1229 Exam 2: Antepartum Flashcards
Slight enlargement Murmur Pulse increase up to 10-15 bpm Palpitations Increase CO Decrease in BP Pumps 1500 mL of blood Decrease in Hgb & Hct values -anemic=10 Hgb g/dL or < (12-16) 35% Hct or < (40%-48%) If laying on back Uterus on Vena Cava--slows blood flow
O2 requirements increase
Diaphragm displaced as much as 4 cm–Shortness of breath
Increased vascularization causes nasal & sinus stuffiness, epistaxis
Bluish discoloration of the cervix–Cadminsign
Respiratory rate may increase slightly by apprx. 2 br./min
During last trimester the size of the chest may enlarge to allow for lung expansion as the uterus pushes up ward
Renal System
Renal pelvis & ureters dilate
Pelvis gets loose
bladder irritability, nocturia, urinary frequency & urgency without dysuria
increase UTI’s, physiological edema
Glycosuria–occurs at varying times & to varying degrees (1+-4+)–spills at 160 mg/dL, proteinuria
Filtration rate increases during pregnancy secondary to the influence of pregnancy hormones and increase in blood volume and metabolic demands
Mask of Pregnancy–Chloasma-pigmentation increases on face (melatonin spots)
Linea nigra (a dark line of pigmentation from the umbilicus extending to the pubic area–fundus)
Striae gravidarum (stretch marks)
Pelvis tilts forward Waddling gait Umbilicus flatten or protrudes Carpal tunnel Lordosis (swayback) Pelvic joints relax Body alterations and Weight increase necessitate and adjustment in posture
Sensory changes in legs (pressure on nerves)
Cramps in legs (hypocalcemia)
Carpal Tunnel syndrome has edema in nerves to hands
N/V-may be due to hormonal changes and pressure to the abdominal cavity–dry crackers and water when wake up, posture is erect goes away, 5-6 small meals a day
Hemorrhoids (late in pregnancy)
Gums bleed easily
Indigestion (pressure from the uterus)
Development of gallstones (posture from gravid uterus)
Adaptations to Pregnancy
Naegle Rule–take the 1st day of the last menstrual cycle, subtract 3 months, add 7 days and 1 year
Chadwick’s sign–cervix takes on bluish
Goodell’s sign–cervical softening
McDonald’s sign–easy flexion of fundus on cervix
Heger’s sign–7-8 weeks isthmic softening
Braun von Fernwald’s sign–softening & slight fullness of the fundus near the area of implantation
Braxton Hicks–early contractions and false labor
Ballottement–rebound of unengaged fetus
Adaptations to Pregnancy
Uterus enlarges & elevates out of pelvis
Cervical friability
Leukorrhea–flow of whitish yellowish or greenish discharge from the vagina
Quickening: fetal movements as early as 14-16 weeks in multigravida-(two or more pregnancies) as late as 16-20 weeks in nulliparous-no pregnancy beyond the stage of viability (multipara-has completed two or more pregnancies to the stage of viability)
Presumptive Signs of Pregnancy
Amenorrhea--the absence of menstruation N/V Breast changes & Tenderness Urinary frequency Fatigue Quickening Uterine enlargement Linea Nigra Chloasma Striae Gravidarum Darkened areolas --observations of the expectant--
Probable Signs of Pregnancy
Abdominal enlargement Cervical changes Ballottement Quickening \+ home pregnancy test Goodell's Chadwick's Hegar's Braxton-Hicks --usually findings of the health provider--
Positive Signs of Pregnancy
FHR: Doppler 8-12 weeks; Fetoscope 16-20 weeks
Fetal heart sounds
Fetal movement
Ultrasound–visualization of the fetus
Measure Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)–earliest biochemical mark for pregnancy
–number of pregnancies
Nulligravaida–a woman who has never been pregnant
Primigravida–a woman who is in first pregnancy
Multigravida–a woman who has had two or more pregnancies
–number of pregnancies in which the fetus or fetuses reach viability (approx. 20-24 weeks or fetal weight of more than 500g or 2 lbs regardless of whether the fetus is born alive or not)
Nullipara–no pregnancy beyond the stage of viability
Primipara–has completed one pregnancy to the stage of viability
Multipara–has completed two or more pregnancies to the stage of viability
-first number is number of full term babies
-second number is preterm (less than 38 weeks)
-third number is miscarriage/abortions
-fourth number is living children
Psychosocial changes for the family
Mother & Father–acceptance of the pregnancy, identification/changes in roles, relationship with fetus, preparation for childbirth