10-3-WA-P164-173-LinesOfColorSexService Flashcards
What is the author and Title of the Article… What time period?
Lines of Color, Sex, and Service: Sexual Coercion in the Early Republic by Sharon Block (1804 and 1825 events transpire in the rape stories
What are the section headings?
Creating Mastery: The Process of Coercion
Creating Master Narratives: The Process of Publicity
Epilogue: Creating Rape: The Legal Process
In what ways did Rachel Davis and Harriet Jacobs try to avoid the power of their masters?
Both of them were put into other households. Rachel got help through her father and the law. Harriet got help from her grandmother.
In whom did they find allies?
An outside authority figure - Father for Rachel, Grandmother for Harriet. Other servants/slaves, the wife in both cases, a white lover in Harriet’s case…
In what ways were the experiences of these young women similar? What difference did slavery make in thier experiences?
Both cases outlined a very similar experience of coerced and self-imposed silence… something that goes on today between perpetrators and victims… With slavery, there was no legal recourse or outcome for Harriet. She hoped she had found a protector in her new lover, however, that was a gamble on her part that occurred out of desperation within the situation.
Manumission is the act of a slave owner freeing his or her slaves. Different approaches developed, each specific to the time and place of a society’s slave system.