1.10 Lesson Flashcards
The immediate future tense and some useful vocabulary to describe foods and restaurant activities
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They are going to study tomorrow
Van a estudiar mañana
tomorrow - mañana
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José never eats in the morning
José nunca come en la mañana
morning - la mañana. Note that you must include the article la before mañana in order to say “morning”. If not, you will say “tomorrow”
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They (masc.) are going to prepare our lunch
Ellos van a preparar nuestro almuerzo
to prepare - preparar
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We are going to make food with our cousins
Vamos a hacer la comida con nuestros primos
food, meal - la comida
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Do you always eat healthy food?
¿Siempre comes comida saludable?
healthy - saludable ;sano
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Aren’t you going to want something to eat?
¿No vas a querer algo de comer?
something to (verb) - algo de (infinitive)
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You don’t like meat?
¿No te gusta la carne?
meat - la carne
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Santiago and Joaquín, aren’t you going to eat ham?
Santiago y Joaquín, ¿no van a comer jamón?
ham - el jamón
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Valentina says that she wants to prepare the chicken
Valentina dice que quiere preparar el pollo
chicken - el pollo
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Are you all going to want to eat fish?
¿Van a querer comer pescado?
fish - el pescado, el pez. Note that pez is normally used to describe live fish, while pescado is used to describe fish as food
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I am not preparing breakfast; I’m making my lunch
No estoy preparando el desayuno; estoy haciendo mi almuerzo
breakfast - el desayuno
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Do you want to eat lunch with me?
¿Quieres almorzar conmigo?
to eat lunch - almorzar. Almorzar is a stem-changing o - ue verb in the present tense
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Do you want to come to eat dinner? We are going to eat dinner at my grandmother’s house
¿Quieres venir a cenar? Vamos a cenar en la casa de mi abuela
to eat dinner - cenar
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Are they going to come or not?
¿Van a venir o no?
or not - o no
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Who is going to make dinner, you or me?
¿Quién va a hacer la cena, tú o yo?
dinner - la cena
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Victoria eats fruit with her breakfast every day
Victoria come fruta con su desayuno todos los días
fruit - la fruta
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When I make something to eat at the university, I never make vegetables
Cuando hago de comer en la universidad, nunca hago verduras
vegetables - la verdura, los vegetales
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I am going to order chicken with vegetables, and you?
Yo voy a pedir pollo con verduras, ¿y tú?
to ask for, to order (at a restaurant) - pedir. Note that pedir is conjugated like servir (i.e. yo pido, tú pides, él pide, nosotros pedimos, etc.)
What is the difference between the words preguntar and pedir, which both mean “to ask”?
- preguntar refers only to asking questions
- pedir refers to asking for something (as a request)
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We are going to prepare the dessert with our grandma
Vamos a preparar el postre con nuestra abuela
dessert - el postre
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Do you want something to drink?
¿Quieres algo de beber?
to drink - beber, tomar. Note that beber is a regular -er ending verb. Also note that in Spanish, it is often more common to use tomar, in order to say “to drink”. (e.g. tomar café rather than beber café)
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José does not want that drink, he wants this drink
José no quiere esa bebida, quiere esta bebida
drink - la bebida
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Valeria and I want to drink juice with our breakfast
Valeria y yo queremos beber jugo con nuestro desayuno
juice - el jugo
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Raúl is going to drink orange juice but Jaime is going to drink coffee
Raúl va a beber jugo de naranja pero Jaime va a tomar café
orange - la naranja. Note that in Spanish you always say jugo de + (fruit)