1.4.2 Vocab Enrichment Flashcards
In this deck, you will learn some basic verbs along with words and phrases dealing with time and the state of being inside vs. outside. This roughly covers cards 720-780 of our 9000+ Spanish vocabulary cards, which Brainscape's linguists have ordered from most fundamental (“hello”) to most esoteric (“fluorescent”).
Translate to Spanish:
to buy / to purchase
e.g. I bought a new car last week
comprar / adquirir
ej. Compré un auto nuevo la semana pasada
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to sell
e.g. This store sells electronics
ej. Esta tienda vende productos electrónicos
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to find / to discover
e.g. I found a pen
encontrar / descubrir / hallar
ej. Encontré un bolígrafo
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my finger
e.g. I jammed three fingers in the door
mi dedo
ej. Se me atascaron tres dedos en la puerta
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my nail / my fingernail
e.g. I broke a nail!
mi uña
ej. Me rompí una uña
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my thumb
e.g. my left thumb
mi pulgar
ej. mi pulgar izquierdo
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to get / to grab / to fetch
e.g. Will you get me a fork, please?
coger / agarrar / tomar
ej. ¿Me coges un tenedor, por favor?
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to get / to obtain
e.g. I got some information
conseguir / obtener
ej. Obtuve alguna información
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to get / to receive
e.g. I got a present
conseguir / recibir
ej. Recibí un regalo
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to gain / to earn
e.g. to gain respect, to earn money, etc.
ej. ganar el respeto, ganar dinero, etc.
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to get to / to arrive at
e.g. How do you get to the post office from here?
llegar a
ej. ¿Cómo se llega a la oficina postal desde aquí?
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to give
e.g. I gave him my pen
ej. Le di mi bolígrafo
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to help / to assist
e.g. She helped me
ayudar / socorrer
ej. Ella me ayudó
Translate to Spanish:
help / assistance / aid
e.g. Go ask for help
la ayuda / el auxilio / la asistencia
ej. Ve a pedir ayuda
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How can I help you?
¿En qué te puedo servir? / ¿En qué le puedo servir?
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terrible / horrible / awful
e.g. a terrible movie
horrible / terrible
ej. una película terrible
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a human / a person / a human being
un humano / una persona / un ser humano
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e.g. Humor is a uniquely human characteristic
ej. El humor es una característica exclusivamente humana
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an idea / a concept / a notion
una idea / un concepto
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I have no idea / I have no clue
No tengo la menor idea / No tengo ni idea
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inside / indoors
e.g. Let’s stay indoors today
adentro / dentro
ej. Quedémonos adentro hoy
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in / inside / inside of
e.g. It’s in the box
en / dentro de / adentro de
eg. Está en la caja
Translate to Spanish:
outside / outdoors
e.g. The kids are playing outside
ej. Los niños están jugando afuera
Translate to Spanish:
outside / outside of
e.g. The toy is outside the room
afuera / fuera / afuera de
ej. El juguete está afuera del cuarto