1229 Exam 2: Growth and Development Flashcards
I month to one year.
Birth to 28 days
18 months to 3 years
4-5 years
School age:
6-10 years
Pre adolescents
11-12 years
13-19 years
Birth measurements
Weight- 7.5 lbs
Length- 19-21 in
Head circumference- 13-14 in
6 month measurements
Weight- 16 lbs
Length- 25-27 in
Head circumference- 17.7-18.7 in
12 month measurements
Weight- 23 lbs
Length- 28-30 in
Circumference- 17.7-18.7 in
1-3 month development
Lifts head. Turns from side to back. Eyes more coordinated. Can focus on objects. Grasp and holds objects briefly. Smiles. Recognizes primary care giver. Vocalizes by cooing.
3-6 month development.
Head control, rolls abdomen to back. Sits with help. Can move hand to mouth. Laughs aloud imitates sound. Eruption of lower central incisors. Holds bottle. Solid foods.
9 months development
Sits w/o support. Transfer objects from hand to hand. Bangs cubes together. Plays. Reaches for familiar people. Says mama and dada. Pulls self to standing
12 months developmental
Creeps. Cruises. Pulls up. Pincer grasp. Can say bye bye. Double birth length. Triple weight. 6-8 teeth. Walks with hand held. Says 3-5 words.
15 months developmental
Walks without help. Uses cup. 4-6 words.
24 developmental
Can double height and most likely will be adult height. Climbs well. 300 words. Parallel play. Erythema is “mine”. Uses “no”
30 months
Complete set of primary teeth.
3 years.
Rides tricycle. 900 words. Dresses self. Feeds self. Toilet trained.
Four years.
Skips. Hops on one foot. Catches ball. 1500 words. Imaginary friend.
Five years
Eruption of permanent teeth may begin. Ties shoes. 2100 words.
Birth order: first born.
Experimental model. Harsher punishment. Leader.
Second born.
Praised less often. Receives less parent time. Learn to compromise and be adaptable.
Honored ‘baby’ position. Less tense. More affectionate. Good natured. Popular with class mates.
Only child
More mature and cultivated. Experience greater parental pressure for mature behavior and achievement demonstrate superiority in language facility enjoys rich fantasy life