(12) Mycology II Flashcards
(Systemic Mycosis)
- causes similar stuff as the others

(Systemic Mycosis)
(coccidioides immitis)
- occurs in what species?
- what kind of infections?
- what with granulomas?
- main route of infection?

1-3 look at pic
- inhalation

(Systemic Mycosis)
1-2.what two?
- serology-agar gel precipitation test
- identification of the agent in tracheal wash
(Systemic Mycosis)
(cryptococcus neoformans)
- where found?
- route of ifection?
- what kind of infections?
- virulence factor?
also produce what to protect fungal cells from immune effector cells?
- in soil - esp in pigeon droppings
- ihalation
- cutaenous and lung lesions
- capsule - inhibits phags
(Systemic Mycosis)
- what is used to dye these?
- what samples?
- india ink
- nasal swabs/washings, needle aspirates from nodules or enlarged lymph noes
(Systemic Mycosis)
- what speices common in dogs?
- in cats?
- which gets more lesions on face?
- any vx?
- can you treat?
- crytpococcus neoformans (rare in cats)
- cryptococcus gattii
- cat
- no
- yes - with antifungals
(Opportunistic Mycoses)
- what are two that do this?
- aspergillus and candida
(Opportunistic Mycoses)
- predominant species is what?
- most common mycosis of what?
- A. fumigatus
2. poultry and caged birds
(sheep, calves, horses affected - can cause abortions)
he skipped right over this slide - but gander it

what pH preferred for growing mycotic agents?
low ph
(Opportunistic Mycoses)
- some produce what toxins?
do what?

- aflatoxins (moldy feed)
necrosis, cirrhosis, and carcinomas in the liver
(Opportunistic Mycoses)
(Candida Albicans)
- candiadiasis
- what form is infective
what form is found in animals?
- can frequently be found where?
- who is predisposed to infection?
- virulence factors include… adhesins, extracellular proteases, lipases/phospholipases
- yeast
- normal flora of oral cavity, digestive and genital tracts of most mammals and birds
- immunocompromised
(Opportunistic Mycoses)
- normally starts as commensal –> overgrowth –> cutaneous –> mucosal surfaces (digestive, genital tract
- can it become systemic?
- very common in birds
- thrush
- it is treatable
- yes