is being said?
¿Te sientes mejor?
Do you feel better?
What is being said?
La tormenta se desplaza hacia el norte.
The storm is moving north.
What is being said?
Estoy enamorado de ti.
I’m in love with you.
What is being said?
No tengo tiempo para eso.
I don’t have time for that.
What is being said?
Todavía tienes mucho que aprender.
You still have much to learn.
What is being said?
Es una larga historia.
It’s a long story.