15 - Motivation in theory and practice Flashcards
the willingness to work and achieve a target or goal
Fredrick taylor
- people are motivated by just money
- focuses on improed efficiency and compeititvness
- divison of labour and starndardisation to improve efficiency
- given clear insturctions on how to complete a task
- incentivise work with financial rewards
Elton Mayo
- employees have social needs that need to be forfilled throughout their work
- employees are not just motivated through finances
- social interactions outside of the workplace are improtant
- efficiencey achieved through teamwork
- focus on needs of employees not organisation
people are driven to achieve personal needs
basic needs:physcological and secuirty(those linked to survival)
higher order needs: social,esteem, self actualisation (the needs within a social environment
Aspects of maslows hierachy of needs
- sefl actualization
- self-esteem
- love and belonging
- saftey and security
- phsycological needs
Fredrick herzberg
hygiene factors (things that lead to disatisfaction)
factors leading to satisfaction
employers must secure the hygiene factors before they will be able to develop
hygiene factors
things that cause disatisfaction
* poor pay
* poor working conditions
* lack of promtoions
* lack of job secuirty
factors leading to satisfaction
hertzberg two factor theory
things that will increase job satisfaction
* feedback and support
* good relations w/ managers
* personal growth
* advancement
* recognition
Financial incentives to improve staff performance
- piecework (paid per item produce)
- commision
- bonuses
- performance related pay
Non financial incentives to improve staff performabce
- delegation
- empowerment
- flexible working
- job enrichment
- job rotation
Benefits and drawbacks of commision
appropriate for sales jobs
incentive to increas esales
focus taken away from customer service ect
Benefits and drawbacks of piecework
A -
incentive to increase production
may ignroe quality
Benefits and drawbacks of perfromance-related pay
a -
enourages review of employee peformance
D -
can be expensive
difficult to ensure is fair acorss organisation
Benefits and drawbacks of delegation
A -
employees feel involved
D -
may slow down decision making
reduces continutity in the business
Benefits and drawbacks of flexible working
a -
can fit work around their personal lives
d -
difficult to keep control over employees
influences on methods of motivation
- cost
- nature or the business
- skill level of employees/managers
- attitudes