1.3 Lesson Flashcards
Numbers, school, and the present tense of the verb IR ("to go")
Translate to Spanish.
Marcos learns the numbers
Marcos aprende los números
number - el número
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one book
un libro
one - uno. Note that when preceding a noun, the number uno is modified exactly like the indefinite article un/una/unos/unas.
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twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine
veintiuno (21), veintidós (22), veintitrés (23), veinticuatro (24), veinticinco (25), veintiséis (26), veintisiete (27), veintiocho (28), veintinueve (29)
Translate to Spanish.
- thirty-one, thirty-two…
- forty-one, forty-two…
- treinta y uno (31), treinta y dos (32) …
- cuarenta y uno (41), cuarenta y dos (42) …
Note that after thirty, you must add a y in between the two numbers
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1999 (spelled-out)
Mil novecientos noventa y nueve
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It is the year two-thousand ten
Es el año dos mil diez
year - el año
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He works in the mathematics building
Él trabaja en el edificio de matemáticas
building - el edificio
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We are art students
Nosotros somos estudiantes de arte
art - el arte
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I buy a chair
Yo compro una silla
chair - la silla
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Do you write in the notebook?
¿Escribes en el cuaderno?
notebook - el cuaderno
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She buys a pen
Ella compra un bolígrafo / una pluma
pen - el bolígrafo, la pluma
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They write a good essay
Ellos escriben un buen ensayo
essay - el ensayo
Translate to Spanish.
Do you receive good grades?
¿Recibes buenas notas?
grades - las notas. Sometimes we also use the verb sacar (literally, “to take out”) to refer to grades. e.g. ¿Sacas buenas notas?
Translate to Spanish.
I go to a good school
Yo voy a un colegio bueno
I go - voy. Voy is the first-person conjugation of the verb ir (“to go”) in the present tense
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Do you go to a good school?
¿Vas (tú) a una escuela buena?
you go - vas
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She goes to the library every day
Ella va a la biblioteca todos los días
he/she goes - va
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You and I go to the big house
Tú y yo vamos a la casa grande
we go - vamos
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You (vosotros) go to math class
Vosotros vais a la clase de mate
you (vosotros) go - vais
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They never go to class
Ellos nunca van a clase
they go - van
Translate to Spanish.
- I go
- You go
- He/She goes
- We go
- You go
- They go
- Yo voy
- Tú vas
- Él/Ella/Ud va
- Nosotros vamos
- Vosotros vais
- Ellos/Ellas/Uds van
Translate to Spanish.
I am going to study with my friends
Voy a estudiar con mis amigos
going + to + infinitive – ir + a + infinitivo. Note that in Spanish, in order to form the immediate future, you must first conjugate ir according to the subject, add a, and then add the future action in the infinitive.
Translate to Spanish.
I am going to go to the park
Voy a ir al parque
park - el parque
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I am going to attend math class
Voy a asistir a la clase de matemáticas
to attend - asistir a. Note that in Spanish, you must use the preposition a with the verb asistir
Translate to Spanish.
Mariana: I am glad to meet you!
Paloma: Same here / you too!
Mariana: ¡Mucho gusto!
Paloma: ¡Igualmente!
same here - igualmente. Mucho gusto literally means “much pleasure.” Igualmente literally means “equally”