12-19-FINAL EXAM 7AM to 9:50AM Flashcards
Women’s Bureau, United Auto Workers (UAW)
+ Developed an agenda of change based on the complaints and appeals from women throughout the international union
+ They saw broad patterns of the ways in which protective laws were used to discriminate against women.
+ Unrealistic restrictions on hours or weight-lifting kept women out of higher paying jobs and promotions
Simply by adding a single instance of lifting over the prescribed weight limit a company could change a job from “female” to “male.”
+ Opposed discrimination against married women
+ attempts to eliminate separate seniority lists and job classifications based on sex won little favor
+ worked to increase women’s participation in ways encouraging loyalty to the union local without facilitating women’s own solidarity
+ A key environment in which the realities of work for women in industry could become visible
Empire Zine Company Strike
Daughters of Bilitis (DOB)
+ Founded on September 21, 1955 by Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon, a lesbian couple living in San Francisco
+ Named for a poet who was supposed to have lived on the Greek island of Lesbos in the time of the lesbian poet Sappho
+ First lesbian organization.
+ They sought to create “a home for the Lesbian. She can come here to find help, friendship, acceptance and support.
_ Constituency of DOB remained small, primarily professional women who could afford the risks and who disliked the working-class ambience of bars
Rosa Parks
Refused to move to the back of the bus in the fall of 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama
+ Local Women’s Political Council immediately put the bus boycott into action; something that had been discussed for more than a year. Flyers made overnight by Joanne Robinson of Alabama State College, where she was an english professor
Ella Baker
+ Worked with Rosa Parks organizing NAACP chapters in Alabama
+ Set up an office in Atlanta for the SCLC working on the voter registration project called “Crusade for Citizenship” as a process fo movement building.
+ Ran office for two and a half years
Brown v. Board of Education
+ Supreme Court ruling that outlawed school segregation
Daisy Bates
+ President of the Little Rock, AK NAACP
+ In 1957 won a suit to require the integration of Little Rock High School
+ When Gov. Orville Faubus called out the National Guard to prevent the black students entry, Pres. Eisenhower sent in the federal troops to protect them
Betty Friedan
+ Wrote “the Feminine Mystique”
+ Cofounded
+ House Unamerican Activities Committee
+ Published a pamphlet to warn people about the dangers of the communist conspiracy to conquer and rule the world and particularly about the “deadly danger” of communists in the schools. Explaining why school teachers (presumably mostly female) constituted such a dangerous population, the pamphlet quoted John Hanna, a Columbia Professor: “The girls’ schools and women’s colleges contain some of the most loyal disciples of Russia. Teachers there are often frustrated females. They have gone through bitter struggles to attain their positions. A political dogma based on hatred expresses their personal attitudes.” “…the Communists have always found the teaching group the easiest touch of all the professional classes.”
+ Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
+ Martin Luther King’s organization
+ Embodies the goals of the movement, “the beloved community”
* Blacks claim their dignity and citizenship rights regardless of intimidation or violence
+ Blacks and whites would live and work together equally
+ women lead demonstrations against segregation
+ organized communities for voter registration
+ refused bail, experienced jail again and again
WSP (Women Strike for Peace)
+ Founded by Dagmar Wilson
+ HUAC accused WSP of being infiltrated by communists
+ Put an end to the HUAC with unconventional response to committee
+ Middle-class housewives who proclaimed their concern for peace in the name of mother love
Fannie Lou Hammer
+ Lost her job for registering to vote
+ Founded the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party
+ Organized citizenship schools and voter registration projects
+ Endured beatings in Jail
Jesse Lopez de la Cruz
+ Was a migrant worker for decades
+ Was 43 when she joined Cesar Chavez in 1962 as a volunteer organizer
+ Joined the staff of the United Farm Workers in 1967, saw her principal task as bringing women into the union. She was a feminist by virtue of her life…
Presidential Commission on the Status of Women
+ Formed in 1961 by President Kennedy
+ Esther Peterson got Kennedy to form the commission
+ Charged with investigating obstacles to the full participation of women in society.
+ Eleanor Roosevelt serves as chair until her death a year later
+ Its report “American Women (1963) was conservative in tone, acknowledging the
1964 Civil Rights Act
+ Made it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race
+ Jobs broadened for black women as they gained access to jobs previously only available to white women.
+ National Organization of Women
+ Formed in 19
Women’s Liberation
+ Main organizing outreach of women’s liberation
+ Allowed women to politicize the personal “The Personal Is Political”
+ Completely decentralized
+ National Women’s Poliltical Caucus
+ Founded by Shirley Chisholm, Betty Friedan and Bella Abzug in 1971
+ A bipartisan organiztion intended to increase female visibility and participation in the political arena
+ Increased women’s participation in both the Democratic and Republican parties
+ Both political parties adopted the NWPC platform including ratification of the ERA, anti-discrimination legislation, elimination of tax inequities, educational equity for women, and extension of the Equal Pay Act
Roe v. Wade
Nine-to-Five and Women Employed
+ Coaliton of Labor Union Women founded in 1974 by 3000 women from fifty-eight unions
+ Resolved to fight for equality in the workplace and within organized labor.
Phyllis Schlafly
+ A powerful leader of the anti-feminist movement
+ Wrote a newsletter called the “Phyllis Schlafly Report”