10-3-WA-P283-294-EnemiesInOurHouseholds Flashcards
What challenges did elite women face at the beginning of the war?
White women assumed direction of the region’s “peculiar institution.” She became the female slave master. This was unwanted and made men uneasy.
What is the title and author of the article?
Enemies in Our Households: Confederate Women and Slavery by Drew Gilpin Faust
What allies did they have?
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What forms of resistance to authority did slaves engage in?
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How did the disruptions of the war bring into question traditional relations between white women and men?
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What are the section headings?
Unprotected and Afraid
The Fruits of the War
Troubled in Mind
An Entire Rupture of Our Domestic Relations
What can be inferred from the Section Headings?
That women were routinely raped without recourse as spoils of war.